Midwife means “with woman”, but wait, there’s more…. By using this website, you agree to our Our themes confirmed the interconnectedness of midwifery philosophy to midwifery practice and supports assertions within the professional philosophy statement published by the Australian College of Midwives [1]. Midwife means; With Women. Data saturation in qualitative research. There was a sense that in many cases this required midwives to create an environment that encouraged women to become powerful and utilise the agency that is rightfully theirs: it’s about empowering the woman, supporting them to make decisions (UMP7). There are 3 main types of midwives, and there are some differences in the services offered by each type of midwife. Midwifery presence, designated as the embodiment of being WW is a key element designed to teach the important skills and attributes of midwives supporting women in labour [71]. Has feminism faded? The research was set in WA which has a two-tiered system of public and private care; within these systems there are three main models of midwifery care, where care is provided by an unknown midwife (UM), an unknown midwife under the direction of a known obstetrician (UMKO) and finally; a known midwife (KM). Cite this article. Accessed 25 June 2018. Additionally, an effective strategy to connect the researcher to further participants who had a lived experience of the phenomenon working in a variety of settings was through the use of snowball sampling [41] . Qual Health Res. Again I think you’ve got to get her trust as quickly as you can … building up that trust and relationship really quickly but dealing with all the clinical stuff and showing that you know what you’re talking about and ... what you’re doing… showing a woman that you’ve got respect for her (UMP5). As your personal midwife, Judy will serve as guide, guardian, knowledgeable resource. Br J Midwifery. This study is the first to present an exploration of midwives’ understanding of the complexity, variety and role of developing a connection with the woman; considering the way this relates to the phenomenon of being WW in the context of three different models. Click the Edit link to make changes to this page or add another page. A thoughtful guide. Oxon: Routledge; 2016. See more ideas about Baby stuff pregnancy, New baby products, Pregnancy birth. In this final step, use of the researchers’ ‘disciplinary intuition’ enabled statements to be transformed into concepts articulating the constituents of the phenomenon [28]. Midwife means “with woman”, but wait, there’s more…. “The word ‘midwife’ means ‘with woman,’” Conway-Welch says. A metasynthesis of eight Swedish qualitative studies revealed the essential nature of the midwife-woman relationship that includes trust, support and mutuality which, authors asserted, maximise health outcomes for the woman and her baby [60]. It was clear that midwives understood the confidence required to advocate for women and were often aware that women valued this advocacy: you have to be the advocate and really speak up and [be] confident doing that.... because the woman sometimes says things to you afterwards and says thanks for speaking up for me (UMKOP8). Another midwife reflected: You can provide midwifery care and not be ‘with woman’, you can be ticking your lists and checking your room but not actually being ‘with woman’ (UMP6). In addition to building a partnership with the woman, midwives were emphatic that being WW meant providing care that was inclusive of the woman’s partner or support people: So it’s just getting that one on one relationship with her and her partner that’s really important, and working together to get an agreed goal or outcome (UMKOP10). Finlay S, Sandall J. 2010;17(2):7–15. See more. The woman’s statement: ‘I wanted her to be there for me, not for the hospital’ – critical of the lack of support she received from her midwife, reflects the tensions that midwives experience working in UK maternity services. I know the traditional root of the word midwife is "with woman" (some sources say "wise woman"), but I'd like to offer another. Some women do go ‘into themselves’ and don’t want a lot of chatter around them or touching or anything like that, but again reading that body language… some people change in labour so this would be being ‘with woman’ (UMP5). Tritten J. A descriptive study of “being with woman” during labor and birth. Words that have been added to elucidate participant vernacular or provide conversational context are not italicised and indicated by square brackets [] [41]. Midwife means ‘with women’ Midwifery care is the provision of knowledge, advice, care and support to women and their families during pregnancy, labour and birth and the early weeks following birth. Their rich descriptions reveal how the phenomenon is not unique to any particular model of care, length of experience or previous country of practice and is seen as an integral feature of midwifery practice. PubMed What type of services does a midwife at a birth center offer that's different than a planned hospital birth. Data saturation was confirmed when no new concepts were revealed and was beginning to become evident after the 27th interview. “Someone’s rooting for you”: continuity, advocacy and street-level bureaucracy in UK maternal healthcare. Compassion, nourishment and support were primary to midwifery … successfully completed the prescribed course of studies in midwifery and has acquired the requisite qualifications to be registered and/or legally licensed to practise midwifery Themes and Subthemes - Midwives’ Perceptions of being ‘With Woman’. Midwives care for healthy, low-risk women throughout pregnancy, during labor and birth, and the postpartum period. For the first time, we have been able to offer a conceptualisation of the necessary and common components that midwives perceive are inherent to being WW. Correspondence to Midwife means "With Woman" The reassuring presence of a Certified Nurse Midwife on your birth journey will be a source of comfort, inspiration and strength, as well as added security. Differentiating between descriptive and interpretive phenomenological research approaches. 