ray radiation rays diagram xray gamma units wavelength physics radioactive xrays moseley henry history properties production alpha beta timeline societyX-rays and gamma rays have the same basic properties but come from different parts of the atom.

Its impossible to create gamma rays artificially without a nuclear or radioactive process...Gamma rays can be produced in labs through the process of nuclear collision and also through the artificial radioactivity that accompanies these interactions.when the collision takes place between the nuclei's, gamma rays are liberated.

gamma rays radiation cells radiotherapy waves cancer physics ray treatment used therapy kill treat science normal wave electromagnetic does dailyDescription of Gamma Radiation.

radiation - Gamma Rays - Gamma rays have wavelengths shorter than about 10–13 meter and frequencies higher than 1021 hertz. The husband and wife team of Irène Joliot-Curie and Frédéric Joliot-Curie discovered induced radioactivity in 1934, and they shared the 1935 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this discovery. Gamma rays are produced in the disintegration of radioactive atomic nuclei and in the decay of certain subatomic particles. Such electrons produce secondary gamma rays by the mechanisms of bremsstrahlung, inverse Compton scattering and synchrotron radiation. Radioisotopes can also be produced artificially when certain nuclides are bombarded by high energy particles or gamma rays. X-rays and gamma rays are created in power plants for nuclear energy, and are also used in smaller amounts for medical imaging tests, cancer treatment, food irradiation, and airport security scanners. Gamma and particle radiation are also products of nuclear explosions. It is produced when sulphur-32 is bombarded by neutrons. X-rays can be produced naturally or artificially by Every physical substance has natural energy levels, which can be increased or decreased artificially in the lab. They are produced by the hottest and most energetic objects in the universe, such as neutron stars and pulsars, supernova explosions, and regions around black holes. The key difference between gamma rays and X-rays is how they are produced. Processes that Create Cosmic Gamma Rays. Most often, they occur in space as gamma ray bursts. They also are generally lower in energy and, therefore, less penetrating than gamma rays. Gamma rays are produced in many places. They are only produced (artificially) in highly sophisticated devices called particle accelerators, and (naturally) in outer space. Induced radioactivity, also called artificial radioactivity or man-made radioactivity, is the process of using radiation to make a previously stable material radioactive. Gamma rays can have over a billion times the energy of the type of light visible to our eyes. Gamma rays are produced by a number of astronomical processes in which very high-energy electrons are produced. Gamma rays, also known as gamma radiation, refers to electromagnetic radiation (no rest mass, no charge) of a very high energies.Gamma rays are high-energy photons with very short wavelengths and thus very high frequency. Gamma ray bursts are the most powerful explosions in the universe since the Big Bang. Cobalt-60 can be produced in a nuclear power reactor by the irradiation of 59Co (metal), with fast neutrons. Gamma rays originate from the settling process of an excited nucleus of a radionuclide after it undergoes radioactive decay whereas X-rays are produced when electrons strike a target … The array had unexpectedly recorded an extremely rare phenomenon -- gamma rays, the highest-energy light waves on the electromagnetic spectrum, produced by …