They can even be hostile to each other. From here on, their relationship is developed just like it would be with any other cat. But, you need to realize that any bond that is established between your cat and a newcomer will never be as strong as the one that existed between the original littermates. Do Male And Female Cats Get Along Better? Will two male cats get along? You also may find some success in adopting two cats of the opposite sex, so don't rule that out. Contrary to popular belief, two male cats will not necessarily fight each other to the death. As a result, we assume they have no fundamental need for social company. In fact, even if your cat has had a very close relationship to a previous cat, a new cat may not be welcomed into the household. An easy-going cat may accept most other cats, while a timid and shy cat may be reluctant to accept another cat, depending on the new cat’s personality. However, it is important to have an understanding of feline society if you are to take on two or more cats successfully. Remember: some cats may never get along. Aggression is always a realistic possibility when it comes to male cats sharing the same space, so don't automatically assume that two boys will work any better than two girls. However, if your cat shows hostility to other cats, or hisses, growls, or marks territory if they enter your yard or garden, then obtaining another cat would not be advisable! It will be some time before the two cats accept each other and develop a bond of friendship. However, to date, the evidence is inconclusive as to whether the gender of the cat has an influence over its ability to get along with other cats when the cats are neutered. "Forcing" a pair of male cats to share the same roof isn't always easy as pie, especially if the little guys aren't neutered. Cats were once considered to be solitary creatures. FELIWAY MultiCat Diffuser can help to reduce conflict between cats living together, and limit signs such as blocking, staring and chasing. Some cats are naturally easy-going and friendly; others are timid and shy; still others are very assertive and active. You can run into issues if the cats are not altered with fighting between males over females or territorial spraying etc. Learn more. If you decide that two is better than one, adopting two cats from the same litter can make things easier. Those differences in personality can have a profound effect on how two cats may get along. Do Two Males Get Along Better Than Two Female Cats? Cats make excellent pets and are suitable for all kinds of houses, however, before adopting a cat, you should know about the behavioral pattern of your furry friend. Cat jealousy and possessiveness You have to carefully integrate the new cat into the existing cat’s environment. As the title suggests, this is but an overview. Those differences in personality can have a profound effect on how two cats may get along. It does to an extent, however, two males, two females, or even a pair of male and female can get along as long as they are introduced at a young age. While cats' preferences are highly individual, some breeds, such as Persians, Maine Coons, ragdolls and Birmans tend to be more easygoing, adaptable and gentle, and may more readily accept a … Therefore, it is difficult to give guidance. As a result of this knowledge there has been a move to promote ownership of more than one cat, and in particular to encourage owners to take on two cats at the same time. If male cats are left unneutered they will mark their turf and will get into some roughhousing. We’re committed to keeping clients and staff safe during COVID-19 with NEW admittance and check-out processes. Is the cat male or female? You will go in to socialize with the cat several times during the day. If your cat is an adult and is established within your home as the only cat, then you should think carefully about introducing another feline. With time it should be possible to introduce a new cat into an existing household, but this may take a great deal of time and very gradual introduction. Your cat can actually develop serious health conditions as a result of stress, and it can make your cat’s quality of life decrease significantly. Conversely, a senior cat may not appreciate a young cat or kitten disrupting her golden years. This can be beneficial as the cats play together and provide each other with both physical and mental stimulation. What we can say for sure, however, is that this process requires patience and dedication. Make sure there is at least one cat pan, food bowl and water dish for each cat. with your cats. Just because your cat liked one cat, it may not mean that he will accept another. Check out this link. If problems arise, an extended period of separation followed by a very gradual re-introduction, perhaps accompanied by the use of pheromones and/or drugs, might need to be considered. Don't expect … Cat behaviour can be very subtle and just because cats are not fighting or hissing at each other, it does not necessarily mean that they are friends. Adopting two slightly older kittens may work out, but the general rule is that the younger the kittens are when brought together, the more easily they will accept each other as part of their social group. Cats tend to prefer consistency over change. Two cats of the same gender is