3 Answers. Asked in History of China, Chinese Dynasties Who was the last … Officially the Zhou Dynasty can only directly control the former while ordering the latter to tribute. How did the zhou dynasty a long time? Coins, use of chopsticks, and silk. The Han Dynasty reigned for a long time, from 202 BCE to 220 CE, and began many of the most important cultural advances in Chinese history, the opening of the Silk Road being only one of them. The Zhou dynasty ruled China from 1122 BCE to 256 BCE. Answer to: How long did the Zhou Dynasty last? Answer Save. Lv 4. 10 years ago. Until now, nobody knows most of his lifestyle from the reduced amount of artifacts found regarding to him. The cycle of the founding of a dynasty by a great king and ending a dynasty with the ousting of an evil king continued with the Shang Dynasty. The Zhou dynasty began in 1046 BCE and ended in 256 BCE. Answer. It lasted from 221 BC to 207 BC. After the Xia and Shang, the next major dynasty in Chinese history is the Zhou Dynasty (1045 – 256 BCE). Why did the zhou dynasty last so long? Under the influence of these women, Zhou becomes a ruthless king, losing the support of people and triggering his downfall. I'm sorry I'm gonna have to correct you Blank. I have seen dates of 1122 BC and 1046 BC. From 1122bc to 221bc, this means that the Zhou dynasty ruled for 901 years. The correct order of ancient Chinese dynasties began with Xia (It's existence cannot be proven),Shang dynasty,and then followed by the Zhou dynasty.During the Zhou dynasty,the feudal lords started to … In 771 BCE, however, the Zhou capital was sacked by invaders, and the Zhou capital was moved further east. Giving the Zhou Dynasty the title of the longest lasting Chinese dynasty. Scholars use this event to divide the history of the Zhou dynasty into two periods: the Western Zhou (1122-771 BCE) and the Eastern Zhou … Wiki User October 29, 2013 11:17PM . Zhou dynasty, dynasty that ruled ancient China for some eight centuries, establishing the distinctive political and cultural characteristics that were to be identified with China for the next two millennia. This was a time of relative peace. How long did the Shang Dynasty last and When did it fall? Then Jiang Ziya promised that he would make the Zhou Dynasty last 873 years. Related Questions. By the 11th Century BC, this clan had become increasingly powerful and had extended throughout the present Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces. Favorite Answer. The Zhou worshipped a god they called Tian, or “Heaven.” In about 1122 b.c., the Zhou ruler, King Wu, won victory over the Shang. The Zhou Dynasty was the longest-lasting dynasty in Chinese history. it lasted for 790 years. 200. Favorite Answer. The final, tyrannical king of the Shang is commonly called King Zhou. Relevance. It persisted all the way from the 11th to the 3rd century BC. How long did the Zhou Dynasty last? But when did the Zhou Dynasty overthrow the Shang Dynasty? The people of the Zhou Dynasty were mostly what? They were only really powerful during the first half, Western Zhou. Many of his lords rebelled and took over the capital city. Asked by jessica from california | … The most influential minds in the Chinese intellectual tradition flourished under the Zhou, particularly towards the last period of the Zhou Dynasty, considered a time of intellectual and artistic awakening. The beginning date of the Zhou has long been debated. How did Zhou leaders justify their right to rule? Although surviving only 15 years, the dynasty held an important role in Chinese history and it exerted great influence on the following dynasties. Legend has it that he drew the carriage to move about 873 steps. how many total years did the zhou dynasty last? It is said that the dynasty lasted for about 510 years and in about 1046BC it was defeated by Western Zhou Dynasty. Similar to the mid-late Tang Dynasty The Zhou Dynasty had the King’s land and the nobles’ land. I … When did the Zhou (Wei River) Dynasty overthrow the Shang Dynasty?