Sleep is the time of day when your body rejuvenates and detoxifies so why burden it even more? Cotton is more delicate. by Jane Sheppard. It’s easy enough to do! That's the main safety difference. I’m really glad that Wellness Mama has brought this up, as it is a subject near to my heart. Written by Maia & John. Evolution’s Sleep Safe ZipCover mattress encasements feature Evolon fabric. Cotton is more delicate. As the outer, waterproof layer or as a middle absorbing layer it's OK. Cotton, hemp and bamboo are all good. Whatever has brought you here, we wish you luck on your journey towards better rest. I know satin/silk is the best, but I'm asking about 100% polyester right now. Poly tends to be less breathable or moisture absorbent than cotton, but it also depends on the type of fabric. Dr. Lai responded: Yes. Polyester is hydrophobic (afraid of water) and quick drying. Unlike cotton, if it catches fire, it melts rather than burns . It feels soft but I don't know if it is good to sleep on to keep my curls healthy. Why Sleep Environment is Important. Polyurethane foam is no longer deemed safe for babies, as shown by a study published in Environmental Science & Technology. Co sleeping is safe and healthy when you follow safe co-sleeping guidelines and sleep on a non-toxic mattress. Evidence shows that it isn't the best material for a baby to sleep on, with health hazards eminently present. They last about 8+ years. Some different styles of microfiber sheets may even consist of finely ground wood pulp or recycled material. Polyester is … When my sister had her first baby, she rejected anything made from polyester e.g blankets, clothes etc. Microfiber should never touch baby skin, as it synthetic. Some parents prefer natural fibers like cotton, but polyester is fine. Sleep research is changing all the time, and we are 100% dedicated to keeping up with breakthroughs and innovations. This pattern will help aid those who sleep hot or live in humid climates by allowing moisture to evaporate from the sheets into the atmosphere. That's the main safety difference. Given the likely importance of thermal comfort for sleep,10,19 we may thus expect to observe different impacts of fabric for sleepwear and bedding on sleep. At The House of Pillows, we really care about what goes in your bed. We know about materials, and we know which are best for you… and which are by far the worst for you. Are 100% polyester pillowcases good to sleep on with curly hair? We have the illusion that clothes made from synthetic fibers are safe, but the materials are in fact full of invisible chemicals the clothing industry prefers we don't think about. Yes, microfiber is a man-made material but no more so than those fiber-filled pillows a lot of us sleep on because feathers and other allergens make us sneeze. How to find flame-resistant pajamas for kids, without toxic chemicals ... by using inherently flame-resistant polyester or tight-fitting cotton. Unlike cotton, if it catches fire, it melts rather than burns. Co sleeping is safe and healthy when you follow safe co-sleeping guidelines and sleep on a non-toxic mattress. We spend roughly a third of our life sleeping, and for this reason, the environment we sleep in has a pretty big impact on overall health. The benefits of polyester versus cotton have been hotly debated. by Jane Sheppard. The air we breathe while sleeping, we breathe for a third of our day. I have curly hair (mixed black/white) and just purchased a polyester pillowcase.