Give your IELTS students the best chance of success by downloading our free IELTS lesson & activity plans – suitable for learners of all levels and abilities. In the first part, the candidate and examiner have a short general chat. We provide all the pieces, but leave it up to you to arrange them to your liking. UsingEnglish.com is partnering with Gymglish to give you a free one-month trial of this Ask them to write their responses to Exercise 3 on a separate piece of paper and explain that they will Not in the near future, but I’m sure I will someday. Not in the near future, but I’m sure I will sometime. What do you think you will be doing in 2030?I __________________ (almost certainly still live) in Tokyo, but probably not in the same house and perhaps somewhere quieter in the suburbs. IELTS lesson plans for teachers are not only incredibly important, but also very unique to both the instructor and the material. Any questions are okay, as long as they are about the future and/ or are likely to make your partner speak about the future. hޜ�mO�0ǿ��#�w~�Ja���^��(4���A�~wvZڤ���������We��BY#�&뤰h�9�(�"e-9x^Q�=�+ \�*�''��|�����nn.��WG���x����j��.��S^.�e�.�Eᤸ�e��S�(�_��"/��y;�d�����K�M�!�i��,�)�{��3�sz�=�|�>�=�Ϣ.�U3z��|����KS�t�#��[e�{>�k>]'wR�E�z�^�6����Mzj:� English for ExamsEnglish Readers Speaking for IELTS Sample lesson plan for Speaking for IELTS Unit 1 Student preparation for this class: Have students complete Vocabulary Exercises 1–11 before the class. IELTS Speaking Exam Spot the Mistakes For Teachers 8th - 10th In this speaking worksheet, students, working with a partner, read and review typical speaking parts to a conversation script and cross out the options in italics that are not good things to say in an exam. R�� �'��p�������������w�&Uv+���sv���XU���n+W�0ńHq��z0q5H����U͑�>Z�u�X@��5�� '�س���?u��@��9��Ф�����v��k苏��%��z������|�V���]z-;u�}�I��\}9���X-)������Z���+� v�9! How Great Leaders Inspire Action, by Simon Sinek. When do you think you will next go abroad?I’m not sure. Take turns asking and answering questions from above, starting with those which are probably most common in the test. When is the next festival or celebration where you are living?When do you think you will next attend a festival or celebration? hތ��j�@�_e�`�WWBc�W��^�k���İn��}G����~�=3����'��tp� MusicAre there any musical instruments that you would like to learn to play?Do you think your taste in music will change as you get older? Actually, it’s my birthday this time next week, so I’m meeting them then. Actually, it’s my birthday at this time next week, so I’m meeting them then. In our 13-part IELTS Speaking Teacher Resources set, we run through all aspects of the IELTS Speaking Test. If you want to learn English grammar or grow your vocabulary then these resources will help you with your studies. 2017-12-01T15:35:13Z gc��tsv6�����:��2�_����|�WL What do you think you will be doing in thirty years’ time?By then I ____________________ (already retire), so I will probably be living back in my hometown with my family. IELTS is the International English Language Testing System, an exam conducted by the British Council as well as IDP, Australia. What do you think you will be doing in ten years’ time? I hope that I will be writing my book by then. I hope that I will have written my book by then. Register for free and gain access to additional Test your knowledge of the English language. To enable students to practise giving extended answers in Part 1 of the speaking test. h��R�j�0���^�eC�nr(5����.���������U(��S��f����A�dL0i4�:�S���l��;8� ��hy��x��@�K�L�v�^^���zle���-L��0E�w��@���QTU�a�.�@�5V�Щ��UH���ϳ�6j/��+QHL$}O*�0��H�4��5��-o�W��9��������4|s�]cbr5 ��).N��:z���8BU}OS��F�,�D�>Z#��*f)o�Ӧ����� L�� have it installed. h�L˱ IELTS lesson plans for teachers are not only incredibly important, but also very unique to both the instructor and the material. Do you want to move home in the future?No, I don’t really want to, but ________________________________ (have to) because the building is quite old and so will need to be demolished in the next decade or two. What are your plans for the weekend?I don’t have any plans. endstream endobj 214 0 obj <>stream Part 2: Practice exercises Chapters 1-11 provide practice on the task types commonly encountered in the IELTS test. Is there any technology which you’d like to buy?Actually,…, Do you think you will live abroad someday?Yes,…, Are there any hobbies which you’d like to take up?Not really, but…, What are your plans for this evening?I don’t have any actual plans, but…, Would you like to live in your hometown when you retire?I’d love to, but…, Do you think your taste in music will change as you get older?Probably, because…, Is there any technology which you’d like to buy?Nothing really, because…, Do you think you will live abroad someday?It’s possible…, When do you think you will next go abroad?I’m not sure, but…, What would your ideal job be (like)?If I could,…, Can you tell me something about your future plans?Well, I’m planning to study abroad within…, Can you tell me something about