This is 11.8% of the habitable area around the world and 5.6% of … Die Union Südamerikanischer Nationen (spanisch Unión de Naciones Suramericanas UNASUR, portugiesisch União das Nações Sul-Americanas UNASUL, englisch Union of South American Nations, niederländisch Unie van Zuid-Amerikaanse Naties) ist eine Internationale Organisation der zwölf südamerikanischen Staaten. 3 SANDRA BORDA MAY 2014 Regional politics in Latin America today are defined by a variety of trends: Brazil continues to grow, but its leadership in the region has substantially decreased during the administration of Dilma Rousseff, which began in 2011; On December 1st, 2010, Uruguay became the ninth state to accede the USAN treaty and therefore gave the union full legality. The new name was jointly agreed by all member states during the first day of meeting at the First South American Energy Summit, held at Isla Margarita, Venezuela. A South American Parliament should be elected and based in Cochabamba, Bolivia, while the headquarters of the Union will be based in Quito, Ecuador. Half of the nations belonging to Unasur, a South American bloc set up a decade ago to counter U.S. sway in the region, have decided to suspend their membership, a … On May 23rd, 2008 during the Third Summit of Heads of State which took place in Brazil, the USAN Constitutive Treaty was signed. The name was finally changed on April 16, 2007 to Union of South American Nations. The Union of South American Nations (USAN; Spanish: Unión de Naciones Suramericanas, UNASUR; Portuguese: União de Nações Sul-Americanas, UNASUL; Dutch: Unie van Zuid-Amerikaanse Naties, UZAN; and sometimes referred to as the South American Union) is an intergovernmental regional organization that once comprised twelve South American countries; as of 2019, most have withdrawn. The Union of South American Nations MAPPING MULTILATERALISM IN TRANSITION NO. All member states comprise a total area of 17.71 million km² and about 423.40 million people. info) - UZAN, Portuguese: União de Nações Sul-Americanas - UNASUL, Spanish: Unión de Naciones Suramericanas - UNASUR) is an intergovernmental union integrating two existing customs unions: Mercosur and the Andean Community of Nations, as part of a continuing process of South American integration. Member states of the USAN Union of South American Nations The USAN is an alliance of currently 12 countries in South America. … Description of the Subject: Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) In 2008 the South American Community of Nations (UNASUR) was created by Argentina , Brazil , Bolivia , Colombia , Chile , Ecuador , Guyana, Paraguay , Peru , Suriname, Uruguay , and Venezuela .