1992;54:14–7. Midwives self-selected into our study which may indicate that they hold distinctive views about being WW compared to others not interviewed, therefore findings must be considered within this context. Hunter L. Being with woman: claiming midwifery space. To do this well, a midwife must be highly educated and have the skills, knowledge and capabilities to be able to care for women and their babies to ensure safe, quality maternity outcomes; however, the term ‘with woman’ provides us with the essence at the true heart of midwifery. Sex Reprod Healthc. Preparing and guarding a space for women to birth has been previously reported by midwifery leaders as a feature of midwifery care designed to create an environment where women can realise their capacity and agency [25, 73]. 2015;22(4):30. of N, Midwifery, editors. As well as listening to and hearing what is important to the woman, midwives reflected that they were also required to communicate with women in ways that were appropriate to different circumstances as shared by this midwife: So I do talk a lot… through a contraction when they’re challenged. Participants were asked to describe their perceptions and experiences of being WW. PubMed Central Not so much, Midwestern Intercollegiate Volleyball Association, Midwestern Universities Analytical Chemistry Conference, Midwestern Universities Research Association, Midwifery and Maternity Providers Organisation, Midwifery Education Accreditation Council. Hyde A, Roche-Reid B. Midwifery practice and the crisis of modernity: implications for the role of the midwife. Midwives reinforced that being open and listening to the woman further conveyed respect and developed trust between the woman and the midwife which facilitated partnership: listening to her birth plan, her ideas, her fears, getting that trust and you can almost have like a silent communication, you can just meet her eye and give the ‘it’s ok’ and she relaxes (UMKOP11). Common qualitative methods. Descriptive phenomenology is known to elucidate poorly understood aspects of phenomena from the perspective of the participants with lived experience, to share the distinct or essential features, which facilitates a general conception of the phenomenon [36, 37]. So dimming lights, having quiet conversations and just rubbing her back or holding her hand or just sitting with my hand on her belly kind of timing contractions and listening to her voice, how she’s coping with them (UMP3). https://canadianmidwives.org/mission-vision/, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wombi.2018.07.013, http://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/U_Z/Your-maternity-care-options, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-019-2548-4, Maternity care and sociological aspects of pregnancy and childbirth. Dabrowski R. Testing times: are midwives still with woman? 2004;58(12):2613–23. Others described strategies to support privacy and normal birthing as a manifestation of being WW: …trying to get them to find their own place in that horrible, stark, bright, noisy, non-natural birthing environment. Terms and Conditions, focuses on a woman’s health needs, her expectations and aspirations. Nurs Sci Q. 5th ed; Australia and New Zealand edition. Findings from this study offer important knowledge about how midwives conceptualise the phenomenon of being with woman as the centre of their professional identity. 2018;31(2):143–52. Through the in-depth interviews, midwives offered rich descriptions of the phenomenon of being WW that were supported with recounted experiences of being WW during labour and birth throughout their years of being a midwife. A final manifestation of being WW shared by midwives in their support of women involved use of therapeutic touch sensitive to the woman’s needs: being with woman you need to be able to touch her, to be able to calm her, massage, holding hands (UMKOP6). Nurse Res. YH, MK and RD assisted with research proposal development, data analysis, drafting and refining the final article. This stance was considered the ideal methodological approach given that little research has been conducted to specifically understand the phenomenon of being WW. The first author analysed all transcripts, in addition, at least one other member of the author team concurrently and independently analysed each transcript. Menu Primary Navigation. How to use midwife in a sentence. Your maternity care options. In: Fahy K, Foureur M, Hastie C, editors. Midwifery is the health science and health profession that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period (including care of the newborn), in addition to the sexual and reproductive health of women throughout their lives. Fahy K. Being a midwife or doing midwifery? Findings revealed that midwives face a dilemma between being ‘with institution’ and fulfilling the needs of the ‘system’ that manages healthcare services versus being WW [16]. One midwife offered some insights into the source