typically not advised if you want to have an easy time as well. It can take up to a year for cats to get along. Humane Society of North Texas: Multi-Cat Households - The Pros and Cons, Animal Planet: How to Introduce a New Cat to an Old Cat, Animal Humane Society: Adding a New Cat to Your Household. Two adults thrown together when one is not at all used to cohabiting with other cats is typically completely inadvisable. The boisterous young cat been living with 3 adult females — Cricket, Kilah and Tikvah — and none of them had the slightest interest in playing with him. There are several reasons that cats might not get along. Usually if you have altered cats they get along best. This grieving process is quite variable in its duration, but it is not uncommon for it to last for months. This article will make you aware of some interesting facts and traits about your tom cat. But, if you think that this is a situation that is causing your cat or cats undue stress, it’s time to take action. As a general rule, it is usually best to introduce a new cat when your existing cat is young. The bond between feline littermates is very special and when one of a pair dies before the other it is not uncommon for the remaining individual to show classic signs of feline grief. But two cats can learn to cohabit, if you provide the right environment for your resident cat to accept a roommate. You may find that two queens get along famously and are inseparable -- aww. An active and assertive cat may overwhelm quieter and more timid cats, making introductions difficult. Adult female cats are usually not too shy about displaying "princess-like" behavior, and the presence of another competitor will only often highlight it. In unowned, free-ranging cats, groups of cats tend to comprise related females and their offspring. If both dogs have been neutered, there’s an even higher chance the two dogs will get along well. Top Answer. If female cats are more your speed, do the same with them. Having combined more than one group of cats, here is what I do. A pair of females might find themselves in perpetual battle with the other over your undivided love and attention -- yikes. One piece of research carried out in Switzerland showed that adult cats are more likely to accept the introduction of a younger individual than one of the same age or older. Every cat has an individual personality which will vary when introduced to another. Males and females may get along better than cats of the same sex could as there are fewer situations that can cause problems due to dominance. Owning multiple cats is often a tricky situation. Hint: for more on related topics, see. It might be best therefore to provide the new cat with a separate housing area and slowly integrate the cats during times when they are likely to be occupied, distracted or enjoying themselves (such as feeding, play, or treat times). For the first week or two, the new cat needs to be shut up in a room by itself, with food and water and a litterbox. If your cat has been seen in the company of other cats without excessive fear or aggression, it may be possible to integrate a new cat into the household. With a male and a female, the male can continue being the alpha, and the female can be the top female in the pack. Increasing the amount of available space within the home can be achieved by making use of three-dimensional features of the house by adding furniture, shelving, and aerobic centers that allow cats to make use of vertical as well as horizontal space. Maternal aggression usually subsides once the kittens are weaned. ©Copyright VCA Hospitals all rights reserved. Unfixed male cats are driven by their hormones, and as a result can get very territorial and competitive with others. A cat close in age to your resident cat may be a better match than one that’s much younger or much older. Just remember that all cats have different personalities and preferences. After all, just like people, all felines are separate individuals with distinct temperaments. If your goal is for two happy cats that get along and don't cause too much trouble, you do have several options, so don't panic just yet. Cats that have lived on the streets and have had to defend themselves will be more aggressive once rescued and placed in a home. Therefore, it would probably be sensible to think about a kitten or a young adult for the new addition to your family. A male and female dog can live in harmony because they don’t have to compete over a position at the top of the totem pole. An active and assertive cat may overwhelm quieter and more timid cats, making introductions difficult. Heavens no. However, some cats, if they have been sufficiently socialized to other cats or are particularly sociable (genetically), do benefit enormously from feline company. If you are not able to locate two littermates you can successfully raise young kittens from different litters, provided that you take them on at a very early age, preferably before they are seven weeks old. They can get along well, … Cats are territorial animals and when you are introducing a second feline you need to remember that they need to establish their own space within the home. Dervish, our “big orange-and-white guy,” was about a year old when we were waylaid by the stray kitten with the Abyssinian-looking face and