upgrade. This applies to any usage I can think of, but the sentence that prompted this question is: Users are [phrase] understand and improve their health. Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous. Reword any phrase, rephrase any sentences, rewrite any expression. Synonyms for better oneself at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. PLAY; LOOK UP. Favorite Answer. LISTS; Vocabulary.com Dictionary; ... change for the better. This word pretty much describes itself, and that’s why it’s a much better word to use besides sexy. Displacement. 3. Relevance. another word for gloves are mittens and what they do is make your hands warmer if they are cold. You'll love Rewordify.com's clear, easy-to-understand definitions—they change to match the original word or phrase's part of speech, verb tense, and singular/plural form, so they make sense. Is it grammatically correct to say "better able to" or "able to better"? condition. Log In Dictionary. obama. But word processors are notoriously bad at letting you just compose. You see, word processors, especially ones like Microsoft Word, aren’t actually good tools for composition. to improve what was old or outdated. 0 1 0. The noun change can refer to any thing or state that is different from what it once was. 1 decade ago. 9 Answers. Translator. Users are better able to understand and improve their health. bozapp. Which is correct? Gentrification cannot happen without the displacement of people of lower incomes (read: people who pay lower property and sales taxes). The noun change can refer to any thing or state that is different from what it once was. “Gentrification” is different from “urban renewal” or “economic development”. they can be made from cotton and a lot of things. To become a better person suggests that you are not happy with the person you are or that you have sins (for lack of a better word) that you feel you owe penitence for. Do you dislike dictionaries because they're confusing and unhelpful? The act of composing is about ordering and structuring thoughts. However, the opposite stance also is filled with flaws. 1 decade ago. [Read: 60 dirty and seductive things to say to turn a guy on] #18 Irresistible. Find descriptive alternatives for better oneself. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for CHANGE. It’s not about setting your margins or choosing fonts or italicizing phrases. If you mean the compound verb "must have" — as in, "I simply must have an iPad" — near synonyms would be "need" or "ought to." LISTS; Vocabulary.com Dictionary; ... change for the better. See more. Another word for change: alteration, innovation, transformation, modification, mutation | Collins English Thesaurus ... mutation | Collins English Thesaurus. Because I feel it's my responsibility This does not have bearing on "becoming a better person" per se, but it is what a good person should do. It’s another word for sexy that makes them feel like they’re from a fairytale – which is every girl’s dream. to improve what was old or outdated. upgrade. Oh, how I hate the word “just” when it pertains to change.