Caussin was sent into Brittany, and the judicious and learned Jesuit, Jacques Sirmond, who succeeded him, kept clear of politics. From Emerson he gained more than from any man, alive or dead; and, though the older philosopher both enjoyed and learned from the association with the younger, it cannot be said that the gain was equal. How to use Learned in a sentence as a adjective He learned learnedw to raise money by selling his business idea to other people who think like him. 2) ‘Learned’ is a bit difficult and old compared to its new cousin ‘learnt’. (1) What is a sentence? At all events, during the first months of the reign of Artaxerxes I., he was the ruling power in the state (therefore the chronographers wrongly reckon him as king, with a reign of seven months), until Artaxerxes, having learned the truth about the murder of his father and his brother, overwhelmed and killed Artabanus and his sons in open fight. When I learned my father had gambled away my college savings, there was nothing he could say to lessen my anger. At Rome, as he said, he learned to see events from the inside. learned definition: 1. in a sentence. Its proprietor, Maruyama Ryuhei, spared no expense to obtain news from all qerarters of tli world, and for the first time the Japanese public learned what stores of information may be found in the columns of a really enterprising journal. Learned: having … ), Roman savant, next to Varro the most learned Roman of the age. 49 synonyms of learned from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 133 related words, definitions, and antonyms. I learned in Hell how you can un-mate her. Colenso, and learned to regard the prophetic narrative of Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers as older than what was by the Germans denominated Grundschrift (" Book of Origins"). 5 He was a learned and cultivated man and collected a celebrated library, which was dispersed at his death. The lesson you have learned to-day is never to pay too dear for a whistle. She monitored our process in class. and the 2nd century A.D. From his earliest youth he had learned to identify the ritual of the Roman religion with the very essence of the imperial idea. However, learned dominates in the US, while learnt is the most common in the UK. The new romantic comedy movie will be fun to see.? Diseases am] SymptomsThe symptoms of plant diseases are, as already said, apt to be very general in their nature, and are sometimes so vaguely defined that little can be learned from them as to the causes at work. 5. This website focus on english words and example sentences, so everyone can learn how to use them. 1839), who describes him as an amiable and excellent man, charitable in his diocese, and the liberal patron of many learned men, among these being Thomas Bradwardine, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, Richard Fitzralph, afterwards archbishop of Armagh, the enemy of the mendicant orders, Walter Burley, who translated Aristotle, John Mauduit the astronomer, Robert Holkot and Richard de Kilvington. In western Asia we have learned the exact value of the mountain barrier which lies between Mery and Herat, and have mapped Indian its connexion with the Elburz of Persia. They'd quickly learned to keep their distance after she killed two who thought they'd get in her way. Parallel with this great production of learned and imaginative works, Dahn published some twenty small volumes of poetry. But then out in Colorado when I learned he'd been murdered, I still blamed him, in a different way. That's what Alex says, but I don't want to adopt a baby and then have the mother change her mind after we've learned to love it. It was the most piquant feature of his life that he, one of the gilded youth, a connoisseur in wines, and a learned man to boot, had become agitator and the champion of the working man. In English 1 I learned getting to the point of my essays the hard way, I was forced to learn the significant use of a scratch paper. A lot of, much and many are used to talk about quantities, amounts and degree. He had learned under Gabriel's tutelage how to influence them to forget. Nor must it be supposed that Grant learned little from three years' campaigning Civil War career. The little girl learned to speak Spanish by listening to her grandmother talk to her grandpa. On his return to Germany, the emperor learned that Gregory had been driven from Rome, which was again in the power of John Crescentius, patrician of the Romans, and that a new pope, John XVI., had been elected. He was cordially received, but in February learned that his nomination had been rejected by the Senate on the 25th of January. He was a contemporary of Averroes, who, according to Leo Africanus, heard his lectures, and learned physic of him. Although the route was relatively flat by Colorado standards, Dean learned that a body unaccustomed to elevation in the 7,000foot range needed more oxygen to fuel its muscles. The others beat a hasty retreat as soon as they learned there were no fatalities, finally leaving Dean and his wife alone, with only Janet obliviously scrubbing away somewhere above. She'd never learned to lie; in fact, she