A few short but funny quotes will definitely tickle your funny bone and beat away your blues. Looking for a quick laugh at the end of a stressful day? Short funny quotes about life. Here is a collection of our favorite short life quotes that will inspire you to live your life like the great human you are. “ These funny quotes about life is enough to melt your mind and we promise that you will say wow by reading them. With so much humor in the world, we’ve collected some hilarious life quotes from a wide range of famous writers, celebrities and thinkers from over the last couple of centuries and beyond. Funny inspirational quotes are considered as the most entertaining quotes because aside from being witty, they are also wise quotes.These quotes are mostly about love, life and friendship.Most of the time we can also relate to it. The ability to sum up life in a few words is a special skill. They make us learn a lesson in laughter. I hope these quotes will give you a … Enjoy our funny life quotes collection. You can find intriguing opinions on life, death, and everything in between in these collections of short funny quotes. Short funny sayings raise spirits even amid grave circumstances. Repeat or copy these quotes out to your friends to make them laugh! Below you’ll find a collection of wise and funny life quotes to enjoy when you need a bit of levity. With so much […] They make us learn a lesson in laughter. Funny quotes and sayings about life are always witty and convey a deep meaning in a very happy manner. Remember, laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you have time to reflect and ponder on a wonderfully long, insightful and inspiring quote. “The only mystery in life is not about how you survive the storm, it’s about how you dance in the rain. First in line is a compilation of inspirational and funny quotes from movies. Sometimes we have to see the funny side of life in order to keep going. I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not too sure. I personally created these funny life quote images. to motivate your friends and others please share with them. You can find intriguing opinions on life, death, and everything in between in these collections of short funny quotes. The next time you find life becoming a little too dreary, give yourself the gift of laughter. First of all, we have short funny quotes about life and sayings, because short funny quotes about life and hilarious sayings are the ones that can easily be told and shared with friends anywhere. Life is not about how you survive the storm, it's about how you dance in the rain. We have a lot to learn from inspirational short positive quotes which will help us to build up our positive attitude. I really should do something with my life... maybe tomorrow. Inspirational quotes about life and success between lines in Real life often have a lot of real stresses. 1. Check out our full collection of life … Looking for funny quotes about life? Since I start reading short inspirational quotes or whatever quotes from great people aside from biblical passages , it inspires me a lot and it plays a vital part of being a better person, a person of moral values with positive outlook in life. Thank you For me humor is a great enlightening agent. You still have the chance to turn your life being into happy one! It’s a rich collection of inspirational short positive quotes and famous sayings. Enjoy Life Quotes. Enjoy, how much you can! We offering most funny quotes about life to enjoy life with fun. This is 101 short and inspirational quotes about life and on how to make it a good, happy, loving and successful one from the past 2400 years.