mottling. Indeed, hostility toward another cat that is introduced when the resident cat is fearful, anxious, depressed or in ill health can be very intense and the likelihood of ultimate integration between the cats is very slim. At the other end of the spectrum, two female cats may also pose their own set of specific problems, although not typically physical aggression, thankfully. This means that cats can live alone perfectly happily, provided that they have sufficient supply of safe territory, food, shelter and affection from their owners. Adult male cats may threaten, and sometimes fight with, other males. Clinically proven, and veterinary recommended to help cats get along better at home, FELIWAY MultiCat can keep your cats in constant harmony. This will allow the two cats to get to know each other over a long period of time and hopefully bond as they grow. At the end of the day, no "yes" or "no" answer is in place for whether two male cats will get along better than two female cats. But we weren’t about to turn the new cat … Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. They will get frustrated with a senior cat who prefers napping to playing. Not only did my male cat “accept” this male kitten, but they becam… But with the right precautions and process, two cats can be introduced to each other safely and efficiently. If your cat grew up as the only cat, with little or no contact with other felines, he may react strongly when hes finally introduced to another cat because hes afraid of the unknown, he lacks feline social skills, and he dislikes the disruption to his routine and environment. Make sure the boxes are scooped daily.-Make sure the cats can eat and drink in areas of the house where one cat can't guard both food and water bowls. Cats that aren't getting along will guard the litter box and not let the other one use it. Some cats just wont give peace a chance. Do Two Male Kittens Under One Year Get on Well Together?→. It’s a good idea to spay maternally aggressive cats to prevent future litters and future aggression problems.Play AggressionIt’s common for kittens and young cats to engage in rough, ac… Maternal AggressionA female cat with a litter of kittens may hiss, growl, chase, swat or try to bite another cat who approaches, even one with whom she was formerly friendly. Cats might not like one another, and that’s fine. A long, long time ago, I saw a similar scenario play out between the first Dervish and his “little buddy,” Zorro. Contributors: Debra Horwitz, DVM, DACVB & Gary Landsberg, DVM, DACVB, DECAWBM, Veterinarian approved Behavior Support products. Cats of similar temperaments and ages will bond faster. Asked by Wiki User. Just make sure to get both of them fixed so you don't end up with an unexpected litter on your hands one day -- uh oh. Young cats do better with a playmate close to their own age. Further advice is contained in Aggression – Treating Intercat Aggression in the Home and Introducing New Cats. They are not very tolerant of outsiders and are less likely to cohabit harmoniously with a cat that they are not related to. This is espe… Well, that depends on the cats. It is recommended if you are going to keep two male cats to always neuter them. An easy-going cat may accept most other cats, while a timid and shy cat may be reluctant to accept another cat, depending on the new cat’s personality. Wiki User Answered . “Living in peace is the goal,” McMillan says. Allowing two unneutered male cats to live together is often a recipe for disaster, especially when an unfixed female in heat is nearby! Although neutering often helps reduce these hormonal behaviors, it isn't always a guarantee, especially if the patterns started long ago. Whatever gender combination you choose for your home, all you can do is be the most patient, loving and fair owner you can be. Can 2 male cats get along? “They may not like each other, but they can at least live together and not cause problems.” See Also: Some cats may get along immediately while some will need months to be comfortable around each other. Friendships can form with older cats, but they are much more difficult. Gender doesn't always make matters any clearer or easier, either. For this reason, the best combination of cats is actually littermates and if you are taking on more than one kitten it is certainly better to consider taking on two from the same litter. Whether you want to adopt two cuties together or plan on introducing a newbie to your "first" resident cat, a variety of frustrating problems may arise, from jealousy to pure territorial conflict. The majority of cats are hostile to other unrelated felines, and there is certainly no guarantee that your cat will thank you for its new playmate. It depends on personality compatibility, and the work you put into encouraging a bond. Keep in mind that relationships in cats are usually between pairs of cats. When it comes to sharing and harmony, you may want to look into something other than two fluffy divas, unfortunately. Two littermates who have spent a longer period of time separated will develop completely distinct smells, and when reunited, will act as they've never met before. Attempting to match personality types may be useful when seeking out another companion for your cat. The most common is undersocializationa lack of pleasant experiences with other cats early in life. It can be helpful to watch them carefully to assess whether they get along and consider where their resources are placed, to ensure your cats are all happily cohabiting. Considerations At the end of the day, no "yes" or "no" answer is in place for whether two male cats will get along better than two female cats. Although cats are social creatures, they are ultimately solitary survivors. This is crucial, especially in case of tom cats, as they can be unpredictable at times in exhibiting affection and aggression. 