would never dare lie to Mr. Tim, not with his rigid sense of integrity. I had related to the detective what I'd learned from Willard Humphries, Grasso's cell mate, that he had a hide out somewhere away from Santa Barbara. Hadrian was fond of the society of learned men - poets, scholars, rhetoricians and philosophers - whom he alternately humoured and ridiculed. Dean detailed what he'd learned from speaking with Cynthia Byrne and meeting with Byrne's boss in Philadelphia and gave the detective a written copy of his interviews. I learned it in school and I taught him some while we did chores. They were like burrs in his shoes, but he couldn't yet go after them until he'd learned to control his new power. He'd spoken to his sisters in depth and learned quickly just how different she was, their tales ranging from those that ought to anger him to those that amused him. 6 parts folio, with index), includes journals, reviews, magazines and other works issued periodically, with the exception of transactions and proceedings of learned societies and of British and Colonial newspapers later than 1700. I had no plans to share with Howie what I'd learned of his previous life. Perhaps if they learned further details from Martha in the morning that would help. The art of boiling sugar was known in Gangetic India, from which it was carried to China in the first half of the 7th century; but sugar refining cannot have then been known, for the Chinese learned the use of ashes for this purpose only in the Mongol period, from Egyptian visitors? The Portuguese were expelled by Fasilidas, but his castle was built, by Indian workmen, under the superintendence of Abyssinians who had learned something of architecture from the Portuguese adventurers, helped possibly by Portuguese still in the country. The Portuguese being in his rear, and Wellesley closing with him, the only good road of retreat available lay through Amarante, but he now learned that Beresford had taken this important point from Silveira; so he was then compelled, abandoning his guns and much baggage, to escape, with a loss of some s000 men, over the mountains of the Sierra Catalina to Salamonde, and thence to Orense. He summoned experienced teachers, Protestant as well as Catholic, from Germany, established middle and higher schools in all parts of the empire, superseded the antiquated textbooks and methods of instruction, and encouraged the formation of learned societies and the growth of a professional spirit and independence among the teachers. His daughter Dorothea, born on the 10th of August 1770, was one of the most beautiful and learned women of her time, and received in 1787 the degree of doctor. When I became a learned man, I saw the world in a different way. LA The north wind is making the temperature colder.? He remembered the look on Ne'Rin's face fifteen sun-cycles ago, when they'd learned what happened. Meaningful learning is vital in assisting students to learn and to store newly learned knowledge. He was a learned man and a patron of scholars, and during his reign the Northumbrian kingdom partially recovered its prosperity. He studied at Venice, where he became acquainted with Erasmus and Aldus Manutius, and at an early age was reputed one of the most learned men of the time. Of course, by this time, we already had the lesson about understanding how to use the shades for charcoal drawing. This reconciliation of the internal and the external evidence, countenanced as it is by Theophrastus, one of the best informed of the ancient historians, and approved by Zeller, one of the most learned of the modern critics, is more than plausible; but there is something to be said on the contrary part. "Write down what you learned in a tweet of a maximum of 140 signs" can be an interesting way to make students more aware of their use of words. ), edited by Minister of Finance (1896, Russian); Kusnetzow's Fischerei and Thiererbeutung in den Gewassern Russlands (1898). In the article Societies an account is separately given of the transactions and proceedings of learned and scientific bodies. Sometimes we use the term sentence starter interchangeably. The more she learned of this place, the angrier she became. He was in correspondence with all the most learned men of the day. She had checked off three of the seven exercises she'd learned from the books she read. Present Perfect Tense vs. Past Perfect in English Grammar with Examples Using “Have Had” in a Sentence. ALPHONSO X., El Sabio, or the learned (1252-1284), is perhaps the most interesting, though he was far from being the most capable, of the Spanish kings of the middle ages. She mourned the loss of all she'd ever learned or known. I learned a great many new words that day. Life sometimes got in the way of their goals, but they learned to be resilient. Language development should be encouraged and modelled students should have the opportunity to ask questions. I've learned there is no reason why those emotions shouldn't also be prevalent in the free world, with the men and brothers I love. 8- adjustingHe learned how to swim. No nishani in his bloodline had learned to defend herself or been exiled from her planet. 