A complete sentence must: begin with a capital letter, end with a punctuation mark (period, question mark, or exclamation point), and contain at least one main clause. The six longest sentences (1,000+ words) are mostly a curiosity, just to see what is possible. Define a complex sentence. The essay was late. How to use discovery in a sentence. According to rules of grammar, sentence structure can sometimes be quite complicated. Explanation: An appositive phrase is a noun phrase that is used to rename another noun or noun phrase which is beside the appositive.Appositive phases can be essential or nonessential. A complex sentence is made up of an independent clause and what is known as a dependent clause. ... How to Find the Subject of a Sentence A Subject Is One of the Two Main Parts of a Sentence. Discovery definition is - the act or process of discovering. The air crash was the biggest aviation disaster in the country's history. In other words, a dependent clause is not a simple sentence by itself. There are several characteristics that must be met in order for a written thought to be considered a complete sentence. English; Learner’s Dictionary; Essential British English; Essential American English; Translations. Watch Queue Queue Simple sentences consists of just one independent clause; it requires only one punctuation mark at the end (a full stop, exclamation or question mark). This is the British English definition of make history.View American English definition of make history.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Watch Queue Queue. A sentence begins with a capital letter, ends with an end mark and has a subject and a predicate. She must work or she will die. Here are 65 examples of long sentences ranging from the relatively brief 96 words to one of the longest sentences at 2,156 words. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English . Almost all of the really long sentences are under 1,000 words. use "history" in a sentence Haiti has been the victim of political violence for most of its history. Example sentences with the word made. In this type of Compound Sentence, one statement or fact is contrasted with or set against another. SUBJECT. A sentence is a group of words that forms a complete thought. This video is unavailable. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. 2. 1. From the inauguration of Donald Trump to the first total solar eclipse to traverse the Lower 48 in nearly a century, 2017 was a year for the history books. Walk quickly or you will miss the bus. Sentences serve as a framework for people to clearly express their ideas in writing. Example sentences with the word made. Adversative Sentences. If further information is needed to complete the idea, then it is not a complete sentence. “It was in the books while it … "), which have a habit of standing by themselves, the parts of speech come in many varieties and may show up just about anywhere in a sentence. Their history made him want to touch her, to feel the softness of her skin before waking her to gaze into the huge blue-green eyes that were able to stop him in his tracks. Except for interjections ("ouch! made example sentences. Types of sentences. Maybe this will help. Either he is a fool or he is mad. Answer: The sentence that combines the two sentences with an appositive phrase is the last one: "In 1903, two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, made history by flying an airplane at Kitty Hawk". Menu. As well as being able to write in complete sentences, it is important to be able to use a variety of sentence types that are correctly punctuated. In this type of Compound Sentence, an alternative or choice is offered between one statement and another. Definitions. Making Sentences. I would use this if I wanted to indicate that it was "I" who made the changes, rather than anybody else. Examples of how to use “modern history” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs. Example sentences with the word made-history. Examples of how to use “ancient history” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs. Definitions.