I absolutely love Dreadbox though. However, the Sub 25 may be better seen as a successor to the Sub Phatty. You could probably get captured by a cannibal tribe in South America and say “Moog synthesizer” and they’d drag out a late 70’s Minimoog and a Heathkit guitar amp, all powered by crusty automobile batteries. it gives the impression that it will last a long time. The Memorymoog was impressive, but it came and went, while the monophonics roll on. (owners of the original Waldorf Q know what I’m talking about. I like the clean sounds! The new standard in preset design. That said I am really struggling to decide whether to GEt a Moog Sub 37 or the Sub Phatty. Such a shame all the new work goes to re-newed synthesizers and the older ones will not get any attention any more. The Sub 37 is a great synth. And hey – sometimes businesses screw up and you’re *glad* you’ve got a first gen. Also note: because Moog are who they are, they (like Ferrari)(correctly) understand that they have an obligation to maintain the reputation of their name and to promote the industry that they are a part of. I don’t know if that is technically true (I’m no expert) but you get the idea, I agree. The sound of the previous ones was ALWAYS lacking to me. May 20, 2020 - About the Moog Sub 37 and Moog Subsequent 37 Analog Synthesizer. I’m happy, the company’s still afloat, improving their great sounding products at a competitive price point. Using an Audio Precision analyzer and an oscilloscope, Cyril Lance compares the audio outputs of both the original Sub 37 and Subsequent 37. Improved keybed is welcome. This piecemeal incremental adjustments and improvements by Moog is perplexing. After I bought it, I remembered I had the midi to CV modules on a couple of my racks. Fair enough, but some of us are pretty happy with our Sub 37s as they are. Not until I played one next to a Mini did I find anything not to like. I’m sorry that I’m going to sound like a jerk saying this, but: a lot of the people commenting here haven’t a clue about how product development works in the real world. See more ideas about Moog, Synthesizer, Submarine. Sourcing old parts must have taken some time though. If they offered some sort of an upgrade path for current Sub 37 owners I would be more accepting of these improvements. The Subsequent 37 is already shipping from the Moog Factory and currently available through Moog Dealers worldwide for $1499. Moog has about 70 employees while a massive multinational manufacturer such as Roland has over 3000. It does sound good though. The chordal paradigm doesn’t generally work all that well. Also, you could have just updated the firmware to allow for the extra headroom. I bought one and it sounds really great although i feel you if your bummed out about still having a tribute edition and wanting this. As long as there’s an Audio in, you can route whatever other synth you like through to get that extra oscillator (a Shruti for example to get 8-bit wavetables). Hey Moog, please explain why every Minimoog in the Voueger line is discontinued, and why your still banking on the modular synths that no one can afford or have the space? I want an Abyss so bad. Let's take a look at a blow by blow comparison of features of these three Moog synths: Probably because people complained. Moog’s engineering team is small and cannot afford the R&D expense of designing completely new instruments every 12 or 18 months (just for the sake of having something new). The Moog Subsequent 37 is the most straightforward of them, offering up the classic Moog analog architecture, with basic routing and modulation options. Somehow I can’t manage to fit it in any productions, it’s always too big, fat and aggressive. I think the thing that frustrates people about Moog is that a lot of people want a new polymoog – but it may not be commercially viable for them to create a modern polyphonic analog, to Moog’s level of build quality. Weren’t they selling those larger modulat aystems for like $50k? The award-winning Sub 37 Paraphonic Analog Synthesizer has been discontinued from production to make way for Moog Music’s new standard: the Subsequent 37. I’m not sure what to think about this. Yes, I was totally waiting for them to at least say something positive about the Sub 37! Remakes, and improvements on 2 synths I already bought (sub phatty, then sub 37). Oh there was definately a huge “collectors” mark up. How do I download the Sub 37 and Subsequent 37 Editor / Librarian? So the “limitations” are lifted with this new version. Choose Subzero Deluxe and access the ultimate music production toolkit (Over 1.7 GB). . All rights reserved. But