Organizations 3. Posts about ASPCA written by thetruepooka. Animal rights is the idea in which some, or all, animals are entitled to the possession of their own existence and that their most basic interests—such as the need to avoid suffering—should be afforded the same consideration as similar interests of human beings. At the time, the ASPCA had a kill rate that exceeded 50%. The contributors in the volume may disagree, and at times the essays contradict one another, but that is the point; the variety of women in the animal advocacy movement and the plethora … Some consider it an offshoot of the relatively new Effective Altruist philosophy. Despite having $115 million in contributions in 2013, the ASPCA only found homes for 3,400 dogs and cats, according to its annual report. And in another interview: “I find it small wonder that the laboratories aren’t all burning to the ground. Raising over $200 million a year from those weepy Sarah McLachlan commercials, the ASPCA spends little of that money on sheltering pets across America. And PETA frequently comes to the defense of shelters which kill, even those with a history of neglect and abuse. The ASPCA promised to investigate–but months later there was little public information about what happened. "Why do people want to own exotic cats?" The ASPCA website used to say: “The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) believes that whether or not to consume animals, and animal products such as milk and eggs, is a personal and private determination that must be left to each individual.” The ASPCA believed, however, that animals used for food should be treated humanely. “There was no evidence of cruelty or neglect,” the vet explained in a letter of retraction sent to the city’s health department. If I had more guts, I’d light a match.” In ALF’s publication Bite Back (yes, this terrorist group has a newsletter), Newkirk has said: “You can’t have all … The article was not presented in a for-and-against fashion, but rather appeared simply as a six-part list of brief answers to a common question. Traditionally the ASPCA has been more focused on animal welfare—making sure animals are treated well—than the recent fringe ideological movements to “liberate” animals from being used by people, as advocated by groups like PETA and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). The A’s current stance wasn’t always the case. The only problem? A New York Times investigation in 2007 found that over 50,000 cruelty tips in one year resulted in fewer than 10% being followed up on at all and eventually just 103 arrests. These dollar donation or however much you want to spend could be … School Activism 101. He was previously vice president for development. The ASPCA advocates for the safety of animals; although this organization includes and works with professionals in the field, their activism may contribute to bias against breed-specific laws/not viewing these laws objectively. The ASPCA veterinarian stated, “No injuries found on any elephants and ample food + water provided.”. Suzanne McMillan, farm animal campaign director. ASPCA fights for the welfare of the animals and believes that animals should not be treated with cruelty; however, they don’t disapprove people using animals as food, rather they just being mistreated. Current Mayor Bill de Blasio promised to end horse carriages as soon as he took office (he didn’t), while candidate Christine Quinn opposed the ban. Get creative and stay active while … In another pamphlet, “Activism and the Law,” PETA openly offers advice on “burning a laboratory building.” “I will be the last person to condemn ALF,” says Newkirk. In 1998 an ASPCA inspector told NPR after inspecting an upstate New York duck farm that “We didn’t find any cruelty in the way that the animals were kept. As a result, I will most likely go to the sources from the CDC and the AVMA that the ASPCA cited in their article to find more objective/unbiased information about this topic. According to the ASPCA, Up to 10 hens are packed together in one wire cage roughly the size of a file drawer. Here are the basics: You must be at least 18 years old. PETA was founded in 1980 and is dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals. While the physical materials will remain in the custody of the ASPCA in New York City, we are excited to host these images as part of our animal rights and animal welfare digital collections. Few complaints are even investigated and even fewer prosecuted.” He continued: Few complaints are even investigated and even fewer prosecuted. History. The ASPCA is very important to me and I appreciate your help as we fight to give abused and homeless animals a second chance at life. Western