When a wool fibre is disposed of, it will naturally decompose in soil in a matter of years, slowly releasing valuable nutrients back into the earth. Some students may have experience with wool through clothing or home furnishings, such as blankets. 100% natural. June 24, 2015 We all know how wonderful wool is to work with and to wear, but did you know that wool also has natural UV protection or that it has anti-bacterial properties? alkaline solutions can open the disulphide cross-links of wool, white hot alkalis may even dissolve it. Wool absorbs, retains and releases moisture without affecting its thermal properties. There are records that man knew how to make clothes from wool fibers as early as 1500 BC. Uses of wool fiber: Wool is extensively used in textile applications where comfort and aesthetics are important. Discover how wool’s unique structure creates its many desirable properties. Wool dissolves when boiled in a 5% solution of sodium hydroxide. This makes it perfect for use in breathable buildings, listed and ancient structures, and anywhere where moisture is a concern. Even today, wool is major in making garments, bedding, carpeting, and furnishings. However many young students may not be aware of the source of woollen textiles (sheep), the range of uses and the unique properties of wool that make it such a versatile textile. Each year sheep produce a fleece, which makes wool a natural and renewable resource. Some popular uses include trousers, skirts, jackets, purses, furnishing covers, book covers and shoes. The acoustical properties have been investigated to find the most suitable applications and to see whether it could be used in some applications in place of man-made mineral fibres. 10. Dyeing ability: Wool fiber could be dyed by basic dye, direct dye and acid dye. When subjected to flames it will smoulder instead. This week we'll be looking at seven wondrous properties of wool, which I'm sure will make you love it even more. This week we'll be looking at seven wondrous properties of wool, which I'm sure will make you love it even more. Here is a list of its main … Wool today is prized for its beauty and durability. It varies depending on the wool’s country of origin and sheep type. Properties of wool . Unlike synthetic fibres wool does not melt so it will not stick to your skin and cause burns. From this luxurious fiber, a multitude of beautiful garments can be made. Effect of acids: Wool is more resistant to acids. #1. Caustic soda (NaOH) will completely damage wool when used hot or for a long period. June 24, 2015 We all know how wonderful wool is to work with and to wear, but did you know that wool also has natural UV protection or that it has anti-bacterial properties? 100% biodegradable. There are many factors, which affect the quality of wool fabric. This is also why it is great to wear – it keeps feet warm but dry, even inside welly boots. Wool is 100% natural grown year-round by Australia’s 68 million sheep, consuming a simple blend of water, air, sunshine and grass. Properties of wool. It's especially useful for objects that require laundering or washing, whether they be for apparel purposes or not. Wool, one of the oldest textile fibres known, has survived the test of time because of its unique natural properties. Where can we use wool? It is still the prime choice for high-quality business suits, warm sweaters, and premium carpets. Acoustic absorption Cashmere is a high-quality fiber that is very valuable in the world of textiles. Wool’s range of unique properties make it a desirable and irreplaceable material for a variety of purposes: from fashion to fire-resistant work wear and durable carpets. The unique properties of this material make it a highly sought-after commodity and a booming industry in the countries of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Kashmir, New Zealand and Australia. Eco-friendly and Sustainable - when it's 'out with the old' wool will naturally biodegrade. People who can sew use wool fabric for most of … Wool is a naturally renewable fibre - what could be more natural than wool? Wool is a complex biological fibre consisting of proteins, which provide flexibility and excellent performance qualities. So, choose your wool fiber after confirming about the physical and chemical properties of wool … As yet, no one has been able to reproduce the properties of wool synthetically. Lesson objective This lesson will allow students to reflect on their observations regarding the properties of wool and draw conclusions about the suitability of wool for a range of everyday uses and activities. 10 Wondrous Properties of Wool. Wool is a complex biological fibre consisting of proteins, which provide flexibility and excellent performance qualities. Because of its fire resistant properties wool is used to make uniforms for firemen. One of the properties of wool is that it will not easily burn. 10 Wondrous Properties of Wool. Effect of alkalis: Wool is easily and extremely vulnerable attacked by alkalis even by weak bses at low dilutions. Physical Properties Cashmere fibers are cylindrical, soft, silky, smooth, resilient, moisture-absorbing and very warm.