We cannot … This field brings together achievements in psychology and political science and illuminates their connections from the point of view of cognitive psychology, social psychology, and political science. So politics comes under the range of activities that psychologists study. It is a discipline that synthesizes political, economic, familial, religious, and other relationships in order to arrive at a complete understanding of man’s social life. Psychology and Sociology. The overlap between sociology and psychology is clear in the branch of social psychology based on the boundary between the two sciences. People vote for political parties. This article examines the relationships between political science and other social sciences. 5. Psychology is the science of the mind or of mental process. In the earlier forms of political thinking, there are crude types of psychology that are of great interest and significance in the development of the art of political thinking. Psychology and history. Psychology is the … Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour. Essay on Relationship Between Sociology and Political Science – Political Science and Sociology are very closely related. Psychology is concerned about studying the needs and capabilities of a person and arranging them in terms of his personality, while sociology is related to each other in a different way. But experience presupposes the duality of subject and object, both of which are real. Some of the reasons they can be so closely entwined include:The main purpose behind this relationship is for psychologists to try to find the roots and consequences of politicians' behavior and actions. Modern psychologists give attention to the study of emotions drives, learning and personality. Sociology and Political Science: As a mother of social sciences Sociology has close and intimate relationship with all other social science. Public Administration & Sociology The Relationship Between Both Social Sciences. 2. It studies man as […] political science deals only with formal relations based on laws and order of the state10. In fact, each of the two sciences adopts different ideas. Political Thought is a part of the study of Political Science. It stresses on how the mind receives sensations, gives them meaning and responds to them. Psychology and Anthropology. (2) Study of philosophy of State i.e. Similarities and difference between psychology and other social science. Modern psychologists also studies … The political system of a country is also shown to have its influence on human behavior and character through many researches. Answer (1 of 1): Political science and psychology are very closely related, the relationship between the two is known as 'political psychology'. Psychology and Philosophy. 3. Friday, September 10, 2010. Their relationship is so close and intimate that led G.E.C. Psychology has conducted research on authoritarianism and the explanation to this has been sought in relation to various political systems. Psychology deals with mental processes such as knowing, feeling and willing, and … ADVERTISEMENTS: (3) Philosophy provides to Political Science knowledge of ideal human behaviour, political values, good and bad in political theory, right and … The most evident and, therefore, taught at an undergrad level, link between them is the study of public opinion, electoral politics, and decission making.