your ambitions?I hope to have…. With more than 700,000 registered users in over 100 countries around the world, Onestopenglish is the number one resource site for English language teachers, providing access to thousands of resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, audio, video and flashcards. AccommodationDo you want to move home in the future?How long do you think you will continue to live in your present home?What would your dream home be like? Do you want to move home in the future?Would you like to move home in the future? Would you prefer to learn a new language, or to continue studying a language which you have studied before? EnglishHow long are you planning to continue learning English?Why are you taking the IELTS test?Do you think that you will need English more in the future? I normally use this on the first day of a new course and the aim is to promote student autonomy, raise awareness of what is expected and motivate students. If there are more than two, they are all the same or all different (= different, and different again). Would you prefer to learn a new language, or to continue studying a language which you have studied before?Would you rather learn a new language, or continue studying a language which you have studied before? Resources and materials for ESL teachers including free ESL handouts and quizzes, PDF lesson plans, teacher articles and a directory of teaching and reference resources. endstream endobj 217 0 obj <>stream the classroom. Activate your free month of lessons (special offer for new or. You should say:- What the instrument looks like- How you play it- What kinds of music are played on itAnd say if you think you will learn to play that instrument or not, and why, Talk about a sport you think is interesting but have never played.You should say:- What equipment is needed- What some of the rules are- What kinds of people this sport is popular withAnd say if you think you will do this sport in the near future or not, and why, Describe your dream jobYou should say:- What you would do in that job- What the pay and conditions would be like- What kind of place you would work inAnd say if you think people who really have a job like that are happy in their work or not, and why, Talk about your dream holiday. This lesson is suitable for students of intermediate level and above. IELTS SPEAKING TIPS AND SAMPLES IELTS – SIMON. h4P0P���w��+Q�4r��� 4�� Do you have any plans for tonight’s dinner? Yes, I’m going out for Italian with my mother. In the lesson prior to your self-access class give students a copy of the IELTS Speaking band descriptors. I _______________________________ (go) to Hawaii for my honeymoon next year, but I will probably be too busy, in which case it might be five years or more. IELTS Speaking Part Two on the future Do at least one task from below in exam format (exactly one minute for preparation, one ortwo minutes speaking, then a short follow up question from your partner). grammar, spelling and punctuation, through to language teaching, v�v��xp����_�G�������%�Cr�����M�ԎL��q�����.� Do you think there is a danger that robots will take over from humans? What are your predictions for public transport in the next few years? What could be the effects of AI becoming as intelligent as humans? Download Full PDF Package. Lesson Goals 1. Without looking above, try to think of another way of saying each thing below with exactly the same meaning. Also provides access to questions from students and teaching forum topics. 2017-12-01T15:35:13Z We have a wealth of resources for teachers of English, wherever you are teaching. endstream endobj 215 0 obj <>stream What would your dream home be like?I __________________________________ (live) somewhere with a swimming pool, but it __________________________________ (almost certainly never happen), unfortunately. Well, it’s the summer, so I may well attend one within the next seven days. Resources and materials for ESL teachers including free ESL handouts IELTS consists of 4 modules, Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Education/ StudiesDo you need any qualifications for your career?Is there anything you’d like to study in the future?Are there any other languages which you’d like to study? Articles cover topics from English LanguagesAre there any other languages which you’d like to learn?Which other languages do you think will be most useful for you to learn?Would you prefer to learn a new language, or to continue studying a language which you have studied before? A short summary of this paper. If you have any suggestions or even feedback, just pop a comment below. How long are you planning to continue learning English?How long do you think you will continue learning English? Here you can find a wide range of full lesson plans to use in your secondary classroom. This lesson plan accompanies Cambridge IELTS 11 Academic Speaking Test 4. and quizzes, PDF lesson plans, teacher articles and a directory of Try to also make true sentences if you can, but if not, then imaginary sentences are also