The priests The magicians, astrologers and soothsayers The army generals His fellow administrators. Who plotted to kill Daniel? Coloring is a wonderful and exciting childrens game that very well develops many of the skills of children. jealousy greed adultery ambition. The account of Daniel being cast into the lions’ den is one of the most familiar stories of the Old Testament. 2.) Daniel was an old man, and everything he had ever done for several kings, had always been right. • 621 B.C. Darius was so worried about Daniel that he wouldn’t have anything to eat and he couldn’t sleep all night. Why couldn’t the King sleep? However, by the time Daniel was cast into the lion’s den he was an old man. Once Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, the king went back to his palace, canceled the normal entertainment and food, and lay sleepless all night. After an introductory chapter in Hebrew, Daniel switches to Aramaic in chapter 2-7. But then there is the matter of the lions … He was cast into a den of lions to be killed, but he survived without a scratch (Daniel … There’s so much more! 3.) Why didn’t Daniel try to hide the fact that he was praying? The threat of an agonizing death did not change his trust in God. - Daniel was carried to Babylon at age 16. O ne of the most loved stories from the Old Testament is the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den. In spite of his statement of encouragement, he worried about what would happen to Daniel. Daniel chapter 12 predicts the resurrection of the dead at the end of the world. I printed an extra Daniel and King Darius from the printable below. The fact that such an event should be given the same amount of space in Scripture as the panoramic view of world history recorded in chapter 7 leads to the conclusion that, from God’s viewpoint, this was an important event not only to Daniel but to all students of Scripture. What led to Daniel's being thrown into the lion's den? Who plotted to kill Daniel? The king told his servants to put Daniel in the lions’ den. This Quiz: Daniel in the Lion's Den. What was the reason that Daniel was thrown into the lion's den? When that happens, Daniel goes for option #2 of those listed above: he asks one of the people in his dream to interpret what is happening for him (Da 7:15–16). So king Darius was very upset. I poked a hole in the center of the fold and inserted string (knotted at the end inside) in Daniel to lift him up and down and around the lion's den. The story of Daniel in the lion's den parallels the life of Christ. Take the Quiz: Daniel and the Lions Den. What was the reason that Daniel was thrown into the lion's den? Interesting Facts About Daniel ... his being put in the den of lions. The story of Daniel in the lion's den teaches us about the promises and faithfulness of God, even if we feel like everything has been lost. Do you think the king wanted Daniel to die? 5. The priests The magicians, astrologers and soothsayers The army generals His fellow administrators. What led to Daniel's being thrown into the lion's den? Daniel in the Lion's Den - Famous Stories, Bible Trivia. The angel Gabriel appeared to Daniel and conversed with him (Daniel 9). But wait! After this miracle, King Darius acknowledged the power of Daniel's God. Sadly he had to agree to the punishment, and that evening Daniel was thrown into the den of starving lions. The king knew Daniel must be put in the lions’ den. n Josephus says that Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego were kin to King Zedekiah. Daniel in the lion's den is one of the most familiar stories in the Bible. Why didn’t Daniel observe the King’s law, knowing he’d be thrown into the den with lions? (Okay, we’ll stop now.) Who plotted to kill Daniel? In the Lion's Den: Daniel 6:1-28: Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor: This sermon is about the story of Daniel in the lion's den.