There were more than 30 dynasties in Egyptian history. Asked in History Historians divide ancient Egypt's history into three periods: the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom. The Three Periods/Stages of India's History India's history can be divided into three periods or stages: Duration Period Politico-Economic System Dominant Religion. However, for all intents and purposes, the period will be used here as spanning from the second world war in 1945 to present day, as it is considered separate from the past eras and the newest stage of world history. Earth's history is divided into eras. It is the study of change. Lower Egypt is actually the northern part, Upper Egypt is the middle part, and Nubia is … The second period in Roman history is the period of the Roman Republic. 1. The history of ancient Egypt spans the period from the early prehistoric settlements of the northern Nile valley to the Roman conquest of Egypt in 30 BC. These time intervals are not equal in length like the hours in a day. Egypt's history is split into several different periods according to the ruling dynasty of each pharaoh. Human prehistory is the period between the use of the first stone tools c. 3.3 million years ago by hominins and the invention of writing systems. Same is the case with history.Well, let me explain with a more real life example. In the northern portions of North America the early native peoples are commonly divided into the following regional groups: The Eastern Woodland culture was located in the drainage area of the Mississippi River east to the Atlantic Ocean and south from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Geologists have divided Earth's history into a series of time intervals. Historians apply spatial frames to the study of history because dividing history into periods allows historians to present events in order, a simple way of describing a general time period in history. The dating of events is still a subject of research. Answer. Because in different ages, society becomed totally different. Same is the case with history.Well, let me explain with a more real life example. Not really. Why history is divided into periods - 11632692 Answer: Here's your answer #History is divided into parts because it would be hard to provide all the information of certain time together as there may have some changes... Hope it helps Dynasties helped keep Egypt united, which was no easy task. Related Questions. Here’s a diagram of major periods popularly used to divided history: Palaeolithic is also divided into Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic ages. The word Republic refers to both the time period and the political system [Roman Republics, by Harriet I.