Included with the poses from the story, we have included some warm up poses and br. Words include polar, bear, zebra, hippo, I, you, we, see, hear, a, an, that, do we, this, baby, and sleeping. In this short video, Marguerite Bilms, a teacher in the Deafblind Program at Perkins School for the Blind describes how she has adapted this book by Eric Carle to meet the visual needs of her students who have low vision and cortical visual impairment. sound book (Brown Bear and Friends) by Bill Martin Jr. Board book $10.90 In Stock. When i started reading the polar bear he kept trying to correct me until i showed him the pictures. Our Yoga & Movement Pose Deck has a little bit of everything and is a must-have tool to have in the classroom. After reading, ask your children to tell you what happened in the story. This is how I created a Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear retell activity to go in our retell center as a storytelling option for my kindergarten students.. Let me show you what’s in our set and give you the materials to make it happen in your classroom too. The lion can hear a hippopotamus snorting in his ear.The hippopotamus can hear a flamingo fluting in his ear. I hear a lion roaring in my ear. Record children's responses on chart paper. I knew she would love it and she does... She hisses like a 'boconstitor' flutes like a 'famingo' and yelps like a peacock! is a children's picture book, published in 1991, written and illustrated by Bill Martin, Jr. and Eric Carle. by Bill Martin is one of my Y5s all-time favorite stories. 'Polar bear polar bear what do you hear!!??' by Bill Martin and Eric Carle, take a picture walk with children. Zoo animals from polar bear to walrus make their distinctive sounds for each other, while children imitate the sounds for the zookeeper. ! Step 1: Read Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? Ask them what they think the story will be about. My grandsons pre k class read brown bear what do you see. Meant to accompany read-aloud to story "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear?" It has been accepted for inclusion in Children's Book and Media Review by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear is a well written and illustrated picture book about various animals and the sounds they make. Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?Let's read this timeless children's book and get our yoga on! 1. Pre-K through 1st Grade Cut apart the words and glue them onto the paper to make the following sentences: I hear a polar bear. Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? Puppets' to go wit hthe book Ships from and sold by At last the zookeeper announces that he hears children roaring, snorting, fluting, etc. The flamingo can hear a zebra braying in his ear. Students will learn where a polar bear lives and what it eats after reading the book Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? ), who hears a zebra braying, and so on through a varied list of animals. Explain that you would like them to listen quietly and think about the sounds that they hear … Lion, lion, what do you hear? Your preschool class will love learning about polar bears using Eric Carle lessons for Polar Bear, Polar Bear. The book is sort of a sequel to the Brown Bear Brown Bear book by the same team (Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle). 0 1 0 Thi s Book Review is brought to you for free and open access by the All Journals at BYU ScholarsArchive. "Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear?"