It only takes one to start an infestation. Although this task may often be difficult and tedious, it is the only way to guarantee a cessation to nits and lice 1. You can have nits without a live louse. Wet combing is the best way to detect head lice. Therefore the best way to confirm whether you have lice is by finding their eggs (nits). When you say you treated the hair, did you do a good combing? nits eggs but no lice whatsoever?!? Then, during your comb-out, you would find dead bugs or discover only the eggs. It is possible to have nits and not see any lice 1. One lice can lay several eggs that can take 3-5 days to hatch, so I think you ned to keep on checking. Unfortunately, nits and head lice have built up a resistance to these products, so they're not always all killed. If this is the case, it is imperative that you act quickly to remove all the nits and to prevent further infestation. Answer Save. During our head check and treatment process we often find nits but no live louse. Anytime there is one louse, you should always check for more. If no dead lice are found and lice seem as active as before eight to 12 hours after treatment, the medicine may not be working. If you think your child has head lice, check his hair for nits right away, then again after 1 week and after 2 weeks. You could have only had one live one, laying eggs over a few days, and she has died. Lice scurry when they sense movement, so the fact th at you only found one, doesn't mean there is only one. Nits vary in colour from clear to brownish-grey, are about half the size of a sesame seed, are all the same shape and size and can be found attached to one side of the hair shaft, at about a 45 degree angle, one … You can do a thorough combing head check on wet hair and still not find any lice because they will run from you. i have used a nit comb when told that i had some white eggs in my hair. We typically see this scenario in a mild case of head lice. It only takes one nit to mature and lay more eggs to start off the whole process again, so check after every treatment. And I would definitely use the lice treatment and throughly check for nits daily. The only way to know that there are nits with no lice present at the time is by actually treating the head! But it is possible to have head lice without any symptoms. The real trick though is to find natural products that will kill both the live lice and their eggs in one fast effective ... thats what I did to my kids when I found out our neighbor … Relevance. So i did a treatment on her head (i panicked) and combed and all with the nit comb and no other lice, and no nits. To ensure you don't get a re-infestation, it's important to make sure all the nits are dead after a treatment. why is this?! Where there are nits, there are lice, they eggs were laid in your hair by a louse! If no live nymphs or adult lice are seen, and the only nits found are more than ¼-inch from the scalp, the infestation is probably old and no longer active and does not need to be treated. 4 Answers. Anyway, they take a week-10 days I think to hatch, hence eggs but no lice. Nits are the eggs that lice lay 1. See a health care professional for a different medication and follow their treatment instructions. im going to the hairdressers next week and dont want any embarrasment! One of the first signs of head lice is an itchy scalp. I have not heard of "nice lice" and can't speak to it's efficacy, but very, very (if any) over the counter stuff actually kills eggs. This concerns clients because they think that the louse was “missed”. Either way, you need a good nit comb and a good treatment to get rid of the lice … No, lice do not come from fleas. How do you know you have head lice? Best Answer: massage... As has been said, it is either likely that you have the nits but are not seeing them or you just came into contact wit the lice and they have nto laid their eggs yet. is it possible to have found lice but no eggs? Head lice are treated through manual removal with a comb as well as special shampoos containing chemicals that kill lice. Lice are transmitted through contact with another animal/human that has lice or with an item that has been contaminated through … They have a high mortality rate apparently! and will all the eggs come out?! i have combed for about 2 hours 2 days running and not found any lice!