In this post I'll be showing you exactly how to stop procrastinating and study. How to stop procrastinating and start studying. Maybe you need to curb your impulsiveness. Procrastination is the action – or, some would argue, art – of voluntarily delaying or postponing something until a later date. These 11 steps will definitely apply to you too: 1. How to Stop Procrastinating. If you have any more tips we would love to hear about them in the comments, or send us an email. Studying by following this theory will help you find ways to stop procrastinating, improve your study and help you learn. Here’s how communicating with teachers, studying with friends, and other techniques can help stop the “no homework” fib. The definition of procrastination is to delay or postpone something. Well in order to break through the procrastination and start studying, we must first look at why we procrastinate studying. How to Stop Procrastinating: 11 Practical Ways for Procrastinators Celestine Chua Celestine is the Founder of Personal Excellence where she shares her best advice on how to boost productivity and achieve excellence in life. Start with acknowledging the problem, do not fool yourself, and be sincere – you are definitely avoiding an important task right now. Rather than flailing hopelessly, you’ll gain a better sense of self-awareness. So, before you start what you’re procrastinating on, before you start the work you have to do, the difficult, scary work, there’s a couple I hope these tips prove to be useful and help you stop procrastinating and start studying. With that said, avoiding procrastination isn’t about studying until your eyes fall out, avoiding procrastination is about planning and prioritizing. If you want to learn how to stop procrastinating, and get studying effectively instead, then you need to start by identifying what distracts you and prevents you from working. Posted by Alexa November 21, 2019 Despite our best efforts and intentions, sometimes we just can’t help procrastinating (that is, putting something off until the very last minute). When it comes to school, it’s very easy to delay and postpone studying and completing assignments. Break Your Work into Little Steps. Then, I'll … Maybe you should incentivize your tasks so there’s less delay between action and reward. But you know that you need to stop procrastinating and start studying, so here you are, wondering how to start studying. First I'll show you how to identify the real reasons that you're procrastinating. Children with ADHD may say they have no homework — then suddenly, at 10 p.m., remember an assignment that’s due the next day. Here, I will share my personal steps on how to stop procrastinating. It is very important to learn how to stop procrastinating in college so that you can be productive with your time and energy. How to stop procrastinating and start studying Procrastination is the action – or, some would argue, art – of voluntarily delaying or postponing something until a later date. How to stop procrastinating? Part of the reason why we procrastinate is because subconsciously, we find the work too overwhelming for us.