Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power is one of the great stories of European history. Q: what special arrangements had Napoleon made for the nine sturdy puppies that Jessie and Bluebell hadgiven birth to? Note that all of these Napoleon quotes have variants, depending on how the French was translated, and on how the phrases have mutated over the past 200 years. Of late the sheep had taken to bleating "Four legs good, two legs bad" both in and out of season, and they often interrupted the Meeting with this. Like “The reason most people fail instead of succeed is they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment.” ― Napoleon Bonaparte 159 likes. 6. He was especially successful with the sheep. It is a very famous quotation from Napoleon Bonaparte,"Give me good mothers and i shall give you a great nation!" At the Meetings Snowball often won over the majority by his brilliant speeches, but Napoleon was better at canvassing support for himself in between times. ". But if you build an army of 100 dogs and their leader is a lion, all dogs will fight as a lion Women’s softness, their private virtues, and their sensibilities made them good wives and mothers; women were made for “man’s delight.” If you build an army of 100 lions and their leader is a dog, in any fight, the lions will die like a dog. Napoleon crossing the Alps. What Napoleon said about women. He was born the son of a minor noble on the island off the coast of Italy, yet in just a few decades he gained control of France and conquered most of Europe. But because of the silence of the good people.” ― Napoleon 167 likes. In addition to his legitimate son (Napoleon II, who appears in Napoleon in America), Napoleon had two stepchildren and at least two illegitimate children.In the first of a two-part post about Napoleon’s children, I focus on his stepchildren: Eugène and Hortense de Beauharnais.. Napoleon’s stepson, Eugène de Beauharnais. When it was found that the most stupid nimals could not memorise the seven comandments, snowball said “four legs good, two legs bad” to make it easier for the dumb. According to Napoleon 'Good mothers make good _____ Ask for details ; Follow Report by Fawaz3901 05.06.2019 Log in to add a comment These essential differences created unalterable abilities and temperaments. He acknowledged that women could be strong, and he regarded them as powerful insofar as they were capable of seducing men, but he did not believe that women were as intelligent as men. When i was growing up, when i was still to start my school, i used to spend my day at home with my mother. He is similarly credited with saying "Let France have good mothers, and she will have good sons.