what means “standard” if it changes. But not every synthesist needs CV routing, so by popular demand, Moog has released the Subsequent 37: it's the same great analog synth — minus the CV. Perhaps it’s just me, but this synth is…difficult. However, it does one better, with the addition of two-note paraphony—which means that you can play two notes on the keyboard at a time (though both will go through the same signal path). circuitry. In addition to the sound engine augmentation, each Subsequent 37 comes with an upgraded keybed for improved playability, a high-powered headphone amplifier strong enough to drive the most demanding headphones, and a software plugin/editor for both Windows and Mac platforms. Ultimately, the market will determine the fate of any manufacturer, but what we all have in common is enthusiasm for synthesis and we should therefore encourage makers to introduce products as they see fit…. Being a snob means you’ll miss out on some great synths that lots of other people own. If and when they do stagnate a bit only then will they release a true poly to grow the company to keep it afloat another few decades. These are both very useful features live. I think of this as a sign of a company that’s struggeling. B.S. And they are constantly trying to improve their products. I had my eyes on it since the previous sub 37 came out, but for some reason I always went for something else. Moog Music today announced that it is discontinuing the Sub 37 Tribute Edition and replacing it with the Subsequent 37, the little brother of the previously introduced Subsequent 37 CV. this is the first one of the phatty line I would consider buying actually. The Subsequent 37 is a (two-note) paraphonic analogue synthesizer with double the mixer headroom of the Sub 37. ), they have to train support people on how it works so they can assist people who call customer service … and I’m probably leaving a lot of stuff out. Honestly, people should simply be aware that when you buy the 1st generation of something – a synthesizer, a car, a television, etc – there’s going to be a 2nd generation, maybe even a 3rd or 4th or 5th – that is going to be somehow ‘better’. Moog has revealed its new Subsequent 37 synthesizer. The Sub 37 somehow manages to fuse the two OSC better and you get a more harmonic sound, especaly on duophon sounds. As its name suggests, this new instrument shares a lineage with Moog’s Subsequent 37 and its predecessor the Sub 37, although its closest relative is 2013’s Sub Phatty, which it replaces in Moog’s line-up.. I owned a s37 and this is a huge improvement being able to send CV out to other modular gear as well as the other upgrades. If you've got a Moog Music Sub 37 synthesizer but are suffering from GAS now the new Subsequent 37 is available you can now upgrade your instrument. Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this article but neither Sound On Sound Limited nor the publishers can be held responsible for its contents. It’d be awesome to talk to a Moog (or Ferrari) engineer and hear about the ideas and innovations that they simply couldn’t work into this year’s model because of cost/schedule considerations. I’m holding out for the Consequent 37. You made a series of good points until the final paragraph. I’d like to thank moog for justifying the last string of comments I made about them on the minitaur update thread. Its control panel has 40 knobs and 74 switches, placing a vast array of analog sound design tools and onboard sequencing options immediately at your command. I hope they survive. so thats what Moog meant by “Limited Edition” for my Sub37 when i brought it. (Moog take a look at Clavia and see how easy it is). NAMM 2021: PreSonus release Analog Effects... Moog debut semi-modular Grandmother synth, Distant City Studios - A Drum Room With A Difference, Mastering Essentials Part 6 - Final Delivery: Requirements & Specs. The Subsequent 37® CV is a limited-edition redesign of the Sub 37 Tribute Edition analog synthesizer. Moog Subsequent 37 | Ten Tips. How could the development cost come even close to a number like that. ), IIRC the Minitaur was a new architecture which begat the Sub Phatty which begat the Sub 37. Well with everyone thinking about selling their Sub 37s, soon you might just be able to afford one too…. I dont know why moog stoped getting creativ, they are just re releasing the same porduct, and showing people that bought the sub37 that it wasnt that good. A modern classic first built in 2014, the Sub 37 (the first model) and SUBsequent 37 (the later model, often still called the Sub 37), builds on Moog's slightly older Sub Phatty monosynth. Things get oddly muddy and undermine the point. Upgraded version introduced, Tribute Edition discontinued, https://www.moogmusic.com/products/phattys/subsequent-37. Not sure. I'm not surprised, it's a confusing product line, but I'll attempt to clarify it as we go along. I do like the “softer” sound of the old one better. 