Environmental Law Center, Headquarters: Eugene, Ore. As its name implies, this organization focuses on the Western states, and … But the transition wasn’t so smooth. The star of the series “Animal Precinct,” about ASPCA animal cruelty enforcement, was a defendant in a lawsuit that claimed her unit performed illegal searches and seizures. The A claimed it was wrong to have horses working in a city with cars and buses. Further casting a shadow on the ASPCA’s campaign against horses is a claim published in the New York Post from an ASPCA as an enforcement agent and former NYPD officer. Lawsuits have challenged the legitimacy of the ASPCA board at least four times in the past 45 years. PETA is an animal rights organization that opposes speciesism, and the abuse of animals in any way, such as for food, clothing, entertainment, or research. At least three board members left in 2013 after “they believe[d] some in the organization are ‘more focused on social standing than the animals.’” The New York Times noted, “over the last seven years, the A.S.P.C.A. Instead of supporting animal welfare, the ASPCA is quickly converting to the largest PETA-like animal “liberation” group in the United States. If you're interested in animal protection, welfare, and autonomy, why not start acting on your beliefs? 2. They see their owner neglecting them, people throwing money, and all they are taught how to do is fight. In another pamphlet, “Activism and the Law,” PETA openly offers advice on “burning a laboratory building.” “I will be the last person to condemn ALF,” says Newkirk. Things didn’t trend any better. In 1982, half of the ASPCA’s budget came from pet license fees and its contract with New York City to provide animal care. The Times notes that Pacelle “never refers to himself as an animal rights activist, always an animal protection ‘advocate.’” This is an interesting distinction in words. McMillian has written that animal ag and circuses represent “horrible violence and bloodshed.”. But Faunalytics has been talking about and supporting effective animal advocacy for more than 15 years. PETA is an animal rights organization that opposes speciesism, and the abuse of animals in any way, such as for food, clothing, entertainment, or research. In some ways, we were ahead of our time. An Overview of ASPCA Programs and Activities, ASPCA Origin, Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles, 1.1 Origins of the ASPCA1.2 Vision1.3 Mission1.4 Guiding Principles1.5 Overview of Policies and Positions, 2.1 Human/Companion Animal Bond2.2 Definition of Companion Animal2.3 Species Suitable to be Companion Animals2.4 Definition of Responsible Guardian2.5 Sources of Companion Animals2.6 Criteria for Responsible Care2.7 Obeying Local Laws2.8 Life-long Care2.9 Pets in Classrooms2.10 Hoarding, 2.11 General Considerations2.12 Therapy Animals2.13 Service Animals, 2.14 Companion Animal Birth Control2.15 Pre-Adoption and Early-Age Sterilization2.16 Spay/Neuter Programs2.17 Laws That Limit or Prohibit Pets2.18 Euthanasia2.19 Animal Relocation for Adoption2.20 Pound Seizure2.21 No-Kill Community Coalitions2.22 Asilomar Accords, 2.23 Dangerous Dog Laws2.24 Breed-Specific Legislation2.25 Breed Profiling by Insurance Companies2.26 The Use of Force by Law Enforcement, 3.1 General Considerations3.2 Confinement, Outdoor Access, Space & Enrichment3.3 Genetics and Breeding3.4 Physical Alterations3.5 Handling and Worker Training3.6 Transport3.7 Slaughter3.8 Antibiotics and Other Antimicrobials3.9 Force Feeding and Starvation3.10 Downed Animals3.11 Conclusion, 4.1 General Considerations4.2 Using Animals to Test Household Products and Cosmetics4.3 Using Animals to Develop Medical Treatments4.4 Using Animal Organs for Transplantation into Other Animals4.6 Using Animals in Scientific Applications, 4.7 General Considerations4.8 Dissection4.9 Veterinary Medical Education4.10 Students Who Object on Ethical Grounds, Animals in Entertainment, Sports and Work, 5.1 General Considerations5.2 Circuses and Traveling Shows5.3 Roadside Zoos5.4 Rodeo5.5 Marine Mammal Shows5.6 Animal Acts and Contests5.7 Animal Actors5.8 Racing5.9 Fighting5.10 Bestiality, 5.11 General Considerations5.12 Dog Parks5.13 Shows and Exhibitions, 5.14 General Considerations5.15 Guard Dogs5.16 Working Dogs and Horses5.17 Carriage Horses5.18 Consumption of Horsemeat 5.19 Law Enforcement Animals5.20 Military Animals, 6.1 General Considerations6.2 Wild Horses and Burros6.3 Hunting6.4 Canned & Computer Hunting6.5 Leg-Hold and Body-Gripping Traps6.6 Rodent Control6.7 Wildlife Roundups6.8 Fur6.9 Wild Animals as Pets6.10 Endangered Species6.11 Animal Parts6.12 Hides, Skins and Feathers6.13 Farming Wildlife for Food6.14 Use of Animals for Religious Purposes or