Here are a few approaches that work. I decided to make a book as a reference since I'm always coming up with them off the bat and I wanted to share my ideas with you. Coming up with a perfect book title is part art and part science. We’re talking, more specifically, about the art and science of persuasion. But the data doesn't lie, writer. If you don’t believe me, look up First Hundred Million by editor E. Haldeman-Julius. Here are some interesting book title generators as well as some book title advice. In this post I’m going to give […] One of the most important parts of your book is the title. Comic book titles do not always feature simply the name of the main character. Sounds strange, right? A good comp title for a book (or "comparative title" or "comparison title" or "competitive title") can help put a literary agent or reader in the right mindset when you're trying to pitch your book. Step 4: Pick Your Favorites. Yet, many people overlook this integral element of their book—be it an academic piece or work of fiction. How? Coming up with a good book title or book title ideas can be maddening. So, I made this book because I know how hard it can be to come up with book titles. If a novel title is eye-catching, it sets up the potential for huge sales. Looking through the history of the medium and surveying its successful titles can provide insight into how to approach your own creation. Long book titles are difficult to remember and don’t stand out to readers as much as short titles do. With our new tool, the Book Title Ideas Checker (our tool works based on the Open Library database) you’ll be able to see if the title is already in use, and change it in time before spending money on a book cover, publicity or in sending it out for publishing. Equally, if your book title relies on a reference that is extremely local, or perhaps a little niche, it might be an idea to reconsider and aim for something more universal. Ready? A number of famous writers have come up with a way to make their titles do extra work for them. If you feel like you can’t get your complete message … Be wary that your game may also share a title with a popular book, film, or music album. They create titles that follow a pattern unique to their particular "series" of stories. I’ve researched, tested, and listed all the best book title generators by genre below. So if you're struggling to choose the perfect title for … Using some of them could put you in contention for the Oddest Book Title Prize. Just like how browsing a swipe file helps you come up with ideas, this list of books might help kick your brain in the right direction while trying to come up with a book title. After studying book titles pretty intensively these past few weeks, I realized that whether a book is plot- or character-driven often has a big impact on how it's titled. If you can come up with a title as striking as one of those, you may just have found the keys …