When we learn to still the mind, we are able to create what we want in life instead of reacting impulsively because of a restless mind. They are mostly known as deaf and silent people. Have you ever had the experience to communicate with people with hearing and speech problems? Many people make the mistake of thinking they will get noticed by speaking as much as possible, by offering opinions, sharing (showing off) knowledge or making suggestions. Silence is not a necessity, it’s there to enforce something that might already be there. Nonverbal Communication types are eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture and body orientation, proximity, para-linguistic, humor. View Notes - Silence.pdf from COMM 631 at Wichita State University. You Become Calmer. In a movie filled with music, a moment of silence will emphasize that one scene. Thai Nguyen, Contributor. Communication is simply about conveying a message, and sometimes silence can do that better than any words. "Silence is a source of great strength." Thai is a writer from Brisbane, Australia. Start studying comm final ch 5 and 6. Language is one of the main traits that sets human beings apart. 7 Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”-Peter F. Drucker. Within a business setting, if you ask a question, you may not receive a response right away. Nonverbal communication accounts for the majority of what is heard and understood by a listener. Far from being in opposition to communication and exchange, real silence depends entirely on growth in relationship, both with God and with other people. Posted on June 15, 2018 by 246@dmin. The communicative role of silence in Akan: Eloquent silence. How to Use Silence to Communicate--and Negotiate. 15 Quotes on Silence to Bring Powerful Insights to Your Life. Silence springs from deep within the core of a person, as all primal human instincts and responses do. I raise this issue because it reflects a very powerful element of communicating: the use of silence in a productive and purposeful manner. Practice becoming an observer of your thoughts. Our blood flows through our veins without making any noise, and we can hear our heartbeats only in silence" (paragraph 12). Nonverbal communication has the ability to persuade, confuse and empower the people directly around you. In business communication silence is an often neglected yet powerful tool. – Lao Tzu While some people dislike a silent environment, equating it with being alone and lonely, others look forward to spending time with just the SILENCE IS POWER. Let’s take a look at how to pull it off. Too many of us talk for the sake of talking. The importance of silence and communication. The human will is strengthened whenever we choose not to respond to every actionable thought. What you do, says more than the words you use. After this awkward silence, he agreed to call me that evening and he did. And 2 minutes of silence has more stress-lowering effect than soothing music. Many people make the mistake of thinking they will get noticed by speaking as much as possible, by offering opinions, sharing (showing off) knowledge or making suggestions. The real questions of life are posed in silence. various pause times have the power to convey different meanings in different situations, falling into the idea of perception and valuation.