Posted on October 11, 2016, in Around the Region, New York Botanical Garden, NYBG EXHIBITS and tagged James Harkinshadourian, kiku, Kiku: The ARt of the Japanese Garden, Marc Hachadourian, New York Botanical Garden, Todd Forrest, Yukie Kurashina. Kiku: The Art of the Japanese Garden, the acclaimed fall exhibition, is returning with magnificent to the New York Botanical Garden this October with displays of gorgeous chrysanthemums, according to a press release.. The exhibit will run from October 8-30, 2016 at the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory. The secrets of these traditional growing techniques had been carefully guarded until recently. During a five-year cultural and educational exchange, gardeners at The New York Botanical Garden learned from their colleagues in Japan—and from kiku master Yasuhira Iwashita—how to grow and train these extraordinary plants. As the latest in a compendium of beautiful programming for the garden's … A Chinese philosopher once said, "If you would be happy for a lifetime, grow chrysanthemums." Begin in the Ross Conifer Arboretum. It's a virtual collection of the many things that I adore, featuring cities, the arts, architecture, gardens, interior design, and retail. One of the premier botanical gardens in the United States, it spans some 250 acres of Bronx Park in the borough of The Bronx and is home to some of the world's leading plant laboratories. KIKU - The Art of the Japanese Chrysanthemum at the New York Botanical Gardens Chrysanthemums, trained to Ogiku style or 'single-stem' forms, are a traditional method of training certain chrysanthemums which require careful pinching, and disbudding throughout the growing season. Discover for yourself the exquisite beauty of kiku —cascades of flowers, single plants with hundreds of flowers, and others with an enormous flower atop a single stem—as Kiku: The Art of the Japanese Chrysanthemum , an elaborate flower show and cultural exhibition, returns to the New York Botanical Garden. The New York Botanical Garden has a fabulous exhibit titled Kiku. For … These aren’t merely Mums hastily stuck in the ground from plastic trays for the season. This blog is a notebook of my travels as a city planner, historic preservationist and nonprofit advocate. Many kinds of colorful kiku plus scarlet Japanese maples, Japanese black pines, golden bamboos, emerald conifers and other Japanese garden plants were in display in the Courtyards of the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory in the New York Botanical Garden. The New York Botanical Garden’s (NYBG) annual “Kiku” exhibit returns in 2019 with “Kiku: Spotlight on Tradition,” and it is as spectacular as ever. In celebration of Kiku: Spotlight on Tradition (November 3-18), enjoy this self-guided tour of some of NYBG’s most glorious Japanese tree specimens. The New York Botanical Garden is celebrating chrysanthemums -- the most iconic of all Japanese Fall-flowering plants – in an elaborate new Kiku exhibition running from October 8-30 in the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory. Kiku at New York Botanical Garden. For top things to do this month at NYBG, search our calendar of exhibitions, tours, classes and more. (As an aside, the Victorian-style stunner is one of our favorite buildings.) Many kinds of colorful kiku plus scarlet Japanese maples, Japanese black pines, golden bamboos, emerald conifers and other Japanese garden plants were in display in the Courtyards of the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory in the New York Botanical Garden.