O’Seiken Appearance and Reality1.2.79 “ ‘Seems,’ madam? Horatio suggests that they tell Prince Hamlet, the dead king’s son, about the apparition. Hamlet ... And let those that play your clowns speak no more than is set down for them; for there be of them that will themselves laugh, to set on some quantity of barren spectators to laugh too; though, in the mean time, some necessary question of the play be then to be considered... What is the necessary question of Hamlet? The motif is starting to develop in that it’s showing Hamlet’s way of thinking. Hamlet kind of shrugs him off by saying, “Words, words, words.” By saying this, Hamlet is working towards accomplishing two of his goals. They included the characters' ability to either hide their emotion or not. He says that in Rome at that time the dead rose from their graves and left tombs empty. Some animals appear good, some bad. But the ghost had said he was “doomed to walk the night...til the sins done in my days of nature are burnt and purg’d away.” But what sins? Hamlet is saying that before even the tears in her eyes from her own husbands funeral could dry up, she remarried.—Act 1 Scene 5 Lines 18-26 (I.v.18-26)"But that I am forbid To tell the secrets of my prison house,I could a tale unfold whose lightest wordWould harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood,Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres,Thy knotted and combined locks to partAnd each particular hair to stand on end,Like quills upon the fearful"This quote happens at the end of act 5, where Hamlet encounters his father's ghost. Hamlet acknowledges that his situation is difficult because he thinks, but also realizes that thought is a wonderful gift that makes humans special. Hamlet is put off guard, but also at the same time seems happy, or even relieved. CLAUDius (sounds like CLOUD) had just said he would aim his CANNON to the CLOUDS. It was definitely Shakespeare's mission to draw a very distinct gap between the death-bringing serpent and the delicate love- flower/life protecting bird. I hoped thou shouldst have been my Hamlet's wife; He is pale and looks as if he has just come back from the dead. Any one bad action or thought can cover up several good actions or thoughts. Horatio responds by essentially saying that he’s only partially there, or that his mind is elsewhere. He believes that his mother got over the death of his father way too quickly. His silence will sit drooping. The irrational with which he begins to blatantly act in act 2 leads the reader to question his sanity even more. Symbols are objects, characters, figures, and colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. So far, my motif has only arisen in relation to Hamlet. Hamlet always feels obligated to take action because of the promise he made to the king in this quote but finds himself unable to actually act, why? In the play, Hamlet wears all black to grieve his father, and it describes his sadness of his fathers death and his melancholy mood. These are but wild and whirling words, my lord. This riff between madness and normalcy is made to seem very thin when it comes to Hamlet. Cannot you tell that? It is a full circle that comes back to man being a child twice in one lifetime. Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell! First Clown Sleep is once again characterized as a state of weakness and vulnerability, this time brought on by alcohol. To be or not to be..." "...so like the king that was and is the question of these wars". Although there are a few places where fluids are referenced, it doesn’t seem to be that big of an idea yet. The development of my motif, “I and eye” is prominent. He claims that while he was sleeping in his orchard (creating a peaceful image) he was stung by a serpent (the serpent or snake being Claudius). Black in literature and in the world has been used to symbolize death. Never alone Horatio speaks it; when he is saying that he heard that the rooster awakens the god of day with it’s trumpet-like crowing, and makes all wandering ghosts wherever they are, hurry back to their hiding places. Hamlet promises to revenge the murder of his father by killing the guilty, spoiled hands behind it with out actually knowing who the hands belong. He is willing, almost eager, to follow his father's ghost beyond the sight of his friends. To be, or not to be: that is the question: Act II, Scene 2 Hamlet wishes to murder Claudius right then and there, but figures it is best to wait and do it when Claudius is doing something immoral. First, Reynaldo is to find out from strangers in Paris about the prominent Danes in the city without revealing that he has any particular attachment to Laertes. One of Shakespeare’s teachers at the Guild went on to become head of the Catholic English College in Rome. Most men would take this appearing to be their father at it’s word and go kill Claudius but not Hamlet. Hamlet His purse is empty already: all ‘s golden words are spent. It shall to the barber's, with your beard. 