Kissing does not look silly. From a distance, no. 9. Wiki User ... People normally close their eyes when they kiss … In the first case (eyes open), a partner is not confident and tries to watch and check the reaction. There's a couple of reason guys may do this. Most guys like porn.. It also matters whether you kiss with your eyes open or closed. This can have many reasons. Posted Nov 16, 2011 ... Not all men vocalize their feelings. Obviously your eyes were open. ... wheres when they closed their eyes, the vibration on their hand felt much more significant. It can be taken different ways, Some people say that they like to see their partner while kissing. In today’s economy, why do women expend extra energy closing their eyelids when leaving them open would work just as well? Most girls do not.. Guys do not attach as much emotion ( heart ) to the sex act as do women. They get more excited by seeing the person they are kissing and watching the person kissing them back. If you are looking to be through and make sure your partner is really into the kiss, take a peek and make sure their eyes are closed. Science Finally Has An Answer. ... On the other hand, keeping your eyes open sounds like a great delay tactic. Males & Females have greater mental differences than physical. You don't want to go sticking your tongue up some woman's nostril. This being my first kiss, I didn’t know what to do. I venture to say that it was for the same exact reason. ... Men prefer open … However, they were also found to be more passionate. Psychologist reveals why we do it with our eyes shut Aside from the fact it's extremely unromantic, there is a very good reason why … In the second case (eyes closed) partners fully give in to the process and by closing their eyes they reinforce the senses and sensitivity. And I'm pretty much the same. There’s no official study on this but some people report that their narcissist kisses with their eyes open. All things being equal, shouldn’t they just keep their eyes open? 51 comments. Keep reading... 8 Reasons Women Keep Their Eyes… GUYS ONLY: Why Do Guys Kiss with Their Eyes Open? Why does my boyfriend kiss with his eyes open? Ever wonder why? Do Narcissists Kiss With Eyes Open? ... and I've gone out with guys who are totally cocky but seriously couldn't kiss their way out of a wet ... to keep your eyes open while you kiss… My boyfriend also keeps his eyes open while I do sexual stuff to him. If it was, we would all stop kissing so much because of how silly it looks. But because I liked her, I followed her lead. My question is why do people even kiss with their eyes close... i loved my ex alot and well i didnt want to miss a second of her beauty. Guys do not feel the need to "snuggle" after sex as do women. Why are men more visual and keep their eyes open when it comes to sex and kissing? Why do we kiss with our eyes closed? It also aids in proper placement of the kiss. Its also Been said those who do kiss with their eyes open, are not trust worthy. Most girls kiss with their eyes closed. Most guys kiss with their eyes open.. They might be somewhere else, thinking about other things. share. I don't kiss with my eyes open . But the real reason we shut our eyes when kissing has nothing to do with our feelings for someone else, or how good our short-distance eyesight is. It can be taken different ways, Some people say that they like to see their partner while kissing. No one wants to be kissed by someone with their eyes open–or at least know that they are. Another reason is that guys open their eyes to see if the other person has their eyes closed cuz they don't wanna seen silly making faces. "hey, why do ya kiss me with your eyes open?" Kissing doesn’t serve them at the moment. I never really understood it. Drop This Fact. Answer. A Man’s Kiss Tells You Everything. His eyes arent wide open, theyre only half way, but why? I do it to see if your eyes are open. He always closes his eyes when we kiss, but SOMETIMES I'll open mine a little for a few seconds; the look on his face while he kisses me is so sweet, I love to see it :3 not to mention it turns me on, lol. The narcissist is not fully in the moment. If this method proves to be successful, keep your eyes open all the while so you can make sure their eyes are closed. I feel with my lips and tongue what the lady seems to like or not..but I wouldn't say it's a bad thing..just maybe a bit unnerving for you..why don't you just ask him? Is it normal to kiss with your eyes open? Except when he's REALLY close to cumming. Why We Kiss (and How to Do It Right) ... men were found to be somewhat less picky with their kissing partners. What Your Kissing Style Says About You. So, why were your eyes open? People close their eyes while kissing to allow the brain to properly focus on the task in hand, psychologists have said. One is that guys are stimulated more visually. I try to see if the guys i kiss do it but im always too wrapped up in it to remember to peak :"> Also please read i said "I always notice if a catch a couple go in for smooch" which means i see it in my every day real life not just on tv, its all observation ppl!!! We love kissing, we kiss all the time so i dont think he keeps his eyes open because his mind is somewhere else or hes bored? I remember with my ex g/f we always kissed with our eyes opened unless if it was dark or in the morning when we were both to tired to open our eyes.