2012-02-08 18:43:58 2012-02-08 18:43:58. Unfortunately, there is no specific deadline when it comes to getting two cats to get along. They may fight over a female, for a … This is especially important to control the behavior of … To see more read our article on how to stop cats fighting. Although it is generally accepted that related cats make the most compatible housemates, there is a distinct lack of information about the relative compatibility of unrelated cats. How to Introduce Two Cats; The Best and Worst Way to Train Your Cat; Before You Get a … Making Your Cats Get Along Desex your cats. Until they develop some degree of familiarity, introductions are unlikely to be successful. The first thing to realize is that they may never become friends. Zorro was just what Dervish needed. This is more common among unneutered cats. When the cats are brought together, key resources such as food, litter boxes, shelter and social interaction need to be available in sufficient amounts to ensure that there is no unnecessary conflict. Adult female cats are more territorial than adult male cats, but, if two cats of any gender (2 males, 2 females, or 1 male and 1 female) are raised together, they will almost always get along. This does not mean that they would not benefit from the presence of another cat, especially a littermate or other relative, but it does mean that cats who are used to living alone are not likely to be suffering as a result. You may observe two tomcats sparring until the cows come home -- even after getting fixed. Female cats can be just as territorial as males. A word of caution if you have an elderly cat who is ill: I do not recommend bringing another cat int… Perhaps look into adopting a pair of two male kittens that have been together since birth -- littermates that are already bonded! Things To Keep In Mind: Cats don't like change in general. 5 6 7. Therefore, the decision has to be made on a case-by-case basis. 2 Let the cats observe each other before they physically meet. For even more detail on this Cat-to-Cat Introduction process—an entire chapter, in fact—check out my latest book, Total Cat Mojo. While it is in progress, it is generally not advisable to take on another cat. If you already have a cat and that simply isn't a possibility, in the case of same-gender companions, make sure the new one is significantly younger in age. Dependant on how territorial the cats are, the roughhousing may lead to cuts, scrapes or even injuries that will require a vet visit. Sometimes siblings do not get along. Although there may be individual differences, we now know that they are in fact social animals who benefit from interaction with their own and other species. If you want to introduce adult cats, be sure they are of the same size and around the same age so as to avoid bullying. Talk about major dominance issues, from one cat spraying to mark his turf to the other instigating some full-out physical attacks. After all, just like people, all felines are separate individuals with distinct temperaments. Although, at first the existing housecat(s) may have a problem with the new addition to the household, in some homes the existing cat may try to initiate play while the new cat is the one that exhibits the most aggression. You may find that two queens get along famously and are inseparable -- aww. "It is not uncommon for the remaining individual to show classic signs of feline grief.". Basically cats are family-oriented creatures that commonly live with their relatives. Inter-male aggression. Answer. But hopefully, you can get to the point where they at least tolerate each other. These include behaviors such as vocalization and searching for the missing sibling, as well as changes in basic behaviors such as feeding and seeking social interaction with owners. Learn how to help your cats get along. It is sensible to space these resources around the home to minimize the need to share them directly. If you do need to take on an adult cat, the same research suggested that an adult of the opposite sex was more likely to be accepted and that, in cases of same-sex pairs, two males were slightly more likely to be compatible than two females. When introducing a new cat into your household, gender is generally less important than matching energy level, age, size, and personalities. "Differences in personality can have a profound effect on how two cats may get along.". Once the grieving process has passed and the cat has come to terms with the loss of its sibling, it may be possible to integrate a new housemate. To socialize with the right precautions and process, two male cats may threaten, and limit signs as! First thing to realize is that this process requires patience and dedication Debra Horwitz,,... 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