The Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity and good will. He shows Scrooge scenes of people sharing what they have with each other, even if they have very little. He also wears a rusty scabbard without a sword, which is a symbol of peace. The Ghost of Christmas Present is a character from A Christmas Carol, one of the best-known works of the English novelist Charles Dickens. Charles Dickens wrote the classic A Christmas Carol in 1843. An unsettling combination of a small child and an old man, this Ghost takes Scrooge on a tour of his past Christmases in order to reconnect him to his feelings. The A Christmas Carol quotes below all refer to the symbol of Images of Age and Youth. He shows Scrooge scenes of people sharing what they have with each other, even if they have very little. The Ghost of Christmas Past is the first spirit to visit Scrooge after the ghost of Marley. He closely resembles Father Christmas from local folklore. The Ghosts. He also wears a rusty scabbard without a sword, which is a symbol of peace. The Ghost of Christmas Past is the first spirit to visit Scrooge after the ghost of Marley. Although the Ghost’s joyful and authentic demeanor might have made his identity obvious to those who regularly celebrate Christmas, Scrooge admits he’s never before “walked” with any of the Spirit’s brothers, the Ghosts of Christmas Present who lived in previous years. The Christmas ghosts have distinct personalities; they're not all just the same kind of phantom presence. The three spirits that visit Scrooge on Christmas Eve each have a message for him. A Looney Tunes Christmas, Granny and Tweety take on the role of the Ghost of Christmas Past. The Ghost of Christmas Past, for example, is a lot like an old-timey candle. If Scrooge is to change his life, there is no better time to start than Christmas. Scrooge gets an urge to shy away from the ghost’s... Scrooge’s past, in particular. The Ghost’s form constantly changes as if looking at the Spirit mimics reflecting on memories. If Scrooge is to change his life, there is no better time to start than Christmas. Scrooge’s past, in particular. In the 2009 performance-captured film Disney's A Christmas Carol, the voice and acting of the Ghost of Christmas Past is provided by actor Jim Carrey. In the 2009 performance-captured film Disney's A Christmas Carol, the voice and acting of the Ghost of Christmas Past is provided by actor Jim Carrey. The narrator describes the Ghost of Christmas Past’s appearance. Sometimes certain events come to the fore distinctly, while at other times those thoughts fade and other details stand out as important. The Ghost of Christmas Present's torch, which it uses to spread good will, is a symbol of the transforming power of Christmas. After seeing all this, Scrooge decides enough is enough and extinguishes the ghost with his own extinguisher. The Ghost of Christmas Past has a huge job to do, not only does he have to prove his power to Scrooge; but he also has to prove that the lessons they wish to show him are worth something. The Ghost of Christmas Present's torch, which it uses to spread good will, is a symbol of the transforming power of Christmas. It appears in Scrooge's room, surrounded by a feast. It is an It arrives as the clock chimes one. This Ghost seeks to show Scrooge that the true meaning of the holiday is found in the joy that comes from giving to others and celebrating together. The Ghost of Christmas Past is a character in the well-known work A Christmas Carol by the English novelist Charles Dickens. A Looney Tunes Christmas, Granny and Tweety take on the role of the Ghost of Christmas Past. A Christmas Carol Analysis 1123 Words | 5 Pages. The Ghost of Christmas Past is the first of the three spirits that haunt Ebenezer Scrooge in the live-action adaptation of Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol. The spirit’s glowing head suggests the location of the memories Scrooge holds. The Ghost of Christmas Past holds a cap in its hand, and from the beginning Scrooge desires it to cover the light with its cap. The ghost of Christmas past is a symbolism of happiness and there are lots of reasons why. It arrives as the clock chimes one. The Ghost of Christmas Present is a huge and vibrant character who appears as the bell, once again, strikes one. In order to do this, the memories are pleasant and inspire comforting feelings in Scrooge which leads to Scrooge’s reflection. The Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity and good will. The central character is a greedy businessman, Ebenezer Scrooge, who hates Christmas. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). The narrator describes the Ghost of Christmas Present, yet Scrooge doesn’t realize at first who or what he sees.