Abstract. Using Shakespeare's Henry V to Teach Just-War Principles Dr. David L. Perry Professor of Ethics, U.S. Army War College Presented at the International Studies Association, Portland, OR, 28 February 2003, when the author was Lecturer in Philosophy and Religious Studies at Santa Clara University. lish the legal context, Meron weaves into his study other material whose connection with the play is quite peripheral - documents about earlier stages in the Hundred Years war, mediaeval ordinances of war, and earlier works on the law of arms, such as The Tree of Battles of Honor6 ... Spring 19951 The Agincourt Campaign and the Law of War. She is the advisor to the battle of Agincourt battlefield centre in Normandy and was historical consultant for the documentary of the battle in the Battlefield Detectives series. Introduction ... ‘Then a great misfortune befell them’: the laws of war on surrender and the killing of prisoners on the battlefield in the Hundred Years War. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Agincourt at Amazon.com. The war began. It was to last for 116 years with long periods when hostilities were suspended. The contributions place the battle in the broader context of late medieval warfare, highlighting new trends in war studies and engaging with new and old historiographical debates. Eric Brown. This special issue contains a selection of nine papers from an international conference commemorating the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt (1415). BOOK NOW! Shakespeare’s Henry V centers on the Hundred Years’ War, specifically dramatizing the chain of events leading to the battle of Agincourt. Harling G, Perkins JM, Gomez-Olive FX, Morris K, Wagner RG, Montana L,Kabudula CW, Barnighausen T, Kahn K, Berkman L. interviewer-driven variability in social network reporting: results from Health and Ageing in Africa: a longitudinal study on an INDEPTH community (HAALSI) in … It was first used to defend fortresses. On October 25, 1415, Henry V led his forces to victory at the Battle of Agincourt in northern France! Buy Agincourt: The King, the Campaign, the Battle New Ed by Juliet Barker (ISBN: 8601404956065) from Amazon's Book Store. introduction. Introduction . To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War and the First Battle of Ypres, the Governor General will participate in a ceremony organized by the Belgian government in Ypres and Nieuwpoort on October 28, 2014. Agincourt is one of England's most celebrated victories and was one of the most important English triumphs in the Hundred Years' War, along with the Battle of Crécy (1346) and Battle of Poitiers (1356). It forms the centrepiece of William Shakespeare's play Henry V, written in 1599. This special issue of the Journal of Medieval History investigates the battle of Agincourt and the wider conduct and organisation of war in the late middle ages. Epic cinematic video of the Battle of Agincourt! This book shines a different light on Mette because she is briefly included in shakespeare history of Henry V. Her other books include Agincourt 1415 (as editor), The Battle of Agincourt: Sources & Interpretations (as editor), and The Hundred Years' War. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. The Agincourt bride is the story that follows the life of Catherine of Valois (consort of Henry V) through the point of view of her dear nurse Mette.