1st Player (II,2,486) Or to the dreadful summit of the cliff that beetles o'er its base into the sea, and there assume some other horrible form which might deprive your sovereignty of reason and draw you into madness? Sweets to the sweet: farewell! He wishes that his physical self might cease to exist. Using the visual motif of fluids in this quotation, Shakespeare makes his point much more effective. This quote develops my motif because in it Hamlet explains that his grief is not merely an act. This quote shows the other half of the corruption and honesty motif, because corruption is the main part. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handshaw.” Once again, Hamlet attempts to tell his audience, and his companions, that he is sane. Then up he rose, and donn'd his clothes, I know not 'seems. Through transition, Hamlet might be referring to his ambitions as shadows because they are difficult to grasp. One is the fear that Hamlet will be made mad by the ghost. Horatio is concerned that the ghost may not be what it seems, but rather a demon in disguise, holding its facade for only long enough to tempt Hamlet, before revealing its true identity. The motif of water and other fluids has not been developed too much throughout the play. Hamlet To be, or not to be: that is the question: The madness and abnormality of the play highlight the normalcy that must have been there at one time. THEMES AND MOTIFS IN HAMLET Corruption spreads from character to character Claudius’ method to gain the throne Killed brother Married sister Eavesdropping/Spying Claudius and Polonius spy on Hamlet and Ophelia Polonius spies on Hamlet and Gertrude Polonius sends Reynaldo to France to spy on Laertes Act I, Scene 5 Before the so called ghost is seen by the human eye, the men feel its presence before it shows itself.This is when the issue of the ghost first starts. Though this be madness, yet there is method in't... "Old men have grey beards" = Hamlet's father If circumstances lead me, I will find After Horatio had explained that the impending war was caused by a duel over land fought by Hamlet's father, whose ghost they had just seen, Bernardo replied: I think it be no other but e'en so: With Hamlet having just seen his Father’s ghost and learning of his early demise, swears vengeance and remembrance of his lost parent. Hamlet A person escapes the daily struggle at the hands of another force, alcohol. Although he is certainly playing around with words, and messing with Polonius’ mind, he is also adding in truth to his every statements. It would be spoke to. Shakespeare often wrote of madness but he only used the word "whirling" one other time, and then it didn’t refer to madness: "To calm this tempest whirling in the court" (Titus Andronicus,IV,2). All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past, Is it because this is a signal of the daylight, a time when ghosts are commonly believed to not be present, or is it because there is something pure about a bird, or an animal, that a creature of death cannot meet? Hamlet is seen as a bright but dismal character who’s full of angst and self-blame. Which is not tomb enough and continent In general synod, take away her power; which is to say that when people don't follow the custom it is better for the country's reputation and the King's reputation. "eyes purging thick amber" = Polonius. Pretty Ophelia! Such a simple line adds to the intensity of the story.1.2.66Claudius: But now, my cousin Hamlet and my son –Hamlet: A little more than kin and less than kind.Claudius: How is it that the clouds still hang on you?Hamlet: Not so, my lord; I am too much in the sun.Claudius, Hamlet’s uncle-turned-stepfather, asks Hamlet to think of him as a father and refers to him as his son. "With witchcraft of his wit, with traitorous gifts, Only one man in ten thousand is good in this world.” This quote shapes the manliness motif, because of what Hamlet’s retorts are truly implying. However, as the play carries on and more and more of Hamlet's character is revealed, I find that the audience is made more to second guess the main man, rather than the father-uncle. Alack, and fie for shame! 1.3.145Ophelia: “I shall obey my lord”This quote from the play ends act 1 scene 3 with Ophelia telling her father she will obey his order not to communicate to Hamlet anymore. Later Fortinbras Jr sent 10,000 men to their deaths to obtain a plot of land that was “not continent and tomb enough to bury the dead”. Death is the power behind the plot, and its use as a rhetorical strategy makes the play what it is and furthers the plot with nearly every mention of it. Ham is chasing after, say, the words of the ghost, but they may just be words that he wanted to hear, and not reality. Sc. Right now a troupe is in the castle and is here to entertain Hamlet and his friends. The chariest maid in the proverb didn’t know she had it in her to do whatever she was going to do under the moon light but she did it anyways. This motif is used in the imagery of the passage. "So hallowed and so gracious is that time." Whether the residents of Denmark like it or not, they have to put up with the custom because it is just the cards they are given.Outside looking in, the people of Denmark look to merely be fools looking for a party and a good time, but Hamlet believes that the truth is so much deeper than that. Slanders, sir: for the satirical rogue says here that old men have grey beards, that their faces are wrinkled, their eyes purging thick amber and plum-tree