•What is your desired outcome? We’ve developed a clear 5-step approach called P.A.R.E.S to help serve as a guide for structuring your thoughts and approach for whatever difficult conversation comes your way. Managing poor performance at work: five common scenarios for HR. Having Difficult Conversations with Employees (Scenarios) - Actionable Advice By Stuart Hearn on 28 Jun, 2018 By now, we all know that effec­tive per­for­mance man­age­ment neces­si­tates reg­u­lar one-to-one check-ins. While we have cited a few examples, difficult conversations abound in employees’ lives as they seek to solve problems for customers, work in teams, delegate work to juniors, negotiate with customers, defend proposals, convince senior leadership, convey bad news to individuals and have other challenging conversations. •How is the situation affecting you? ... Employees … Below are work place scenarios that might warrant a difficult conversation along with suggestions on how to get started. If you manage people, work in Human Resources, or care about your friends at work, chances are good that one day you will need to hold a difficult conversation.Difficult conversations become necessary for a variety of reasons. Imagine that you have an employee who is often late to work. I have an employee with a negative, “can’t do” attitude. Managing poor performance at work: five common scenarios for HR. When you finish having a difficult conversation, think about the techniques you used and those you’d like to try in the future. •How are you feeling about the other person? Managing difficult employees is a challenge most in HR will face from time to time, and a negative attitude does nothing for team morale DIFFICULT CONVERSATION SCENARIOS Roles and Responsibilities • Initiator—the person to initiate the difficult conversation. You should be prepared for multiple scenarios. Matt Scott Difficult conversations. Think more about your process than about outcomes that are out of your control. As you can see from the scenarios, you cannot know how the employee will respond during the conversation. Asking for a pay increase; Being micromanaged It's most useful to help you or your team prepare for unfamiliar or difficult situations. Role-playing takes place between two or more people, who act out roles to explore a particular scenario. This post originally appeared in my newsletter. Tips for managing difficult conversations. Difficult Conversations Role Play Scenarios. While all difficult conversations are unique, it doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for them. John has worked at the company for a long time. Here are the top 5 conversations HR professionals don’t want to have with employees (but have to because it’s our job): But, the same basic tips for handling conversations are the same. Managing poor performance at work: five common scenarios for HR. • Colleague—the person with whom the Initiator is having the difficult conversation. They're never easy to conduct and you risk causing workplace disharmony when you broach the subject with an employee. Partner with an HR Consultant from Employers Advantage for further coaching or unique involvement with any of your difficult employee … Difficult Conversations Role Play Scenarios. Difficult conversations with employees rank up there in the list of things no one wants to do and are not far after public speaking or death. Top 10 difficult conversations: new (surprising) research 29 July 2015 - New research from CMI shows that Brits find it harder to ask their boss for a pay rise than dump a partner. I have an employee with a negative, “can’t do” attitude. Difficult Conversation Scenarios: Few of us are naturals at successfully initiating and engaging in a difficult conversation. Use these role play scenarios during difficult conversations manager training to supplement the training content and give managers the opportunity to put what they’ve learned into action. Roleplaying Difficult Conversations. • Observer— the person responsible for observing the interactions, taking notes on the strategies the Initiator used