So Knock Down the House gets an average of 75% but a rotten score of 100% because no one marked it under 6/10. Knock Down the House aims for the easier work of honouring the process, the step forward, and if that is not always rewarding, sometimes it is enough. Insurgent candidates challenge powerful incumbents in Congress. None of the stories have a great arc to them. "Knock Down the House" has a real problem here. Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing Knock Down the House near you. Fandango FANALERT® ... Powered by Rotten Tomatoes Rate Movie. "Knock Down the House" has a real problem here. maybe if right wing wasnt such anti-science, anti-education inbred no teeth losers, they could have stared their own interwebs and give mein kampf 100% fresh tomatoes. Knock Down the House: Netflix release date. Rated PG | For Brief Smoking, Thematic Elements and Language X. 3. When I say they break down that way, I am being kind. When I say they break down that way, I am being kind. hehe). Reply. “Knock Down the House” is proof that modern grassroots movements have an impact, whether an election is won or not. The 13 Teen TV Shows on Netflix with the Highest Rotten Tomatoes Scores None of the stories have a great arc to them. “Knock Down the House” is there as she puts on her makeup, lugs ice at her day job (where she appears to fix a mean margarita), frets that her … A galvanizing glimpse behind the scenes of a pivotal election, Knock Down the House should prove engrossing for viewers of all political persuasions. Documentary Audience Award and the Festival Favorite Award. 3. Rated 100% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes! It is also one of those films with the noteworthy distinction of receiving a 100% rating by critics on Rotten Tomatoes. They would give great reviews of 1.5 hrs of AOC and other snowflakes filming cows farting and cow crap sitting wa th8ng flies lay eggs and nothing ore needed except a view words from AOC . Insurgent candidates challenge powerful incumbents in Congress. The Knock Down the House Netflix release date is May 1st, 2019. Retweet. KNOCK DOWN THE HOUSE Netflix Reviewed for & linked from Rotten Tomatoes by: Harvey Karten Director: Rachel Lears Screenwriter: Rachel Lears, Robin Blotnick Cast: Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Amy Vilela, Paul Jean Swearengin, Cori Bush Screened at: Bryant Park Screening Room, NYC, 4/18/19 Opens: May 1, 2019 Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is my kind of… It’s definitely one you won’t want to miss! Each of the stories break down to something simple like, "I realized there was a need for political change, I decided to run, and I lost/won my race." The list consists of a lot of smaller indie darlings and documentaries you may have missed like "The Chambermaid" and "Knock Down the House." Presented by Rotten Tomatoes. You’ll notice we replaced the 5-Star Fan Ratings with the Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score to help you choose a movie to watch. Like. The acclaimed selection is surprisingly dominated by independent films and documentaries. Insider rounded up the 2019 films that have received perfect scores of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes from critics. Knock Down the House: Trailer 1 1 of 1 Knock Down the House: Trailer 1 Knock Down the House Synopsis. They would give great reviews of 1.5 hrs of AOC and other snowflakes filming cows farting and cow crap sitting wa th8ng flies lay eggs and nothing ore needed except a … Retweeted. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO. Peter Jackson impressed literally everyone with They Shall Not Grow Old, his extraordinary restoration of World War I footage, and we got insightful looks at a musical icon (Amazing Grace), the U.S. political process (Knock Down the House), and a groundbreaking crew of female sailors (Maiden). Screen Reader Users: To optimize your experience with your screen reading software, please use our website, which has the same tickets as our and websites. It really isn’t that complex and is clearly spelled out on the site. Knock Down the House ... Of course it would, rotten to a tomatoes and other film critics are all lefty liberals! The Netflix documentary Knock Down the House, which follows the campaigns of female Democratic hopefuls in the 2018 election cycle, and highlights Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), is so far the highest rated film of 2019, according to Rotten Tomatoes. Peter Jackson impressed literally everyone with They Shall Not Grow Old, his extraordinary restoration of World War I footage, and we got insightful looks at a musical icon (Amazing Grace), the U.S. political process (Knock Down the House), and a groundbreaking crew of female sailors (Maiden). Knock Down the House is an intimate look at the young representative’s path to success. The Netflix documentary Knock Down the House, which follows the campaigns of female Democratic hopefuls in the 2018 election cycle, and highlights Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), is so far the highest rated film of 2019, according to Rotten Tomatoes.