Choose a plant type Are you worried about a tree on your property? Poor quality tree: If individual tree quality is poor, it will have a negative effect on growth rate. A variety of conditions can cause yellow or brown leaves on the money tree. Homeowners cherish their trees as sources of shade, beauty, and significant property value. Oregon State University Extension Service Foresters help you learn about individual tree needs, how to detect and describe symptoms of poor tree health, and to decide whether you need to take further action. ‘What is wrong with my lemon tree?’This question, along with the one about possums, is the reason why TV garden programmes changed from … I'd love a consult on if it can be saved, or the cost for removal.” Karen wondered what was wrong with her orange tree, “I have a mature orange tree that seems to be sick. Oregon State University Extension Service Foresters help you learn about individual tree needs, how to detect and describe symptoms of poor tree health, and to decide whether you need to take further action. We travel anywhere in the Prairie Provinces to provide informative solutions to your tree problems. My Bonsai tree is dying!" Rapid tree death in late summer or early fall with no shoots developing from the tree crown is the most common symptom. Diagnose problems in the yard and garden caused by insects, diseases and nonliving factors. Something is clearly wrong with my rowan tree (Sorbus Autumn Spire). Choose a plant type What is wrong with my tree and or shrubs? Unfortunately, an old pest has presented a new threat to red and pin oak trees in the Front Range. One trunk looks quite sick. Learn the steps to assessing a plant and its site so that you can begin to diagnose plant issues yourself. Oregon State University Extension Service Foresters help you learn about individual tree needs, how to detect and describe symptoms of poor tree health, and to decide whether you need to take further action. When selecting a tree at the nursery, inspect the tree starting at the top or crown of the tree and working your way … What’s wrong with my pine tree? What’s Wrong With My Tree? What’s Wrong With My Tree? Discover the identifying characteristics of fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases. What's wrong with my plant? It hasn’t grown since I planted it! Could your tree be in danger? We can show you how to solve the problem yourself or refer you to a reputable tree service. When we look at a tree’s separate functions (nutrient uptake, anchorage, decay and the compartmentalization of decay, photosynthesis, transpiration and respiration and many more biological processes that I know nothing about), we can better identify what is wrong with the tree, where it is struggling, what it is struggling with. Many write, “The leaves are turning brown,” or “Some of the branches are dying,” or … symptom checker: understanding what's wrong with your trees The most valuable part of any living, growing landscape are the trees that provide a protective border around your property, that offer shade during the “dog” days of summer, and that act as an all-season wind break. Sometimes being arborists is kind of like being a detective. Avoiding wounds by properly pruning your trees will also keep slime flux at bay. There’s no denying that big, stately oak trees add character and beauty to any landscape. It started last week and in all honesty I thought at first it was a sign of colder nights and a sign that autumn was on it's way. Dr. Dave Clement, University of Maryland Extension Plant Pathologist, explains two common diseases of this popular evergreen tree. Feeding at the right times of year, proper watering, and over all maintenance will keep trees healthy, vigorous and able to fight off pests and disease. Diagnose problems in the yard and garden caused by insects, diseases and nonliving factors. Unfortunately, trees suffer from various diseases, insect damage and environmental stresses. In some species, such as white pine and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), needles may only persist for two growing seasons. As long as the tree is dropping older (interior) needles, it’s probably normal needle shed. However, this is not the usual autumn colour, plus the fact that all the foliage is looking droopy as you can see.