of the challenge and referred to the practise-based nature of midwifery work: ‘Cause you don’t actually put it into words, [you] put it into action (KMP6). Australian research exploring the intersection of being WW in the context of the private obstetric model recently revealed that in that clinical context, the unique triad of relationships between the woman, midwife and obstetrician was an important feature that could facilitate and challenge midwives being WW [14]. The data generated and analysed from the interviews conducted cannot be made publicly available due ethical concerns around the realistic potential of identifying individual participants from interview transcripts. There was agreement that the act of being physically present and focussed on the woman facilitated clinical assessment and care of the woman: ...listen to the auscultation, have hands on palpation, rather than sit back and screen-watch... unless you’re with them and can get the whole clinical picture then you can’t really tell where they’re at progress-wise (UMKOP4). Midwife means; With Women. Midwife definition, a person trained to assist women in childbirth. About 78 percent choose a midwife (8 ... “the severe shortage of skilled health personnel with obstetric and midwifery skills means the most have their babies delivered by traditional birth attendants. Iida M, Horiuchi S, Porter SE. Mattress, bean bag, shower (KMP7). 2016;16:1–9. Furthermore, Barker’s study (2010) reported on the analysis of interviews conducted with seven midwives from the United Kingdom (UK) that explored experiences of providing emotional support to women becoming mothers. The initial challenge that midwife participants in our study experienced in describing the phenomenon of being WW either directly, or through experience is important information. School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Bentley, 6845, Western Australia, Zoe Bradfield, Yvonne Hauck, Ravani Duggan & Michelle Kelly, Department of Nursing and Midwifery Education and Research, King Edward Memorial Hospital, Subiaco, Western Australia, You can also search for this author in Central to descriptive phenomenology is the adoption of a phenomenological attitude which is characterised by the researcher’s openness toward the phenomenon under study facilitated through a suspension of the researcher’s natural attitude, perceptions or experiences. 2019;69:7. Bevan MT. Wellington: New Zealand College of Midwives; 2010. Our research findings bring a complementary stance from the perspective of midwives and confirms that building a connection with women is an essential feature of being WW. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 19, 363 (2019). Hunter B, Warren L. Midwives’ experiences of workplace resilience. The explicit descriptions provided in the findings of this study serve to articulate the manifestations or hallmark signs of being WW which are essential for the identification, preservation, and communication of a construct so important to midwifery. “Midwife means with woman,” she said. Effective communication is essential to being with woman: midwifery strategies to strengthen health education and promotion. Sydney: Elsevier Ltd; 2008. Effective rapport building resulted in partnership: “... through your relationship with them you know that the woman trusts you, like a journey next to her, like a partnership [the woman] will listen to what you’re saying and taking it on board (UMPKOP3). Data were collected concurrently from midwives working in all models. Soc Sci Med. This knowledge can be used to inform strategies to transfer the applied practices of being WW to students of midwifery programs which warrants further research. J Phenomenol Psychol. As your personal midwife, Judy will serve as guide, guardian, knowledgeable resource. Creating an environment where women were able to be autonomous and aware of their agency, required midwives to adopt a supportive role: just being there and letting her make the decisions but supporting her through that process as well is really important (UMKOP8). The relationship is everything: womens reasons for choosing a privately practising midwife in Western Australia. J Midwifery Women’s Health. 2002;31:650–7. Midwife standards for practice. May 8, 2017 By Feminist Midwife. Midwives have special training and skills in caring for women during pregnancy, labour and birth, and in the weeks after birth. Midwives reflected that ‘stepping in the gap’ and providing advocacy was often met with resistance from obstetricians or at times, other midwives. Midwifery. Equally, this unique and concrete knowledge serves as a basis for reviewing the development of the phenomenon of being WW into the future and acts as a basis for future research as the profession continues to develop and meet the needs of women and their families. Midwifery. Qual Health Res. This required midwives to acknowledge the competing demands and agendas that may impact on the woman from other sources such as hospital policies and preferences of other practitioners and align themselves with the woman’s agenda: the woman is the centre and should remain the focus and the centre of your attention (UMKOP1). By using a phenomenological lens to explore the experiences of being WW, midwives offered rich descriptions of the attributes that characterise the phenomenon; as well as the way in which these are manifested through their practice of midwifery. This is your very first post. Midwife definition is - a person who assists women in childbirth. Chatswood: Elsevier Australia; 2016. Leap N. Woman-centred or women-centred care: does it matter? To be WW, midwives also used verbal encouragement to help women to reconcile unexpected outcomes during labour and birth: encouraging them … that they’re not a failure which a lot of women for some reason think that they are (UMKOP9). This study was approved by Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) (HREC 2016–0450). Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Peters R. The effectiveness of therapeutic touch: a meta-analytic review. 2010;47(10):1317–29. Midwifery promotes normal childbirth and the prevention of health problems. In: Schneider Z, Whitehead D, LoBiondo-Wood G, Haber J, editors. Midwifery. Canadian Association of Midwives Mission and Vision 2017. Hunter B, Berg M, Lundgren I, Olafsdottir OA, Kirkham M. Relationships: the hidden threads in the tapestry of maternity care. I think it’s just knowing... built on a relationship of trust (KMP10). A number of subthemes were revealed in the midwives’ experiences of woman-centred care which reflected being WW. 2016;40:40–8. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Lopez K, Willis D. Descriptive versus interpretive phenomenology: their contributions to nursing knowledge. Midwife means “with woman.” Midwives partner with women to help make important health decisions. Because of the sparse nature of any previous empirical research on this phenomenon, it was considered important to keep as close to the midwives’ descriptions as possible which also guided the selection of this methodology. Findings reveal the interconnectedness of this philosophical construct and the practice of midwifery. Sustainability and resilience in midwifery: a discussion paper. Dept. A comprehensive demographic profile is presented in Table 2 below. Midwives also care for women throughout the lifespan for annual checkups, family planning, menopause, and common infections and health problems. Being WW was described as a necessary and integral feature of midwifery practice: Yes it [being WW] is absolutely essential because without being ‘with woman’ you’re not a midwife, you’re just a person doing the job... that doesn’t actually provide true midwifery care (KMP9). Or as another midwife shared: …simple things about being nice to people… it’s about actually being decent to people (KMP3). 1 A person, typically a woman, who is trained to assist women in childbirth. Possessing advanced communication skills facilitated midwives’ ability to adopt a woman-centred approach and to be WW. First blog post. Fullerton JT, Thompson JB, Severino R. The International Confederation of Midwives essential competencies for basic midwifery practice. Midwives: providing safe outcomes for women and babies. and supporter. Matua GA, Van Der Wal DM. Article Bradfield, Z., Hauck, Y., Duggan, R. et al. Midwife means "with woman". It’s 1964 and things are changing in Poplar on Call the Midwife. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Davidsen AS. They also provide care for the newborn and the infant; this care includes preventative measures, the promotion of normal birth, the detection of complications in mother and child, the accessing of medical care or other appropriate assistance, and the carrying out of emergency measures. Unlike posts, pages are better suited for more timeless content that you want to be easily accessible, like your About or Contact information. For the first time, we are able to offer evidence of how midwives understand and perceive the phenomenon of being ‘with woman’ which has theoretical and practical utility. With respect, with dignity, gentleness. Being ‘with woman’ is a central construct of the midwifery profession however, minimal research has been undertaken to explore the phenomenon from the perspective of midwives. Hunter L. An interpretive exploration of the meaning of being with women during birth for midwives [Ph.D.]. The descriptions provided by midwives confirmed that practice grounded in being WW is the identifying characteristic of midwifery care rather than the individual clinical tasks that midwives performed: You couldn’t do your job without being with woman, you have to be with woman... [it’s] very, very important… (UM P7). This is an example of an about page. Amadeus Giorgi, a devotee of Husserl developed a data analysis framework to structure the phases of phenomenological research, adding rigor and transparency; his approach is utilised in this research [28]. American College of Nurse-Midwives, 1991 - Midwives - 16 pages. Offering care that was woman-centred and focused on the woman’s individual needs required midwives to be adaptable. In: Fahy K, Foureur M, Hastie C, editors. The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship in supporting this research who had no role in the design of the study, collection, analysis and interpretation of data or the writing of the manuscript. Developing a connection with the woman and providing woman-centred care inclusive of the woman’s support people was highlighted. In an effort to explicate the experiences or ‘action’ of being WW, midwives described the features of being WW as a way of embodying the practice elements of the phenomenon which revealed actions that signified midwives were being WW. Midwives described that being WW was both fulfilling and satisfying: It [being WW] is what I do it [midwifery] for, it’s what I go to work every day for... (KMP6). © 2020 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. 8th ed. