Answer + 2. How to Bring Plants Indoors over Winter. Can You Keep Mums Inside Over Winter? With the exception of a few varieties, most herbs can continue flourishing indoors given the right conditions. Potted mums are not the same as the hardy varieties that go into garden beds. Advantages and Disadvantanges of Overwintering I call the potted mums that make it through the winter my “surprise” mums. Don't throw away those inexpensive fall mums. Make sure to plant it before the ground freezes and mulch it well. This is particularly the case when it comes to potted plants. I used to have a neighbor that had a potted hibiscus plant and all she did in the winter was put it in her unheated garage over the winter. Either of these techniques could be used with both mums. Potted mums are usually treated as annual flowers because they cannot tolerate the cold conditions during the winter months. You can also taking cuttings of some of your annuals and bring them inside to root over winter. Add to Bookmarks. (are you getting frosts already?) You can attempt to bring potted herbs inside, but they are very difficult to survive indoors unless you’ve got adequate light and humidity, which often means using a grow light and humidifier. Assuming that you have already planted your little guys in the garden... Mums can withstand cold, but should be protected from frost if they are blooming. I would think if a plant can withstand the outside elements they would survive inside too. Bring potted plants inside for the winter Not all plants can handle the cold temperatures during the winter months. In zones 5 and up, with a bit of special attention, hardy mums can be planted as perennials. Over Wintering Succulents Indoors. Some are produced only for fall showing then die. You can leave your garden mums in the ground during winter, especially with a layer of mulch in the cooler zones. If you keep mums from year to year, you will need to rejuvenate them by resetting them annually or at least every other year. Rosemary potted up and ready for winter use! They are more sensitive to cold and light changes, but you can find them any time of the year and bloom for several weeks in the home interior. As the days get shorter, and winter approaches – you can pot up your favorite herbs for wintertime use. Plant them after the danger of frost has passed and enjoy their colorful blooms all summer. Continue watering mums even after their blooms have faded to encourage new root growth. Not known for a green thumb, I would like to successfully get them through this year. Mums, also known as chrysanthemums, are a genus of flowering perennials native to Eastern Europe and Asia. Tricks for Overwintering Potted Mums. Answered . I plan to put them in huge planters when the weather turns warm again in the spring/summer of 2018. By the way I live in South Dakota so … Each mum cultivar is slightly different but on average it takes 9 ½ hours to force buds and 10 ½ hours for flowers to form. Because many people think that mums (formally called Chrysanthemums) are at best a finicky perennial, many gardeners treat them as annuals, but this doesn’t have to be the case.With just a little winter care for mums, these fall beauties can …