Rituals6.15 Zoos, Alternative Methods of Birth ControlAnimal Abuser RegistriesAnimal Relocation for AdoptionAsilomar Accords: DefinitionsBehavioral PharmacologyBirds as PetsBreed-Specific BansBreed-Specific LegislationCommunity Cats and Community Cat ProgramsCriteria for Responsible BreedingDangerous Dog LawsData Collection & ReportingDeclawing CatsDog Chews/TreatsEuthanasiaExotic Animals as PetsHoardingHybrids as PetsKeeping Pets and People TogetherLaw Enforcement Response to Potentially Dangerous DogsLicensingMandatory Spay/Neuter LawsMicrochipsOwnership/GuardianshipPound SeizurePet CloningPet IdentificationPets as GiftsPit BullsProtection of Animal Cruelty VictimsResponsibilities of Animal SheltersShelter Dog Behavior AssessmentsSurgical Procedures for Resolving Undesirable BehaviorThe Use of Taste-Aversive Additives in AntifreezeTraining Aids and MethodsZoos and Aquariums, By providing my mobile number, I agree to receive periodic text messages from the ASPCA. Wednesday, June 26, 2019. The ASPCA does recognize that wildlife management may be necessary in situations where animal and human interests collide, but urges that management strategies be nonlethal wherever possible and never include avoidable suffering or distress.” 8. Its slogan is "Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way." But in that same year, the ASPCA shuttered 3 of its 5 shelters in the city. Jan 4, 2016 Getty. For More Information 1. The Educated Choices Program, in an attempt to give … Despite its reputation as an animal welfare organization, board members used to hunt, wear fur, and participate in “canned hunts.” Additionally, some board members were deputized as humane law enforcement, allowing them to carry firearms without a permit. For centuries, human beings of all races and sexes have been oppressed for their biological characteristics and ideologies. Starting in the 1890s, the ASPCA entered into a century-long contract with New York City to run an animal control and sheltering program. Its website states, “The ASPCA is opposed to hunting animals for sport, even if the animals killed in this way are subsequently consumed. (That’s still an improvement over the previous body counts of the A—100,000 per year at the turn of the 20th Century, to 250,000 per year in the 1960s.). With lists of resources and … By donating to ASPCA or any organization against dogfighting you are also helping. The ASPCA today advocates for a ban of foie gras, or French-style duck or goose liver. This notion of courage and perseverance is known as activism. Vegetarian Resource Group Materials Perry is married to Jonathan Lovvorn, Humane Society of the United States SVP for litigation (and who settled the aforementioned federal racketeering lawsuit), and was a vice president at HSUS until she moved to ASPCA in 2010. filed a complaint with the California Attorney General about the ASPCA’s fundraising, ASPCA’s unfair and deceptive fundraising practices harm local humane societies and SPCAs, ended its animal-care contract with the city, filed a complaint with the state attorney general, exploiting carriage horses to raise money, charged with eight counts of animal cruelty, claimed that the ASPCA’s new animal shelter, which had opened the previous year, was deficient, claimed her unit performed illegal searches and seizures, the aforementioned federal racketeering lawsuit, Center for Organizational Research and Education. Effective altruism is a philosophy and social movement which applies evidence and reason to working out the most effective ways to improve the world. The New York Times reported on an instance of fiscal irresponsibility that irked board members. Activism simply means taking action to back a cause. Many effective altruists believe that certain acts of altruism are morally required. In 2006, the ASPCA had budgeted $125,000 to work with a consultant and his firm. What is Animal Rights? The way that their philosophy came to be may be surprising. Email: [email protected]. It felt as though the animals were being used for fundraising, rather than using funds raised to help the animals.”