The proposal would require students seeking a HOPE scholarship to achieve a 3.5 GPA. DESCRIPTION: The SC Hope Scholarship Program was established under the SC Education Lottery Act approved by the General Assembly during the 2001 legislative session. HOPE Scholarship is a merit-based award available to Georgia residents who have demonstrated academic achievement. The Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Program is administered by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education. The program is a merit-based scholarship created for students attending a four-year institution who do not qualify for the LIFE or Palmetto Fellows Scholarship. $2,800Of the $2,800 award to USC Columbia recipients, $2,500 is related to tuition expense and the remaining $300 based on the cost of textbooks.The HOPE Scholarship in combination with all other scholarships and grants may not exceed the cost of attendance as defined in Title IV regulations. If you change your enrollment status in one of the following ways, you are in jeopardy of forfeiting your HOPE Scholarship. A student, who was correctly determined to meet the Georgia Residency requirements for purposes of HOPE Scholarship eligibility and began receiving What is the SC HOPE Scholarship Program. Awards are made automatically; no scholarship application is required. In addition to all general eligibility requirements, continuing students must maintain in-state residency and also meet requirements related to credit hours and GPA earned. The South Carolina HOPE Scholarship is currently $2800 per year for a maximum of one year. Not have exceeded the maximum award limits for any HOPE program. Scholarships You have no doubt heard someone say, “There are thousands of scholarships worth billions of dollars out there just waiting for students to claim.” At the University of South Carolina, we strongly encourage you to identify and pursue any scholarship opportunities that will help you pay for your annual educational expenses. Q & A The Palmetto Fellows Scholarship is a merit-based program established in 1988 to recognize the most academically talented high school seniors and encourage these students to attend college in the State. In order to qualify for the SC HOPE Scholarship, a student MUST meet the following general and initial eligibility requirements: General Eligibility Requirements Students must be enrolled in their first one-year program, first associate’s degree, first two-year program leading to a baccalaureate degree, first baccalaureate degree, or first professional degree. Boot Camps. SC Scholarships are available to residents of South Carolina who meet the requirements after high school graduation. Thank you for visiting My College Options ® is an online college planning program that connects millions of high school students with colleges and universities.. ANNUAL VALUE: $2,800 for the freshman year only. This is a five-week intensive academic and hands-on training session taught by a team of health science instructors from technical colleges. Program Eligibility To receive HOPE Scholarship funding, students must: Meet one of the following academic requirements: Graduate from a HOPE-eligible high school with a minimum 3.0 grade point … Scholarships & Grants for SC Residents. There are several ways to become eligible for the HOPE Scholarship, either by graduating from high school as a HOPE Scholar or by earning it while in college. The Legislative Incentive for Future Excellence (LIFE) Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship program administered by the financial aid office at each eligible public and independent college and university in South Carolina. Students may continue to receive scholarship funds as long as the meet the annual review requirements as detailed below. HOPE Scholarship Enrollment Continuation Requirements For HOPE Scholarship purposes there are enrollment statuses a student must maintain to continue receiving the scholarship. It was created to provide a supplemental resource to South Carolina residents attending eligible SC two-year public or independent institutions. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC PROGRAMS (ACAP) - 2018. Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is only a vision; but today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of HOPE. The South Carolina HOPE Scholarship is for incoming freshmen with a 3.00 GPA on the S.C. The South Carolina HOPE Scholarship Program was established in 2001 and was implemented during the 2002-03 academic year. 2017 - 2018 HOPE Scholarship Program at Public Institutions Page .