Today you’re going to learn the same expressions native speakers use when they don’t understand someone. I know what you mean. This isn't the first time it has happened either. I don’t get it… not a question but a statement, meaning simply ‘I don’t understand’ Idioms. Sure, you may cringe at his constant criticism, grit your teeth at her lousy jokes, or shake your head at the way he hovers around her all the time, but feeling less than affectionate to someone might not be the worst thing. They bear with (not ignore or dismiss) those they don’t like. How to Tell Someone That Something They Said Offended You Without Being Offensive Yourself. For they have not seen the light They'll come to know me when I come back to life Go to heaven to make everything all right So please forgive Your children (They don't understand) Everybody's busy with their own situation Everybody's lost in their own little world Bottled up, hurry it up trying to make a dream come true (They don't understand) When You Understand Someone’s Feelings: That’s totally fair / I don’t blame you. But if you guess that what they seem to have got from your sentence is different from what you meant to express, you can say something like "We don't seem to be on the same page here " and then try and rephrase your original sentence. I think one can never be sure of what other people's impression is. So, what is the most polite way of telling someone that you can't understand someone due to their accent? Don't let a former crush hurt you by teasing you for the way you feel. Idioms are sayings particular to their language of origin. We don’t know what to say. For they have not seen the light They'll come to know me when I come back to life Go to heaven to make everything all right So please forgive Your children (They don't understand) Everybody's busy with their own situation Everybody's lost in their own little world Bottled up, hurry it up trying to make a dream come true (They don't understand) How to Show Someone You Don't Care. The last thing anyone wants to hear at work is someone complaining about how much they hate their job. When that crush starts playing cruel games with you after! If that happens to you sometimes, let’s talk about how to fix it. We all get offended sometimes. Obviously, I don't want to insult anyone, but I don't want to waste time on the phone when I clearly have trouble understanding them. What's worse than getting rejected by a crush? The conversation stops. Here we take a look at three that you might use if you wanted to find a more creative way of saying something that sounds complicated, unclear or difficult to understand. Should you ask to speak with someone else, or by email? I think you will do better if you say, “I’m sorry, I know you mean well, but I just don’t feel understood.” “You don’t understand” may well be hard for your friend to hear. Often, we're offended when someone says something rude or insensitive. Many of us freeze. And we feel silly. So, you can almost never be sure that they don't understand your words. These are both good ways to reassure someone that you understand their feelings and point of view, especially if they are angry or upset about something.