The ability to communicate effectively, especially during oral presentations, can boost your marketability and viability for work in a variety of careers. Our body posture, along with its We also explored the importance of delivery styles and body language in presentations. Remember that body language is not something you apply later to a pre-written script, but a core part of how you present. The corporate sector values good body language a lot and any sign of bad body language can break deals, even leading to loss of network for people. Body language gives life to the persons communication and in this … Types of Body Language in Workplace: The following mentioned are few body gestures and body expressions that explain the perfect importance of body language at work. Your body language can make or break your presentation. Your Body language is of utmost importance in this highly competitive world. Importance of Body Language 9Our physical gestures are subconsciously interpreted by others 9Provides information about an individual’s character, emotions, aadnd reacteact o sions 9Body language presents to audience what we feel & think about the particular matterthe particular matter Many a times, body language speaks more than words. The importance of body language in public speaking. Interestingly, body language is not a non-learned neurobehavior; people can improve it. Steepled hands, hands behind back, back Confidence stiffened, hands in coat pockets with thumb out,out, a ds o hands on lapeape sls of coat There is no shortage of tips and articles on the topic of body language. The five topics above give an overall sense of how you can use body language to make your presentation clearer, more engaging and more powerful. His disposition to band together with his fellows for lower or for higher purposes is one of his fundamental characteristics. Your body language says a lot about you, not to mention it's got the power to help you deliver an engaging presentation. It includes your posture, your facial expressions, and your hand gestures. CONCLUSION From the above slides we can conclude that body language really speaks a lot. Body language is of utmost importance in this highly competitive world. Body language plays an essential role in communicating with people. So if you are going to be speaking or presenting to foreigners, do your homework or talk to a local from that country. The corporate sector values good body language a lot and any sign of bad body language can break deals, even leading to loss of network for people. Body language refers to the nonverbal signals that you use to communicate your feelings and intentions. Body language is of utmost importance in this highly competitive world. What is Body Language ? How to improve body language at workplace. The ability to understand and to interpret body language can help you to pick up on unspoken issues, problems or negative feelings that other people might have.