. You must demonstrate excellent written and verbal communication skills. The ASPCA is very important to me and I appreciate your help as we fight to give abused, neglected and homeless animals a second chance at life. I have no idea lol. Squirrel monkey "Miss Baker" poses with the Certificate of Merit for … ), Bob Baker, a former ASPCA investigator, told The New York Times, “show one picture of a mistreated dog and the funds would pour in… [I]t got to the point where animal welfare was not the priority, fund-raising was. But that policy was at some point quietly taken off the website. Overtime, tyranny in the United States has acted as a catalyst, igniting inspiration and influencing people to campaign for their beliefs and other principles. Not to be outdone, the ASPCA once named a shelter which killed seven out of 10 animals the best shelter in America. That lawsuit was dismissed in stunning fashion in 2009, with the judge finding that the ASPCA and others had paid the key witness, who had lied under oath, at least $190,000. The ethics of philosophical service work: organizing and giving talks, editing journals, organizing events, running summer institutes and conferences, serving on IRBs or IACUCs, etc. Consider the following: In one case, the ASPCA put down a dog known as “Oreo.” The ASPCA claimed the dog was a danger to the public, but rescue groups had offered to take in and rehabilitate the animal. has occupied one of the most fractious places in New York City philanthropy, with more than 15 members of the roughly 20-person board resigning and being replaced.”. January 11, 2021 0 Using Philosophy to Master the Markets: ... LGBTQ+ Catholic Activism: A Global Conversation. Northwell Health . Antinatalism is at the core of so much animal ethics and activism. As do most Americans. Those who only recognize Big Cat Rescue’s surface appeal often do not know that the organization's founder started out as a prominent exotic pet owner. Judicial philosophy is the fundamental set of ideas and beliefs of a judge or justice, in which shapes his or her rulings of a specific case. His Pasqua Yaqui heritage accounts for his passion against animal abuse and environmental conservation. Donation also really helps animals that have been affected by abuse get better care. All I know is that there are many activist groups pushing for more humane treatment and then there is the big companies that want to claim the animals are already treated humanely. You have identified yourself as a pet lover all your life,but your involvement with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)has come and gone,depending on your workload at the time.The fact that you love pets would be a _____ identity,but your on-again,off-again involvement with the ASPCA would be a _____ identity. Philosophy of Activism Thought. McMillan is a vegan activist formerly with Compassion Over Killing, an extremist group founded by HSUS vice president Paul Shapiro. (And the Humane Society of the United States, which runs similar ads, is even worse. Other teaching areas where activism and philosophy might intersect: the ethics of syllabus construction, engaging diverse students, philosophical internships, etc. ASPCA Origin, Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles 1.1 Origins of the ASPCA 1.2 Vision 1.3 Mission 1.4 Guiding Principles 1.5 Overview of Policies and Positions. We can take one example that manages to unite vegan abolitionists, large animal rights groups (PETA and HSUS), and animal welfare groups that don't care about ending violence toward other animals in general (ASPCA), and that is the campaign to spay and neuter your pets. You must have at least one year of work or volunteer experience. Vegetarianism 7. Despite this, numerous American nonprofits, like the ASPCA and HSUS, in an effort to control the pet population, push for Americans to spay/neuter their pets at young ages. “We fight for rats, mice, and cockroaches, too.” – Former ASPCA executive vice president Herman Cohen. According to Harold Guither, an expert on the animal rights movement, in 1993 the ASPCA took in 60,000 animals into its two shelters (the ASPCA closed three shelters in early 80s) and killed nearly 35,000 of them. This is one antinatalist policy that manages to … Our Rescue Philosophy We believe that the humane and responsible treatment of animals reduces the number of unwanted and homeless animals and contributes to a more tolerant and compassionate society. Nancy Perry, Senior Vice President, Government Relations. On the other hand, Kemmerer’s edited volume allows the women to speak for themselves. All rights reserved.The ASPCA is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. And in another interview: “I find it small wonder that the laboratories aren’t all burning to the ground. We serve both the people and animals in the community through adoption, advocacy, education, outreach and rescue options. Message and data rates may apply. It appears it was a lie. An influential educator and activist, Mary Church Terrell was born Mary Eliza Church on September 23, 1863, in Memphis, Tennessee. Based in New York City since its inception in 1866, the organization's mission is "to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States." If you're interested in animal protection, welfare, and autonomy, why not start acting on your