okay. If you could choose, what would your dream home be like?What would your ideal home be like? Any questions are okay, as ... PDF Lesson Plans. Includes helpful articles, a glossary, quizzes, and a large language reference. You should say:- What a typical work day for people in that job is like- What qualifications and experience you will need in order to do that job- What your next step will have to be in order to get that jobAnd say if you think you will be able to get that job in the near future or not, and why, Talk about a subject you would like to study in the futureYou should say:- How you first became interested in that subject- What things about that subject you find particularly interesting- Where and how it is possible to study that subjectAnd say if you think you will start studying that in the near future or not, and why, Talk about a goal or ambition you have.You should say:- When and why you first got that goal or ambition- What you need to do to make it come true- What your next step needs to beAnd say if you think you will achieve that goal or ambition or not, and why, Talk about a foreign country you have never been to and would like to visit:You should mention:- How that place is similar and different to your country and other countries you have visited- Why you are interested in going there- What you would like to do thereAnd say if you think you will go to that country in the near future or not, and why, Talk about your plans for your next long holiday. IELTS SPEAKING TIPS AND SAMPLES IELTS – SIMON. I _______________________(fly) to New York on Sunday. How long do you think you will continue living in your present home?How long will you continue living in your current home? When will you next attend a festival or celebration? Well, it’s the summer, so I may well attend one in the next week. Well, it’s the summer, so I may well attend one in the next seven days. This paper. You can use the resources when teaching IELTS speaking lessons to encouraging participation and conversation in the classroom. Top 10 TED Talks to Use in Class. General resources for English teachers. However, I _________________________ (have to) start paying if all the good newspapers charge for their websites. Acrobat Distiller 15.0 (Windows) �0��W�c2�&)�*�PڵRP,�Km"^��������,���U�7�"�y#�E�-��1.��^tG��^kS��Zu�������6s!��Ӛ��dF�}t�E�͞D3S|L��!xm3w1���g�K�_��=�t�O�1���Z�Y��W� �j>stream Download Lesson for IELTS Speaking (PDF+Audio) Lesson for IELTS Speaking book will guide you through the best approaches to all the three parts of the IELTS Speaking test, using the most typical topics with opportunities for extensive practice and consolidation.. Also provides access to questions I will probably move next year. Not long. Copyright © 2002 - 2021 UsingEnglish.com Ltd. Can you tell me something about your future plans? I’m planning to quit my job next year and become a freelancer in five years. I’m planning to quit my job next year and become a freelancer within five years. I’m planning to quit my job next year and then become a freelancer five years later. General resources for English teachers. Not in the near future, but I’m sure I will one day. Ask each future personal questions about the topics below. This file has the format and other nuances of Writing. We provide all the pieces, but leave it up to you to arrange them to your liking. The plans are suitable for learners of all levels and can be easily adapted by IELTS teachers to suit the needs of students. How long do you think you will continue to live in your present home? Well, I don’t have any plans to move, but I will almost certainly need to move nearer to, Well, I don’t have any plans to move, but I will probably need to move nearer to my, Well, I don’t have any plans to move, but I may well need to move nearer to my, Well, I don’t have any plans to move, but I may need to move nearer to my parents in, Well, I don’t have any plans to move, but I could possibly need to move nearer to my, Do you think that you will need English more in the future? Well, I may get a promotion, in which case I’d definitely need to speak English more, Well, I might get a promotion, in which case I’d certainly need to speak English more, What would your dream home be like? The place where I’m living is almost perfect, but I’d love to live somewhere with a, The place where I’m living is almost perfect, but I love living somewhere with a rooftop. In this lesson you will learn what you can expect from IELTS Speaking test part 1 and how to succeed in this part.. As you know from lesson 1, part 1 of IELTS Speaking test lasts about 4-5 minutes and includes introduction and interview.. Are the questions in each section below the same or different? For example, it is common to pair reading with writing and listening with speaking. Below links to things I have made that might be of interest to IELTS teachers and English teachers in general. 