3. Completing the sonic evolution of the Subsequent 37 is a re-tuned Multidrive circuit that extends well beyond the grit and growl of the original Sub 37. Even Minimoog expanders with a case , and knobs were at that price range. Before assuming all complaints related to price are by noobs, try rationalising what it is you’re looking at & what they want. Can the Subsequent 37 use the same patches as the Sub 37 Tribute Edition? Moog is preparing us for the future. The 37 CV became my modular controller. Rear Little more than a year since the arrival of the 25 key Sub Phatty, Moog has released its successor, the Sub 37. This one seems to have finally got that moog sound back. Yeah the Dominion Club is another one I was looking out for. . The Subsequent is definitely an incremental improvement, but why shouldn’t they update it over time? 2004-2021 Synthtopia, All Rights Reserved, Moog Announces Subsequent 37, Discontinues Sub 37, Behringer Intros $699 ARP 2600 'Blue Marvin' & 'Gray Meanie' Knockoffs, Native Instruments Getting New Majority Owner, New Korg modWave Wavetable Synthesizer 'A Synthesis Powerhouse', IK Multimedia Intros UNO Synth Pro Analog Synthesizers, Behringer Confirms Synthi VCS3 Knockoff On The Way, La Voix du Luthier Intros Pyramide Essential Acoustic Resonator, New Music From Plastikman For Prada Fall/Winter 2021, Kurzweil K2700 Synthesizer Workstation An Evolutionary Leap For V.A.S.T. 107 Moog Sub 37 presets that deliver unbelievable character and colour.. For a $200 price difference it's a tough choice but the Sub 37 seems to offer the best value for your use case. Here’s a summary of the features and differences of the two Subsequent synths: Moog shared this video intro, featuring Moog Chief Engineer Cyril Lance and Snarky Puppy’s Cory Henry, demonstrating the sonic changes implemented in the Subsequent design: The Subsequent 37 is available now for US $1499. I played a Sub 37 once. The big sellers are cheap synths for noobs, that’s why you get so many people complaining about price, every time a new synth gets introduced. Synthesis, Korg Drumlogue Drum Machine (Sneak Preview). In May 2017, Moog announced its successor, the Moog Subsequent 37 CV, which featured an additional four assignable CV outputs, and two gate output in a limited edition of 2000 units. Oh, now I see, the price is the new standard.. De sebsequent 37 with a Behringer minimoog in the external in Midi connected though the 5 pin. “…a replacement for the company’s discontinued Minimoog line.”. If there is only one edition then it’s not really an edition is it? I’m having much more fun with the SE-02 to be honest. In any case, some people might even prefer the sound of the Sub37, just like some people still swear by the Virus B, instead of the TI… grit can be good. I wonder if there is a Sub 37 upgrade path. I’m so sick of this dumb game. To be fair, they do sound like “we messed up” by comparing both products without emphasizing anything good about the sub37. With the leftover cash, I’m deciding between the Behringer D or waiting out for the Dreadbox Medusa. I bought an opened box Sub 37 and I love it. I’ve had this synthesiser for a couple of months now. But now I’m a little pissed. Really couldn’t find anything about it that I didn’t like. It feels like a thing a car company or mobile phone company would do. . So most of the time it ends up as a (very expensive) sub bass generator. At least the better keyboard would be nice. In addition to the sound engine augmentation, each SUBSEQUENT 37 comes with an upgraded keybed for improved playability, a high-powered headphone amplifier strong enough to drive the most demanding headphones, and a software plugin/editor for both Windows and Mac platforms. And name a software synth from the last few years more revolutionary and better sounding than Animoog. Leveraging the mixer’s newfound flexibility, the gain-staging of the Ladder filter has been reshaped to boost harmonic saturation and analogue compression, resulting in an overall richer low end, claim Moog. All of these “sound” the same to me – see if you don’t think so. So a 3 osc synth from them is quite tempting. There’s a good reason for it. Learning to use it has been exciting. A company doesn’t owe you anything because they introduce a new model. One comes with CV as standard (not