32. lesson definition, a section into which a course of study is divided, especially a single, continuous session of formal instruction in a subject: The manual was broken down into 50 lessons. Bayle, the historical sceptic, lectured and published his learned Dictionnaire (1696) at Rotterdam. Thus a large all-round increase in secondary and higher education is shownsatisfactory in many respects, but showing that more young men devote themselves to the learned professions (especially to the law) than the economic condition of the country will justify. Their pottery is much more perfect and more artistic than that of the Bronze period, and their ornaments are accounted among the finest of the collections at the St Petersburg museum of the Hermitage. lesson learned in a sentence - Use "lesson learned" in a sentence 1. Of these Reports he published altogether four volumes, with learned notes; they extend from Michaelmas 1807 to Hilary 1816. 2 The art of the sapper and miner, the use of siege instruments like the mangonel, and the employment of various "fires" as missiles, were all known among the Mahommedans; and in all these respects the Franks learned from their enemies. Where could this be better learned than at Medina, where he had lived so long and where the majority of his companions continued to live ? What are these new phrases that we call idioms? Lucke, who was one of the most learned, many-sided and influential of the so-called "mediation" school of evangelical theologians (Vermittelungstheologie), is now chiefly known by his Kommentar fiber die Schriften d. Independent of the government are various schools and learned societies in Havana (q.v.). Although the first definite endeavour to locate the Golden Chersonese thus dates from the middle of the 2nd century of our era, the name was apparently well known to the learned of Europe at a somewhat earlier period, and in his Antiquities of the Jews, written during the latter half of the 1st century, Josephus says that Solomon gave to the pilots furnished to him by Hiram of Tyre commands " that they should go along with his stewards to the land that of old was called Ophir, but now the Aurea Chersonesus, which belongs to India, to fetch gold.". Although it was hard for him to understand, the student learned to solve difficult math problems by watching ‘how-to’ videos. Learned military authorities quite seriously tell us that Kutuzov should have moved his army to the Kaluga road long before reaching Fili, and that somebody actually submitted such a proposal to him. Finally he studied under Aristotle at Athens, and was deeply annoyed, it is said, when Theophrastus was appointed head of the school on Aristotle's death. "It's blue," the woman whom I learned was called Nancy answered. I stopped using it only after I had learned to spell the word on my fingers. I've learned how to wait until I'm home in bed to have a meltdown, Jessi replied. She'd thought him cold and distant at first, until she learned his background. I learned to move differently so I could survive. There were no lessons to be learned, except what the creature taught me. The artwork isn’t complete without a description or explanation. The fundamental questions of Christianity, exhibited in theApostles' Creed, should be marked In response to an invitation issued by the archbishop of Canterbury, acting on a resolution of the Lambeth Conference of 1908, a committee of eminent scholars met in April and May 1909 for the purpose of preparing a new translation. Long ago she had learned that many people didn't subscribe to her morals. In those days, people had not learned to be kind to their enemies. During this period he published his poetical satire called Metamorphosis (1726), his Epistolae ad virum perillustrem (1727), his Description of Denmark and Norway (1729), History of Denmark, Universal Church History, Biographies of Famous Men, Moral Reflections, Description of Bergen (1737), A History of the Jews, and other learned and laborious compilations. To the transactions of various learned societies he contributed from first to last between three and four hundred papers, and few of his contemporaries wrote so much for the various reviews. He was too wise to risk losing her before he learned her secrets. One man’s fault is another man’s lesson . Yah dude, I learned I'm totally crushing on the professor. The better to understand the point of view of the Cape Dutch and the burghers of the Transvaal and Orange Free State, Milner also during this period learned both Dutch and the South African "Taal.". "Jenn, you remember what we learned when we went through training together, about how, when you realize how thirsty you are …" "… you've already reached the point of dehydration," she finished. As an adjective, learned is a synonym of knowledgeable and sometimes describes to a person who is highly educated. Examples of Lessen in a sentence. He published in 1803 a learned work, Sabina, oder Morgenszenen im Putzzimmer einer reichen Romerin, a description of a wealthy Roman lady's toilette, and a work on ancient art, Griechische Vasengemalde. Learn more. Life Trust Man. Howie would toss in towel once he learned he'd been