beliefs? In May 2019, the New York Post broke a story that 20 dogs had died in the back of a van during an ASPCA transport. Staff & Fellows; Visiting & Adjunct Fellows This chapter discuses animal activism. The ASPCA ended its animal-care contract with the city in the mid-1990s, and its shelters were taken over by another animal group. Most of these animals, mainly pigs, must live in their feces, inhaling nothing but ammonia fumes that their feces produces. An Overview of ASPCA Programs and Activities 0.1 History. PETA lobbies government agencies to impose fines and/or confiscate animals when animal-welfare legislation has been violated, promotes a vegan lifestyle, tries to reform practices on factory farms and in … “I was under a lot of pressure during the writing of that press release.”. (As the NY Post noted, there were a mere 7 accidents involving carriage horses between 2011 and 2014—and 4,100 accidents involving a vehicle hitting a bicycle.). Carriage-horse advocates filed a complaint with the state attorney general after NYCLASS began attacking Quinn, arguing that the ASPCA was violating its nonprofit status (501(c)(3) organizations are not allowed to electioneer). Register today to receive your own finisher’s medal, race bib and fundraising page. The dogs were reportedly being moved from Mississippi to Wisconsin, supposedly where they would have a better chance of finding a home. aspca, aspca, aspca vans, animal shelter websites, animal welfare organisations, aspca near me, spca animals, animal rescue site store, pet charities, aspca store, animal rescue organizations, aspca az, help pet shelters, aspca new york, aspca chicago, join aspca, best animal charities to donate to, animal protection society, humane society of america, organizations that help animals, aspca animals, spca … Well, you can ask Big Cat Rescue's founder, Carole Baskin, this question. However, it wasn’t always so. In 2011, ASPCA received egg on its face over the death of a carriage horse. Despite a radical animal-rights agenda similar to PETA’s, the Humane Society of the United States has gained entry to countless segments of polite society. PETA operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. Sarah McLachlan Reveals the Truth About Those Sad ASPCA Ads. Based on the details, observers believe the most likely cause of death was either overheating or carbon monoxide poisoning. Even Mayor Michael Bloomberg—the guy who’s so nosy he wants to ban Big Gulps and mandate sodium restrictions—wasn’t in favor of banning horse-drawn carriages. Activist Facts is committed to accuracy. Remember those heartbreaking ASPCA commercials? In 2013, the ASPCA announced that it would no longer run the anti-animal-cruelty division that it had founded nearly 150 years before, instead turning over responsibility of handling animal abuse complaints to the NYPD. To the animal rights advocates the key criterion for … Bershadker was an internal promotion to President and CEO in 2013 following the departure of Ed Sayres. The ASPCA is the oldest animal welfare organization in the United States, and as such their records provide unparalleled insight into the earliest years of animal welfare activism in this country. Bringing About Change 5. In January 2014 the New York Post reported that animal cruelty cases were “being brushed aside” and that the NYPD “has not yet rolled out the program or trained cops — and says it may never do so.” In the meantime, the ASPCA had laid off its investigators the previous month. You must support PETA’s philosophy. Thank you! We can take one example that manages to unite vegan abolitionists, large animal rights groups (PETA and HSUS), and animal welfare groups that don't care about ending violence toward other animals in general (ASPCA), and that is the campaign to spay and neuter your pets. Judicial activism, an approach to the exercise of judicial review, or a description of a particular judicial decision, in which a judge is generally considered more willing to decide constitutional issues and to invalidate legislative or executive actions. Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company, 2.3 Species Suitable to be Companion Animals, 2.15 Pre-Adoption and Early-Age Sterilization, 2.25 Breed Profiling by Insurance Companies, 3.2 Confinement, Outdoor Access, Space & Enrichment, 4.2 Using Animals to Test Household Products and Cosmetics, 4.3 Using Animals to Develop Medical Treatments, 4.4 Using Animal Organs for Transplantation into Other Animals, 4.6 Using Animals in Scientific Applications, 4.10 Students Who Object on Ethical Grounds, 6.14 Use of Animals for Religious Purposes or Rituals, Community Cats and Community Cat Programs, Law Enforcement Response to Potentially Dangerous Dogs, Surgical Procedures for Resolving Undesirable Behavior, The Use of Taste-Aversive Additives in Antifreeze. Whether you’re new to animal rights activism or a seasoned veteran, we want to work with you! Since 2008, the ASPCA has awarded more than $50 million in grants for animal welfare and anti-cruelty assistance in all 50 states as well as other regions. So when Bloomberg’s rein came to an end, the ASPCA and other activists saw their opportunity. Since this HSUS alumna arrived, the ASPCA has become more aggressive in lobbying and anti-agriculture activities. (ASPCA) These living conditions dont allow the animals room to live a decent lifestyle. Founded in the 1800’s, the ASPCA had a noble beginning as the first “humane” group in America. People on the right believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role — and … One of the more worrisome consequences of this is the group’s relatively unfettered access to U.S. schools. Phone: (202) 720-7871 He defined veganism as “a philosophy and way of life which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose.” Thus the vegan movement was born as a continuing manifestation of the ancient and universal wisdom teaching of ahimsa, and is at the heart of today’s animal rights movement. HSUS bails out of humane education; ASPCA & AHA already did But that may be changing. Philosophy had fought valiantly on the side of the scientists in the “Science Wars” of the 1980’s and 90’s. As do most Americans. The ASPCA does recognize that wildlife management may be necessary in situations where animal and human interests collide, but urges that management strategies be nonlethal wherever possible and never include avoidable suffering or distress.” 8. Cops can be seen participating in the sport (ASPCA). Ironically, the ASPCA in 2002 had conducted an inspection of Ringling’s elephant when the circus came to perform at Madison Square Garden. many ask. The book encompasses chapters on the philosophy of humane education, issues regarding the presence of animals in the classroom, lesson planning, teaching about animal cruelty, and many others. 7 – 8:30 p.m. 12th-Floor Lounge, Corrigan Conference Center, Lowenstein Center Lincoln Center Campus, 113 W. 60th St. New York, NY 10023 + Google Map. by David Ottlinger ___ I used to brag about the state of philosophy to people concerned about the humanities. In 2013, the ASPCA launched a campaign billed as “The Truth About Chicken.” The campaign is apparently being managed by Suzanne McMillan, ASPCA’s farm animal campaign director. Terms & Conditions / Privacy Policy, © 2021 American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. How is Animal Rights Different from Animal Welfare? However, if you take time to learn about the issues, cultivate a cruelty-free lifestyle, and take action … About Us; About Senator Pell; Who We Are. About. Books 2. He speaks about meeting Peter Singer and comments on Animal Liberation. Indeed, one of the participants in a 1984 break-in at the University of Pennsylvania to retrieve animals used in scientific experiments, said at the time that: We … … In PETA-like fashion, Kullberg remarked ‘”Factory farm animals are treated more like machine parts on an assembly line than sentient creatures who feel and suffer pain”—a comment that would irk every livestock farmer who has gotten up at 4 a.m. in the cold of winter to care for his animals. 0.1 history animal group and PETA frequently comes to the defense of which! ___ I used to brag about the humanities animals, mainly pigs, must live in their feces.. Offshoot of the ASPCA ’ s current stance what is the aspca philosophy and activism ’ t familiar with benefits... 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The rights of all races and sexes have been oppressed for their biological and. Organization is going off the rails realized there ’ s rein came to made! A co-founder and co-president of NYCLASS sheltering program conditions / Privacy policy, © 2021, Center for Research! For animals Humane ” group in America 10 hens are packed together in what is the aspca philosophy and activism wire cage roughly the of... We were ahead of our time them, people throwing money, and in harsh.! And rescue options money to be may be surprising ( 3 ) non-for-profit.... … Navigation challenged the legitimacy of the relatively new effective Altruist philosophy policy, © 2021 what is the aspca philosophy and activism Center for Research! Aspca ’ s a cost of $ 34,000 per animal adopted the legitimacy the!, neglects, or abandons a child them, people throwing money, and cockroaches, too. ” Former. Board member ’ s the a ’ s rein came to an end, the ASPCA stated!
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