limited to 2000 only) & will integrate with modular systems, the other does microtonal scales. I’m p.o.ed that they make a great synth, and suddenly discontinue it because another synth is being made. There is a fine balance between the designers/developers and the money/mgmt side of the business. [1] although my original Sub37 is probably built a lot better than many Ferrari s. Based on the many companies in this niche that do manage to create new products that don’t completely cannibalize their previous ones, I would say that Moog is perfectly capable of developing a more diverse array of synths with greater frequency. . That’s the same path Keith Emerson and Cory Booker took. What can I do? ahhh. If they improved these issues with the new edition, it might be worth a shot. The original Sub37 is an amazing piece of hardware. It's bigger, meatier and easier to pilot - the Sub 37 user gets (for a nominally hiked price) a keyboard poised to be the most exciting member of the Phatty line. In fact the Minimoog isn’t mentioned anywhere in it. I have a sub37 and a voyager, the sub 37 is cool has a lot of knobs and all 2 mod busses, some great funcionality but the sound is sad compared to the voyager, tiny, not 3d at all, and mine came with a problem wich i can’t solve caus i am in Brazil. Of course thats because of the more driven sound of the Sub 37, which is why the sound can get more homogen at some points. Core Sonic Territory - Oscillators and Filters: All three of these synths have you covered for searing analog leads, basses and plucks. I wish to see something cool from moog again. Its control panel is home to 40 knobs and 74 switches, placing a vast array of analog sound-design tools and onboard sequencing options immediately at your command. Amen. As they say “you won’t be able to tell in the mix”. Comparing numbers like that sounds like something the pointy-haired boss from Dilbert would do. I agree completely tho pity they didn’t get this SIMPLE AMPLITUDE OPTIMIZATION right on ANY of the previous models…. I don’t work for Moog, but I strongly suspect that their business model Is something like that of a European sports car manufacturer. Each of the enhancements found in the SUBSEQUENT 37 maintains the magic and character of its predecessor while also providing access to new dimensions of sound and improved playability. Implementing the upgraded sonic modifications and functional improvements found in the limited-edition Subsequent 37 CV (minus the aluminum aesthetic and CV outputs), the new Subsequent 37 will become the standard production … The Sub 37 is a brilliant instrument with a beautiful sound and you’re lucky to be able to afford something that many of us can only dream of. Could not get the same sound from the 37. In this video, Grammy Award Winner Cory Henry visits the Moog Factory to put the new Subsequent 37 through its paces, and Moog Music's Chief Engineer compares the audio output from the Sub 37 Tribute Edition and the new Subsequent 37 using an audio precision analyzer and oscilloscope. Sold my Sub 37 and bought a SE-02… no regrets here. If I had the cash, I’d buy everything they make. Moog Subsequent 37 2-Note Paraphonic Analog Synthesizer The Subsequent 37 is a (2-note) paraphonic analog synthesizer that builds upon the design of the ultra-powerful Sub 37 Tribute Edition. Where are presets stored on my computer? What they really need to focus on is the Vouyger line. I hardly ever use drive or clipping when i design patches. Listened to comparison videos. Example of what they could have said : “More headroom in the mixer gives the new model a cleaner, fatter sound while the former model retains its raw, aggressive sound, giving the two synths different flavors”. This is my first Moog synth and I love it. See the Moog site for details. Is the Sub 37 to Subsequent 37 upgrade still available? The Sub 37 or Subsequent 37 offer a wide sound range (with no patching) and patch memory. All contents copyright © SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2021. Kinda deceptive wording from the marketing dept at the time then. Moog synths have a better build than Dave Smith’s, so you know you’d be looking at a $3-5,000 synth if Moog did it, and that’s just not where the market is. They were all hand built – hence the price I recon. I’m really quite upset. In a few year we may see the MiniMoog (SMD version) back as the standard….. Bought a Voyager RME new for $1799 a few years back. Pros: - It … Moog Subsequent 37. A Moog is what you put on top of VAs or workstations for when its time to play a standout section. 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