deceived by this woman, his first love. Thence he journeyed to Bagdad, where he learned Arabic and gave himself to the study of mathematics, medicine and philosophy, especially the works of Aristotle. He was a staunch supporter of Charlemagne's principles of government and educational reforms; he established schools, and by his own literary achievements showed himself a worthy member of the learned circle which graced the Carolingian court. The charitable and benevolent institutions are numerous, and there are also a library and several learned associations. One can see that both forms are used in British English, but ‘learned’ is used more frequently than‘learnt’. B. Although in 1472 some of the faculties and several of the professors were transferred to Pisa, it still retained importance, and in the 17th and 18th centuries it originated a number of learned academies. Literature - modern as well as ancient - occupied his attention; one of his works was a translation of four parts of Clarissa; and translations of some of the then current English paraphrases on biblical books manifested his sympathy with a school which, if not very learned, attracted him by its freer air. 2. This lesson taught you about strong sentence openers, which are words and phrases you can use to grab your readers' attention. "One normally looks upon that as a lesson learned, " said Tirello. These three bodies were to be chosen by three electoral colleges consisting of (a) landed proprietors, (b) learned men. Her early years were clouded by the execution of the duc de Montmorency, her mother's only brother, for intriguing against Richelieu in 1631, and that of her mother's cousin the comte de Montmorency-Boutteville for duelling in 1635; but her parents made their peace with Richelieu, and being introduced into society in 1635 she soon became one of the stars of the Hotel Rambouillet, at that time the centre of all that was learned, witty and gay in France. Sydney has a great number of learned, educational and charitable institutions; it possesses a Royal Society, a Linnean Society and a Geographical Society, a women's college affiliated to the university, an astronomical observatory, a technical college, a school of art with library attached, a bacteriological institute at Rose Bay, a museum and a free public library. He learned philosophy in the Ionian school, and was perhaps a pupil of Democritus, though this is doubtful on chronological grounds. I tried to lessen Ann’s sorrow by helping her recall the good memories of her husband. Even in land-warfare he cast aside the weapons of his forefathers; but he soon learned to handle the weapons of his new land with greater prowess than they had ever been handled before. Already the Jews of the Dispersion had learned to supplement the Temple by the synagogue, and even the Jews of Jerusalem had not been free to spend their lives in the worship of the Temple. She was surprised to recognize the Council members, from tall, thin Opal to the Council members whose names she'd never learned. "I learned a few things from him," Jonny replied. A young couple whose life dream was owning a Bird Song look-alike learned from Fred the principals would be absent for the day and offered to stick around playing temporary innkeepers. She was educated, principally, by the learned Johannes Matthiae, in as masculine a way as possible, while the great Oxenstjerna himself instructed her in politics. Once she had been unaware of his love, but now she had learned to read the signs. Carmen said she was afraid of adopting because the mother could take the child back after they learned to love it. Examples of Learned in a sentence. Some time later, the shepherd went to the city and told the king that the children had learned to speak one word, but how or from whom, he did not know. With her thoughts spinning from what she'd learned, she wasn't sure what she'd do if his instructions took her to her home. He'd helped build the bridge between the two who were sworn together as mates after they barely learned each other's' names. These thoughtful and learned lectures established his reputation and did much to clear the ground for subsequent discussions on the subject. This suspicion seems to have arisen chiefly from his intimacy with Christopher Davenport, better known as Francis a Sancta Clara, a learned Franciscan friar who became chaplain to Queen 1 An obviously erroneous entry in the Admission Book states that he had been at school under Mr. Lovering for ten years, and was in his fifteenth year. Lesson learned, accomplished and courteous Russians of his fathers, for whom Damasus showed great esteem remained in,! Maybe he had learned to be in one piece after all he 'd been right to them... Hadrian was fond of the child back after they learned further details from Martha in the Italo-Turkish War patron scholars! The deals Deidre made and the Woggle-Bug shall be the public Accuser, because he is so learned that when... Days, he took command at Benghasi in the Italo-Turkish War themselves with ardour. To Paul in California full, but they are used properly ) at Rotterdam to... 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