Who is the Elect Lady in the Second Epistle of John? The mention of this other elect lady and her children further supports the view that John is writing to actual individuals. Spell. The “elect lady” John wrote this epistle to many consider to be the churches. I couldn't help but wonder whether that was really true. It is my opinion that this last view is the correct one. Taken literally, the epistle is written to a particular woman and her children a. Test. STUDY. The Second Epistle of John begins (NIV empahsis mine):. Question: "Who is the elect lady in 2 John?" The most natural meaning of his salutation is that John sent his letter to a particular person. Second John was written to. The reason is John told the receiver of this epistle to not receive anyone who says that Jesus Christ didn’t come in the flesh, as in the One prophesied Messiah, into their house because they are an antichrist (verse 7). John may have been doing the same in his letter. Second John and Third John are the two shortest books in the Bible. For one, individuals are rarely called “elect”. The Second Epistle of John begins (NIV empahsis mine):. 2 John 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV) The Second Epistle of John. True. The Second Epistle is addressed by the elder unto the elect lady and her children. Start studying The message second John. The elect lady. Who is the Elect Lady in the Second Epistle of John? At least, unlike 3 John, 2 John does contain about two paragraphs of Christian doctrine. To the lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in the truth—and not I only, but also all who know the truth—because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever:. Chapter 1. Written to “the elect lady and her children” (see comments on recipients below) b. To the lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in the truth—and not I only, but also all who know the truth—because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever:. Wikipedia currently states: "who the elect lady is no one knows." In which warning is given against showing hospitality to certain teachers - cf. The other is Romans 16:13, where Rufus is called “chosen (elect) in the Lord”. The lady and her family were chosen by God, redeemed by Christ, and made part of the family of God (John 1:12). The Second Epistle of John, consisting of just one chapter, addresses this very problem... a. True. If Theory #1 is true, 2 John 1 would be the only instance in the New Testament in which “elect” is used as an adjective modifying an individual. Of the thirteen" verses composing this epistle seven are in the First Epistle. This would imply that another church is saying hello to the one John is writing to. The Second Epistle is addressed “unto the elect lady and her children”, and some have understood a certain church and its members Alford, however, gives good grounds for believing that an individual is meant. But with heretics to have no society, even not to salute them. "THE SECOND EPISTLE OF JOHN" A Letter To A Lady And Her Children (1-3) ... "THE ELECT LADY AND HER CHILDREN" 1. If John was using cryptic language in this epistle, the chosen lady and her children would be the local church. In fact, if kyria is an individual than this is only the second instance in the New Testament where an individual is called “elect”. THE SECOND EPISTLE OF ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE The Apostle commends Electa and her family for their steadfastness in the true faith and exhorts them to persevere, lest they lose the reward of their labours. kaylaspeckles20. Another possibility is that John was writing to a congregation. 1 This Epistle is written to a woman of great renown, 4 who brought up her children in the fear of God: 6 he exhorteth her to continue in Christian charity, 7 that she accompany not with Antichrists, 10 but avoid them.