These tests require high technology laboratory equipment and are much more reliable than the non technical fibre tests. They may be transferred via Microscopic examination of both longitudinal and cross sectional samples is generally used. But chemical tests are not intended for the general consumers. The identification of fibers is often the first task when an unknown fabric has to be analyzed. For example, you may have identified a questioned fiber as artificial by the burning test, but you do not yet know what type of artificial fiber it is. Fiber can be identify by physical test, chemical test, burning test, density tes t and many more test. Our Dietary Fibre Testing Brochure explains in detail what dietary fibres are and how to select the right test for a precise measurement. Stain test is another fiber identification process. They are used to form fabric, rope, carpet, etc. Chemical tests are another technical means of identifying fibers. FIBRE IDENTIFICATION-SOLVENT TEST –  The knowledge of identifying the textile fibres helps a producer of garments to identify the type of fibre and the care to be taken in maintaining the fabrics made of particular type of fibre. Fibers gathered as evidence at a crime scene may arise from numerous scenarios. Identification of cotton fibres by their physical, chemical and genetic attributes serves various commercial purposes along the cotton supply chain. I think it will help to identify the fiber. Here, I like to give a chemical test procedure which is known as solubility test. It is not, however, a test that can be used alone to provide exact identification of specific fibers. I think it will help to identify the fiber. Fiber analysis does not follow any set procedure. Here, I like to give a chemical test procedure which is known as solubility test. Fiber can be identify by physical test, chemical test, burning test, density test and many more test. This type of test show the natural shades of the fiber. BPG Fiber Identification Fiber identification generally involves taking samples from the artifact and viewing them at 100 times or greater magnification to study the fiber morphology. By attempting to dissolve a small specimen of that fiber in each of several solvents, you can determine if it is, for example, nylon, acetate, or polyester. It provides valuable data regarding appropriate care and will help place a fiber into a specific category. It is a common testing procedure of all types of fiber. Burn tests require even larger samples than solubility tests, and differentiation is only possible by category type (proteins, cellulosics, or thermoplastics), which, by the nature of the technique, makes identification of fiber blends impossible. Microscopic Test for Natural Fiber | Microscopic Test for Manmade Fiber | Chemical Test for Textile Fiber There are certain technical tests performed for identifying various fibers. Additional tests such as burning tests and solubility test can also determine the identity of a fiber. Solubility tests are generally beyond the capabilities of most classroom procedures due to solvents required. All the fibers have not same natural color and it can find out by treated the fibers with the drop of zinc chloro-iodide reagent. Chemical & Dye Tests on Fibers Lab Background Information: Fibers are the smallest component of a textile material. Moreover, the most frequently used analytical methods for the determination of (different categories) dietary fibre are shortly discussed. Simple answer is that, we can carry out various types of fiber identification test. Different types of chemical tests are undertaken to establish the identity of the fibers used.