1) IELTS Speaking Task Sheet Week 1 2) Worksheet 1: Vocabulary Revision 3) Worksheet 2: Pronunciation of Past Tense Endings Pre-Lesson Activities The following pre-lesson activities will give students the opportunity to learn or revise topic vocabulary on the subject of ‘Holidays’. RATE THIS LESSON Average overall rating Good (4.1) Arts and media Will internet news ever replace newspapers? Do you think that there will be more jobs in the arts sector or in the technical sector in, Demographics Can you think of any bad effects of a shrinking population? Do you think it is possible for ten billion people to live on the earth? Do you think the government should subsidise families with more kids? What are the advantages and disadvantages of governments paying people to stay in, What can be done to stop people moving to the capital city, do you think?Economics Do you believe that a minimum basic income for everyone in the country would be a, Do you think that economic growth is always a good thing? Do you think it is okay for people who have been declared bankrupt to then set up their, Globalisation Are people in your country generally interested in studying abroad? Do you think people’s feelings about more globalisation are changing? Why do some people think globalisation should be reversed?Health Can you explain why some people support voluntary euthanasia? Do you think it would be good for governments to make smoking more and more, Nature and the environment Are people in your country worried about natural disasters? Do you think your government is doing enough to cut carbon emissions? What could the bad effects of further global warming be? What is the biggest environmental problem facing your country?Retirement How do people in your country prepare for their retirement? Do you believe people your age will be able to retire in their sixties? Do you think that the retirement age is about right? What do you think old people’s lives will be like in 50 years’ time?Technology How much do you think the government should get involved in helping companies. and moderators, we have a number of professional volunteer English We also have apps, games, and activities that you can use with your students. Analysing future IELTS Speaking Part One questions. Lesson Plan: Speaking This lesson plan accompanies Cambridge IELTS 10 Academic Speaking Test 4, Part 3. When do you think you will next go to the cinema? I’m thinking about seeing the latest superhero movie in two days. I’m thinking about seeing the latest superhero movie in two days’ time. I’m thinking about seeing the latest superhero movie the day after tomorrow. I’m thinking about seeing the latest superhero movie two days from now. Download Free PDF. UsingEnglish.com in place. 1 for Accommodation and 2 for Friends and Family for Speaking Part One or 1 for Media and 2 for The Environment for Part Three. This lesson is suitable for intermediate level students who are familiar with the ELTSI test format. � ��p���]�-��HE. In the second part, you will be given a card with some prompts on and asked to speak about the topic for 1 … Also provides access to questions from students and teaching forum topics. Actually, it’s my birthday this time next week, so I’m meeting them then. Not long. authors and contributors. Describe a job you would like to do in the future. How long are you planning to continue learning English? To be honest, I want to just get IELTS 6.5 and then study something else! To be honest, I hope to just get IELTS 6.5 and then study something else! To be honest, I wish I could just get IELTS 6.5 and then study something else! Family and friendsWhen do you think you will next see your extended family?Would you like to have a large family? H��Wmo��η��?�G��W���Ka� ˾k��qjm�+ Do all the answers in each section below have the same or different meaning? In the second part, the candidate is given a card with some prompts on and asked to speak about the topic for 1-2 minutes after some preparation time. tips, exam tips and help with study skills. The speaking part of the IELTS exam lasts from 11-14 minutes and comprises three parts. What do you think you will be doing in 2028?What do you think you will be doing in ten years?What do you think you will be doing in ten years’ time? I’m planning to move next year. Printable and downloadable IELTS resources for teachers to use in the classroom. Do you want to move home in the future? You can use our resources in your classroom, or use them to create your own lesson plans. You should say:- Where you want to go- Who you want to go there with- What you want to do when you get thereAnd say how likely you are to do what you have planned, and why. PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 application/pdf Accommodation Arts and media Education/ Studies English Family and friends Festivals and celebrations Food and drink Free time/ Hobbies/ Interests Future plans Hometown Music Technology Transport and travel Work. Dovantran Tran. 2017-11-28T08:55:09Z Take turns asking each other questions from below for three minutes. teacher handouts. TechnologyIs there any technology which you’d like to buy?How long do you think you will continue