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Int J Nurs Stud. Midwife definition: A midwife is a nurse who is trained to deliver babies and to advise pregnant women. Understanding phenomenology. Nursing and midwifery research: methods and appraisal for evidence-based practice / Zevia Schneider, Dean Whitehead, Geri LoBiondo-Wood, Judith Haber. J Midwifery Women’s Health. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Being self-aware and determining if the touch was therapeutic to the woman was essential: I use touch a lot. Crowther S, Hunter B, McAra-Couper J, Warren L, Gilkison A, Hunter M, et al. Birth territory and midwifery guardianship. NMBA. 2007;20(1):11–5. Dimens Crit Care Nurs. During one conversation she said to me, "you… Our study is the first of its kind which has sought to specifically and intentionally qualify being WW and offers insight into how midwives understand and experience this phenomenon. Midwives in this study worked in different settings, had a range of qualifications and experiences from a variety of models and countries; however all conveyed the importance of being WW to their professional identity. Soc Sci Med. Some previously identified ‘good midwifery practices’ were revealed as practical manifestations of the phenomenon. The themes and subthemes were represented across each of the models, which are supported by a selection of quotes that have been chosen to facilitate a succinct presentation of the findings. This research forms one component of a series of studies which; as well as describing midwives’ perceptions of the phenomenon of being WW here, also included distinct components that sought to understand midwives’ experiences of being WW in the context of the various models of maternity care within Western Australia (WA). Midwifery. Soc Sci Med. Being willing to tolerate any push-back or as this midwife describes it as, ‘noise’, was an important part of aligning with the woman’s agenda: ...it’s all about being with woman, being an advocate.... [midwives have] to put up with the noise or the huffing and the puffing (UMP4). The message is clear that being WW is important both to midwives and to midwifery. Menu Primary Navigation. Midwife means "With Woman" The reassuring presence of a Certified Nurse Midwife on your birth journey will be a source of comfort, inspiration and strength, as well as added security. The second stage involved dividing data into concepts which involved the extraction of individual meaning units or conceptualisations. Advanced communication skills that encompass listening, understanding, and speaking are recognised as essential skills to provide quality midwifery care [63, 64]. Midwives revealed that to an unaware observer, this might appear as though the midwife was ‘doing nothing’ and therefore the act of being present could be easy to miss and nuanced: It’s so easy to miss it and not realise it if you was watching me because it’s done so quietly, it’s done so non-intrusive (KMP1). How to use midwife in a sentence. 2000;1(53):1. Click the Edit link to make changes to this page or add another page. Being present also meant engaging with and being available by being attentive, aware, empathic and noticing subtle changes in the woman’s needs: being present in the moment and making yourself available and open to whatever it is that she requires or needs to help her through (UMP9). Google Scholar. A midwife is a trained health professional who helps healthy women during labor, delivery, and after the birth of their babies. ACNM. This is your very first post. It is a simplified but accurate description of what Hennepin Healthcare Birth Center midwives do every day. Midwives reflected on the impact of epidurals on the woman’s need for physical support and therapeutic touch: if a woman is totally pain free she’s not giving that body language that she would if she didn’t have the epidural, there’s not that need to go and touch her and rub her back and stuff... perhaps we’ve lost a bit of ‘with woman’ in that way (UMP5). The midwife would work with the women to support the birthing woman and it was very normal for midwives to work through physical problems in labour by soothing the mother’s emotional and primal needs. J Phenomenol Psychol. Woman relationship through shared decision making and clinical guidelines. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Postnatal checks include neonatal screening test (NST, or heel prick test) around day five. Within phenomenological research there is differing assertions with suggestions of between 3 and 10 participants [45, 46], up to 20 participants [40] and between 3 and 30 participants [47] . Scroll Down. This stance was confirmed when midwives described experiences of working with midwives where tasks were performed without being WW: It [not being WW] looks disconnected, it looks directed, she [the midwife] stands at a distance, she gives instruction from a distance. The depth of our research discoveries from the experiences of these WA midwives, in conjunction with the rich description of the study context should enable readers to appraise the transferability of findings to varied maternity settings and across other countries. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and you. Test ) around day five more comfortable ( UMKOP8 ) assists in or takes a part bringing. Being self-aware and determining if the touch was therapeutic to the practices of many midwives ’ lived of! Their professional identity ; 2 ) partnership with women during labor, delivery and... Methods approaches always say to them you know that the phenomenon was achieved women (! 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