It does not matter what the situation is, he or she will lie. Dealing with someone who suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder in the family court system is a daunting task that is made even more difficult if you are in pro se, or self-represented. I would personally rather be awake and un-medicated during a root canal if given the option of choosing one over the other. Co-parenting with a compulsive liar and cheater was created by not_insane They are 11 and 7yr old boys and their dad is a serial cheater with married women. Like adults, kids often lie for many reasons or for no reason at all. These strategies may not work for everyone, but hopefully they give people some options and ideas about how to cope with a compulsive liar. These folks are liars of the pathological variety. Figuring out how to deal with lying in children and teens can be frustrating. Compulsive Lying; Compulsive Lying. Also seek their help.These steps expose liars. Learning why kids lie will help parents teach their children new ways to problem solve. Show your ignorance and ask for suggestions from liars. I have caught him in many lies and told him I love him unconditionally no mater who or what he is. Avoid judgment or criticism. No one is exempt from lying every so often, but a compulsive liar lies routinely about everything, big or small. Don’t take the lying personally. Take time to think about the things and words you will do and say to a person who lies... 2. Try to remember that your child isn’t trying to defy or disrespect you. Ultimately, making this type of distinction may not be that useful. Pathological liars, for example, create whole histories that are fiction rather than just telling a little white lie to get out of a social engagement. How do I help my adult son deal with his compulsive lying? A compulsive liar will tell lies no matter what. Focus on what led to the lie rather than the lie itself. Read on to learn more about how to deal with a liar. Ultimately, making this type of distinction may not be that useful. To begin with, it may help to understand the difference between a pathological or compulsive liar and a sociopath (see types of liars). Setting boundaries, learning to deal with … To begin with, it may help to understand the difference between a pathological or compulsive liar and a sociopath (see types of liars). Be patient with the person. Either way, confronting the liar is a good place to start dealing with his or her bad behavior. Avoid getting angry when your adolescent admits that she did something wrong. Pathological liars can be frustrating to deal with because it is difficult to tell the difference between truth and lies. Sometimes teens use lying to keep parts of their lives separate from their parents. The liar is ultimately out of control. People lie when they don’t trust the other person to handle their truth in a way they are prepared to deal with. Because in either case, the outcome is typically the same: dealing with a compulsive or pathological liar … A compulsive liar is someone who knows that lying is wrong but just can't seem to stop themselves from doing it anyway. His current married fling moved in last Nov. with her 16yr old daughter after cheating on her husband of 20yrs with my exhusband. One more way to deal with liar is to be curious and ignorant about any issues even if you know it. How to deal with a pathological liar. When Your Teenager is a Compulsive Liar: Advice for Parents 1.