b) Reddish. However, if you’re unsure of your current career or have no idea what to do with your life, this book has the potential to be quite powerful. I’m Dick Bolles. For years, you scoffed that skydiving was a generic way to have an adventure — as uninspired as bungee jumping or getting a tattoo during spring break in Daytona Beach. You insisted that people should make their own adventures, not just plunk down a few hundred bucks … d) None of the above. c) Greenish. a) Bluish. 2. You look down at the parachute next to you. in the tenth grade and again every year thereafter.” This is my site, and it’s designed to be a complement and supplement to my book, What Color Is Your Parachute: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters & Career-Changers, revised and rewritten each year, each new edition appearing in bookstores in … “Parachute remains the most complete career guide around… It covers all the ground less ambitious guides do, as well as some the others don't, mostly in the realm of the psyche.” Barbara Presley Noble, New York Times “Ideally, everyone should read What Color Is Your Parachute? What Color Is Your Parachute? What color is it? What Colour is your Parachute is an excellent resource. You can check one out from various libraries or ask us at our 58 Queen Street South location to read a copy. You can check one out from various libraries or ask us at our 58 Queen Street South location to read a copy. is updated on an annual basis, so in order to write a review of this book for The Simple Dollar, I picked up the latest revision and went through the book again.