using your present phone and computer? I’m a huge horror fan. Fill the gaps below with any suitable sentence, but using a different future form and/ or time from the question each time. You should say:- What the place would be like- What your colleagues would be like- What the local area would be likeAnd say if you think such a workplace really exists or not, and why, Talk about a part of your country you have never been to but would like to visitYou should say:- Why you have never been there before- If or when you think you might go- Why you would like to goAnd say how you first became interested in going to that place, Talk about your plans for your next long vacation. Common problems in the IELTS Speaking module include speaking at length, speaking on unfamiliar topics, and managing the conversation. Ask any questions below which you didn’t in the stage above. The teacher can use this product as a base The lesson plans show how to do this through game-like activities, which also work as ice-breakers. How long do you think you will continue to live in your present home? Not long. Z�,���Tt�Կ����MffwIʲ�wm�~(�"�3;/��nL���� f�VL*��z��ŴgK�\���D� �L=)�Wɂ@�0NPKH��w.��0Z� �+�� Resources and materials for ESL teachers including free ESL handouts and quizzes, PDF lesson plans, teacher articles and a directory of teaching and reference resources. The speaking part of the IELTS exam lasts from 11-14 minutes and comprises three parts. You can use the resources when teaching IELTS speaking lessons to encouraging participation and conversation in the classroom. Resources and materials for ESL teachers including free ESL handouts and quizzes, PDF lesson plans, teacher articles and a directory of teaching and reference resources. Our lesson plans promote a professional image that flows consistently through the entire series. This can be downloaded here . from students and teaching forum topics. VerbsDo you want to move home in the future? Yes, I’d like to move out of my flat and into a house. Yes, I’d love to move out of my flat and into a house. IELTS Speaking Level: Intermediate (B1-B2) Use this evolving worksheet series as part of your preparation course for IELTS speaking test candidates. You should say:- Where you are thinking of going- Who you would like to go there with- What you would like to do thereAnd say if you think you will do what you are planning or not, and why, Talk about a job you would like to do in the future.You should say:- What people have to do in that job- Why you are interested in that job- If there are any disadvantages or difficulties to doing that jobAnd say if you think you will be good at that job or not, and why, Talk about your next trip abroad.You should say:- Where you are going or would like to go- What you want to do there- What souvenirs you would like to bring backAnd say whether you think your next trip overseas will be as you would like it to be or not, and why, Talk about a musical instrument you would like to be able to play but have never tried. When do you think you will next cook? I’m not sure if it will be the next time or not, but I need to cook Xmas dinner, so I need, I’m not sure if it will be the next time or not, but I need to cook Xmas dinner, so I need. 8 Secrets of IELTS Success Lesson Plan. #��.�F���s�i`�V�������I7o��hy���zG�����_S\ ɒ� ɒ�M��Ѯ�F A �4G��q��9��{� Rj� op���Y]̗�� a��m:����b@.S����A�rsRRCRB�O�v��j@N}��;��BK =����Bu���l铑fO$�(��M�%���L���N�o`��8P ��q⟹�]��hpv�ՠW��g Articles about learning, using and teaching the English language, users, with no obligation to buy) - and receive a level assessment! uuid:a510a465-3dcb-47ec-b0f7-4a1357f7c78c In the first part, you, the candidate, and the examiner have a short general chat. Future plansCan you tell me something about your future plans?Can you tell me something about your ambitions?What do you think you will be doing in 2030?What do you think you will be doing in thirty years’ time?What do you hope to achieve in the next ten years? Our online discussion forums are the perfect place to quickly get help Written by Alex Case for UsingEnglish.com © 2019. h�2�T0P���w�/�+Q0���L)�647�)�Ci0mR�RY�����Zlg` �g When do you think you will next see your extended family? Actually, it’s my birthday in a week, so I’m meeting them then. endstream endobj 22 0 obj <>/OCGs[101 0 R]>>/Pages 19 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 93 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Fields[]>> endobj 94 0 obj <>stream PDF. Well, it’s the summer, so I may well attend one within the next seven days. They practice key parts of the test. These resources with answers can be printed off and given to students. Download with Google Download with Facebook. Prior to the lesson, as a homework activity, ask endstream endobj 216 0 obj <>stream I’m going to move next year. Not long. you study, learn and teach English including text analysis, language Our lesson ielts speaking lesson plans for teachers pdf contain Teacher notes to coach you on how to do the. 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