The three pillars of sustainability model was developed by Professor Alexander J.B. Zehnder at Na-nyang Technology University (NTU) in Singapore in 2011, where it has been used as an organizing idea and planning template for research and applied projects; for example, the NTU Singapore Sus- the environment, the economy and society. Research project proposals should embody sustainability. Following these general guidelines and learning from the examples of other companies will let you determine the best path to take for your own company. The above-mentioned three pillars of sustainability are very common terms in the literature, media, and communications and convey a simple idea to grasp. The three-sphere framework was initially proposed by the economist Rene Passet in 1979. The diagrams provided give a deeper look at how these pillars are connected and why it is important to take a three-pronged approach in making sustainable choices. As the term bottom line suggests, it originates from the world of Plus, having an understanding of how the three pillars of sustainability affect an event is a good starting point before diving into all the little nitty-gritty details. One of the hallmarks of our American democracy is the privilege bestowed upon the citizenry to participate in the life of their community and make positive change. Sustainability is often represented diagrammatically. Three Pillars of Sustainability . differ from modern interpretations. Defining sustainability and corporate social responsibility by using the Three Pillars of Sustainability can help a company determine its own sustainable and successful road. The three pillars of sustainability are a powerful tool for defining the Sustainable Development problem. Few organizational entities exist that demonstrate this privilege and commitment to community betterment than community foundations. The three-pillar conception of (social, economic and environmental) sustainability, commonly represented by three intersecting circles with overall sustainability at the centre, has become ubiquitous. This is a great point in which to begin interviewing key influencers too. The figure at the top of this page suggests that there are three pillars of sustainability - economic viability, environmental protection and social equity. Sustainable Development: An Introduction to the Three Pillars of Sustainability. Social sustainability; Economic sustainability; In essence, sustainability implies a responsible approach that minimizes the negative environmental impact, while trying to maintain balance between all 3 ‘pillars’. Download Text-Only PDF . These aspects need to be considered in balance in order to achieve a truly sustainable outcome. Definition of Sustainable Development. The figure at the top of this page suggests that there are three pillars of sustainability - economic viability, environmental protection and social equity. They act as … Nowhere have we found a theoretically rigorous description of the three pillars. “The Three Pillars of Sustainability” Also known as the “triple bottom line.” In this definition, the concept of sustainability refers to three "pillars" that make the development of economic activities and the protection of the environment compatible: environmental sustainability - ensures the availability and quality of natural resources; social sustainability - ensures quality of life, safety and services for citizens The three pillars of sustainability framework is a multidisciplinary implemen-tation and solutions oriented approach that recognizes most successful and scalable sustainability solutions require the presence of, and are driven by, all three pillars simultaneously: 1) technology and innovation; 2) laws and go- THE INDISSOLUBLE RELATIONSHIP EXISTS WITHIN THE PILLARS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT When the aims and achievements of new form of XXI century developing are analyzed, must be taken into account relationships between parts of the whole concept. If one is missing, then a sustainable community will not be achieved. The Three Pillars of Sustainability. The examples are not intended to be inclusive. An Introduction to Sustainability and Sustainable Development @CircularEcology. Research project proposals should embody sustainability. The examples are not intended to be inclusive. This consists of at least the economic, social, and environmental pillars. interested in sustainable communities and is a leader in fostering cooperation and collaboration among organizations dedicated to environmentally responsible practices in the building industry.” page 4 of 6 The Three Pillars of Corporate Sustainability The diagram above illustrates how sustainable communities are achieved, and that involves the overlapping of different domains, including the three pillars of sustainability, namely, planet (environmental), people (socio-cultural), and profit (economic).