gum, and that they have a plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak hams: all which, sir, though I most powerfully and potently believe, yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down; for you yourself, sir, should be old as I am, if, like a crab, you could go backward. He keeps to himself and opts not to do anything about the way he is feeling. He now realizes that the ghost is of his father and he was killed by Hamlet's uncle. Let in the maid, that out a maid This afterlife is the dream of death. A puppy is an innocent and young life that still has the natural instincts to protect and defend. An thou hadst not come to my bed. In his first soliloquy, where this quote appears, Hamlet expresses the depths of his melancholy and his disgust at his mother’s hastily marrying Claudius after the death of his father. According to this quote, sleep is not a safe state to be in, because that is where the strange events in Hamlet take place.Guildenstern: “Which dreams, indeed, are ambitious for the very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.Hamlet: A dream itself is but a shadow.” 2.2.276-279Hamlet, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern are conversing about ambitions. They are delicate and vulnerable towards approach.It is interesting that Shakespeare chooses to describe Hamlet's love as a fleeting flower when only a few pages later he chooses to describe Ophelia as a flower. This particular quotation develops my motif of men and manliness by explaining what is expected of a man when mourning. Horatio says that spirits are meant to stay on earth to protect something valuable; that is their role as ghosts. Than the main voice of Denmark goes withal. 'Thou dost lie in't, to be in't and say it is thine: 'tis for the dead, not for the quick; therefore thou liest. And therefore must his choice be circumscribed The play had begun with the question, "Who's there?" Not only does the ghost's presence signal There's ne'er a villain dwelling in all Denmark When Hamlet tells his friends that he will begin to act like a madman, I believe this is not only an act but what Hamlet is truly like. He often goes off into rants that make no sense, yet claims later on that his lunacy is just a mask. These quotes describe how most men will end up, how their appearances will affect how they are seen, and how they should deal with certain issues. It all depends on the perception of the animal/ flower and the context. A beast, no more.”Hamlet, in this soliloquy, is once again beating himself up for not killing Claudius. 1.2.124Hamlet: “I shall do my best to obey you, madam.”This quotation Hamlet is saying is responding to his mother., who does not want him to leave to go to school, and he is listening to her authority, and obeying her request. To tell us this. Nay, it is. This quote made it clear that Hamlet's family may not be all they appear to be. Cont..."Ay, marry, is't,But, to my mind, though I am native hereAnd to the manner born, it is a customMore honored in the breach than the observance.This heavy-headed revel east and westMakes us traduced and taxed of other nations.They clepe us drunkards and with swinish phraseSoil our addition. Many of these people think that the way they are acting is just, but even still they are tricking someone else and displaying corruption. He cannot reform his "old stock." secret parts of FORTUNE... she is a STRUMPET." This may have something to do with King Hamlet and his incident with Claudius. The guard then thought that they need some one who the ghost King would respect enough to commune with, his own son.Act 1 Scene 2“Queen: ‘Let not they mother lose her prayers, Hamlet. Personally, this relates to a “mother’s instinct”. In Hamlet, physical objects are rarely used to represent thematic ideas. Act IV, Scene 4 This connection is emphasized numerous times throughout the play, and is important to the play’s meaning.In Hamlet, sleep and dreams are often related to death and whatever comes after it. The rest is silence. To be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand.” Act 2 Scene 2 Lines 194-195Hamlet and Polonius are in discussion, where Polonius is secretly questioning Hamlet’s mental state, and Hamlet is cunningly screwing with Polonius. The vivid details of the poison pouring through his ears, and into the bloodstream would not be nearly as powerful for the reader to understand what Hamlet’s father’s ghost went through. How long hast thou been a grave-maker? I'm curious to see how my motif will develop when the play is actually being performed. Hamlet believes that even though this is tradition, there would be more honor in not drinking. Pouring poison into his sons conduct take thy fortune now be looking at him on the outside and institutions! Detached mind and having pieces missing seems to be much more effective see comment I! To wed just as the cock crows, the ghost is of his father and uncle... Dark times coming in Denmark. thou wretched, rash, intruding fool,!! Initial juxtaposition is later used in the play so motifs in hamlet act 2 as recurring elements, tend to be much able!, he replies, “ I and eye ” is prominent Polonius then goes on to become of... 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