Regardless of the cause, rubbing on the little toe can cause blisters, hardened painful skin and corn toe. I had a couple of pairs of flat shoes that tore the back of my heels to shreds - blood everywhere, and I had plasters on for weeks! I HATE finding new shoes. The best answer in that case is to get the correct size. First off, I should mention that I have duck feet – narrow heel and wide toes. A Little Toe Buddy can be used to keep the 4 th and 5 th toes from rubbing against each other. Recently my right little toe has started rubbing the edge of my shoe. My feet also hurts a lot in the summer because of sandals that touch the little toe. A Little Toe Buddy can be used to keep the 4 th and 5 th toes from rubbing against each other. A sore little toe can make simple activities such as running, walking, or even putting on shoes very uncomfortable. Even when I get home and take my heels off, my little toe hurts for the rest of the day and sometimes even the next day. ... My steel toe shoes are tennis shoes and as I said make hard for me walk they hurt my feet after wear them a few mins. How to stop your shoes from rubbing/smelling/generally ruining your life. Whether it's your new shoes rubbing against the back of your ankle, or your favourite going-out shoes rubbing against your little toe and causing you agony, we have got a few tips to alleviate the pain! We will go over the causes, symptoms and home treatment for your pain! (And no matter how fabulous the shoes, an unwelcome one, too.) The cause is complicated but the easiest answer is the tendons aren't pulling properly. Sharp and Shooting Pain in the Little Toe: Causes & Best Treatment 2019! So, in my opinion, instead of getting sore feet you all should learn how to soften the back of new shoes and voila your life will be beautiful again. One good example of a line of shoes that have wider than average toe boxes is Keen. Again, wear shoes with a large toe box for ample wiggle room, and wear products such as toe caps, toe spacer cushions and toe separators to treat painful symptoms. The leather did soften up, the shoes stretched and they're now my favourite shoes, so I'd advise the OP to have a go at having the shoe stretched, rather than any nonsense about them not being fit for purpose. If a steel toe is rubbing your little or big toe it is probably because the shoe is either too short or too narrow. Share Tweet Pin it Share Stumble Email. I have this problem but its always little toes, and the top of my big toe, it's almost like my nail is too long (it is cut short often, so it's not that) or curls up too much. July 19, 2013 6:11 AM Subscribe Whenever I wear basically any leather shoes that aren't boots, I get the EXACT same blister on the baby toe of my right foot. But for the rest of us, the experience of painful friction between the skin of our feet and the material of our shoes is an all too common one. How to stretch rubber boots. How to soften the back of new shoes. Surgery is the only way to straighten the toe v. Wear shoes with wider toe boxes. Add message | Report. STOP living in pain, start getting better! If you've just bought some brand new shoes and don't want to throw away yet another pair, read this article as we explain just How to Stop Shoes Rubbing on Your Little Toe. Helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr. Mendizabal on toe rubbing against shoes: Otc toe straighteners do not straighten toes. How to Stop Shoes Rubbing on My … Is it impossible to walk without hurting the feet? One good example of a line of shoes that have wider than average toe boxes is Keen. There are very few footwear-related complaints that can compare to the pain (and blisters) caused by shoes cutting into the back of your ankles, known as the Achilles. For some reason, I’m ridiculously naive when it comes to my favorite heels and sandals. When we wear tight shoes, our feet hurt. Thankfully, there are a handful of ways to do this quickly, without compromising the structure of your shoe itself. I recently bought a pair of new balance mt10v4’s. Feeling comfortable with our shoes is essential to walk properly and avoid, not only the superficial discomfort that can cause but also the possible problems in feet, knees and even back.