The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) has been a consistent crowd-pleaser since its debut in 1987. Three guys, one dead playwright, and 37 plays, all in under two hours. The Web's largest and most comprehensive scripts resource. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) on the other hand, reveres the Bard just as often as it mocks him, making it a religious parody of sorts. Some might be surprised to find out that The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) was first performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company. The Reduced Shakespeare Company - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged): Adam Long, Reed Martin, Austin Tichenor, Daniel Singer, Paul Kafno, Steve Eveleigh, Jess Winfield, William Shakespeare: Movies & TV features a book: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. There are moments of exquisite timing, throwaway lines that must be ad-libs until you look at a script, and the rap summary of Othello is a piece of genius that needs complete clarity and synchronization. Shakespeare was inarguably a classic playwright revered by many creatives as one of the greatest writers of all time. Find all about the complete works of william shakespeare (abridged) on! After a beat, DANIEL enters from the wings, ostensibly a house manager. However, it was not the Royal Shakespeare Company that originated the show. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged). An irreverent, fast-paced romp through the Bard's plays, THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (ABRIDGED) was London's longest-running comedy. With The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged), Chesapeake Shakespeare pulls a rabbit out of a tattered hat with … I have just a few hrlef annnuncements before we get underway. Photo credit Graeme Dobbs. Yet in his day, Shakespeare was just writing to entertain the masses. Looking for the scripts matching the complete works of william shakespeare (abridged)? ‘The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)’ was manic. All three bring enormous energy to the evening. In this universally acclaimed theater experience, Adam Long (one of the troupe's founding members), Reed Martin, and Austin Tichenor manage to compress the complete works of Shakespeare into about an hour and 40 minutes of high-speed over-the-top hilarity. In this universally acclaimed theater experience, Adam Long (one of the troupe's founding members), Reed Martin, and Austin Tichenor manage to compress the complete works of Shakespeare into about an hour and 40 minutes of high-speed over-the-top hilarity. Yet in his day, Shakespeare was just writing to entertain the masses. *Note: While this is a summary of characters types that are written in the script, the authors stress that The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) is a highly improvisational piece and the actors can change things according to their personalities, contemporary popular references, and/or the nature of the target audience. And who is more appropriate than […] Three madcap men in tights weave their wicked way through all of Shakespeare's comedies, histories, and tragedies in one wild ride that will leave you breathless and helpless with laughter. The hefty tome of Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets, a nondescript table, two chairs and a turquoise feather boa is apparently all one needs to stage all of the Bard’s output: if you skip a few things.