Maybe your new job has early hours or your kids have before-school sports practice. If you think being a night owl is for you, and you couldn’t possibly switch to being an early bird, or if you simply don’t want to, then stop reading this. 1. Any tips? Sad thing is, I am the sole night owl in the family. 9 Ways to Stop Being a Night Owl. I’d always been a night owl, but for years I’d longed to defect to the other side. It is reported by the Sleep Medicine. 1. This is enough of a problem that I take 30mgs of melatonin a night to make my body go to sleep. People with DSPD cannot simply force themselves to sleep early. The trouble with being a night owl is that your sleep gets clipped in the morning hours, where most of the precious REM or dream sleep occurs. Pulling an all-nighter was an act of rebellion for some of us. In fact, night owls are probably getting a lot more done- … Get Morning Sun Scientists conducted an experiment in turning the owls into larks Method also helps to reduce the incidence, stabilize your mood and feel better. March 27, 2015 . One of the reasons night owls stay up … The old adage, “don’t fight the sun” really is true. Though one advantage of being a night owl is that you’re free to be on your own, working on your own projects without distractions, there’s nothing wrong in wanting to hang out with other night owls. 11 Scientifically Proven Reasons Why Night Owls Get More Done The early bird doesn't always catch the worm. In his book, Sleepfaring: A Journey Through the Science of Sleep , Horne claims that larks have a more difficult time adapting their sleep schedule to that of a night owl, while owls have a much easier time forcing themselves to be early to bed, early to rise. During the time I'm awake in the middle of the night, I study and do my homework. Changing From a Night Owl to a Lark What to do when you stay up late at night and sleep in every morning . Scientists conducted an experiment in turning the owls into larks Method also helps to reduce the incidence, stabilize your mood and feel better. You Need To Stop Being A Night Owl Because Of These 7 Things That Can Happen The Next Day Staying Up All Night? There seem to … 1. Night owls — listen up. Discover how staying up late can help you get ahead. As you can see, the medical studies of night owls don’t look good. That being said, if night people need to conform their sleep for a 9 – 5 job, they certainly can. There are definitely disadvantages to being a night person and even more as you describe as being a night owl. This can help you stay healthier while feeling like you’re not alone in … How to Stop Being a Night Owl and Focus Better at Work Published on January 9, 2015 January 9, 2015 • 10 Likes • 0 Comments I can get up early, but I will never like it. Hi everyone, I'm currently in post secondary insutition. 12 Tips For Sleepers Stuck In A 9-To-5. Our culture esteems the early riser, but being a night owl has its advantages. Continued Q&A on Teen Sleep. I don’t know if I am so much a night owl, as I just have a hard time deciding to stop doing interesting things and forcing myself to sleep. Adjust the morning first. Though one of the benefits of being a night owl is that you can get your work done without distraction, the downside is that you may spend more time by yourself as a result. I'm not working or married, so I'm unsure why I always sleep late at night. I functioned many years on coffee, and a warning to those around me that I would not be fully human until sometime later in the morning. 9 Ways to Stop Being a Night Owl. How I gave birth to morning glorys remains a great mystery to me. Q: "All her life my daughter has been a morning person.But since high school, she's a night owl, not going to bed until 1 or 2 a.m. each night. Posted Jan 03, 2013 If you suffer from the night owl syndrome, let me give you 9 ways to stop being a night owl and start enjoying better health now. They feel most alert and say they function best and are most creative in the evening and at night. By JR Thorpe. You’re probably a vampire and I’m scared. I know it sucks, I'm a night owl, always been and for me it's natural to be up all night but sadly the world is awake on the day and I've got stuff to do. Can You Change From A Night Owl To A Morning Person? Delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD) People with DSPD can be called "night owls". (haha) Without futher ado, here is how you (and I) can stop being night … It's getting to the point where I can only function and be productive at night. If you suffer from the night owl syndrome, let me give you 9 ways to stop being a night owl and start enjoying better health now. Turning yourself from a night owl to early bird requires altering your circadian rhythm, which is doable with these easy steps.