You're so easy to fool. Surprisingly well-made film with very believable performances by most of the cast (standouts being JCVD, the actor playing JC's superior, and Silver the villain). Wells’ novel, is little more than a comfy chair with a large fan above it. Fearing McComb will erase him from history, Atwood jumps to his death, but Walker catches him mid-leap and returns them both to 2004. The second helps keep the movie exciting: Its climax has hero (Van Damme) and villain (Ron Silver) interacting with their younger selves, nail-bitingly aware that they can look but can’t touch. 2. This makes it Van Damme's highest-grossing film in which he played the leading role, and his second to make over $100 million overall (after Universal Soldier). He is producing his music with computers, software synthesizers and analog equipment. They are interrupted by the 2004 McComb, who advises his younger self the chip will become highly profitable. Strangely, the time traveler shows up at the destination without the pod. The story follows Walker's life as he fights time-travel crime and investigates the politician's plans. I was approached to do Timecop, and I loved the auspices. Timecop-type machines are a cross between the Back to the Future-type and the Terminator-type; the traveller is sent back by a machine that does not come with him, but has some sort of way (such as a remote or prearranged time portal) to make a trip back, utilizing the future time machine. 12 people found this helpful. The era-hopping apparatus in THE TIME MACHINE (1960, MGM/UA, unrated, $19.95), based on H.G. Timecop is back. It also stars Ron Silver as a corrupt politician and Mia Sara as Melissa Walker, the agent's wife. [17] In 2010, Universal Pictures announced a remake of the film, to be written by Mark and Brian Gunn. McComb offered former police officer Max Walker a position with the organization as a time cop. You're so easy to fool. Timecop is an American science fiction franchise about a police force that regulates time travel, set in the near future. I would never have agreed to that. While initially dismissive, Spota convinces them of both the viability and danger of the technology, showing them evidence that changes (ripples) have already begun manifesting, evidenced by arms trafficking shipments paid in gold bullion stolen from the Confederate Army. I said yes and we made it, and it was clear that it was going to be a hit because it previewed through the roof every time. There was one failure that just left two red spots on a heavy steel wall, which could have simply been averted by building a runway twice longer with runway brakes on the second half. ", "Universal Plans 'Timecop' Reboot (Exclusive)", Hercules and Xena – The Animated Movie: The Battle for Mount Olympus, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Timecop&oldid=997004912, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 15:54. Edit source History Talk (0) Share "What the hell, man? What does he know? Timecop stands the test of time (sorry, kinda intended). The last thing you want to do is repeat yourself. Realizing Walker may be right, Matuzak sends him back to the past to restore history, sacrificing himself in the process as he is shot by agents of the now-corrupt TEC. King) several times, which becomes an intrusion. She agrees to testify against McComb, but is murdered in her room shortly thereafter. The era-hopping apparatus in THE TIME MACHINE (1960, MGM/UA, unrated, $19.95), based on H.G. Timecop, the Jean-Claude Van Damme time travel movie beloved by, er, no, sorry, forgotten by everyone, contains my favorite worst-ever time-travel-movie-moment ever, where Van Damme is brought to the warehouse where the time travel ship is mounted on some old train tracks or whatever.The creepy guy in charge explains that the craft must reach a certain speed along the tracks … Max Walker, an officer for a security agency that regulates time travel, must fend for his life against a shady politician who's intent on changing the past to control the future. Daily 10 doctor who Back to the Future Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure the time machine H.G. Van Damme’s his usual impassive self here, but his stolidity is in keeping with the character. Sims that are werewolves and in their werewolf form will be unable to travel and initiate the action to travel with others. Realizing she will be killed later that night, he finds her and reveals himself to be from the future. It is perhaps surprising that the original time travel story, The Time Machine by H.G. Wells’ mission is to save his possible future wife (Mary Steenburgen, who in real life later married McDowell) from one of his 19th-century dinner companions, Jack the Ripper (David Warner). Max pursues an illegal time traveler robbing a South African diamond mine in the 1930s. Timecop/Miscellaneous; Time Trax/Miscellaneous; Timeless/Miscellaneous; Time machine. This Mobius-strip effect of the future turning in on itself works almost every time. "Try to remember that every time you travel to the past, you potentially endanger the future. Fielding turns on Walker, revealing she works for McComb. Richardson and Verheiden then teamed up to write the screenplay for the movie adaptation.[4]. Senator Aaron McComb volunteers to chair the oversight committee and Eugene Matuzak is nominated as the TEC's first commissioner. Since the rise and popularity of synthesizer pop, a subgenre of new wave music, Leenaerts started in 2014 with his alias Timecop1983. It wasn’t at all planned from the beginning that I would make two films with Jean-Claude Van Damme back-to-back. The TEC is to detect "time ripples" among the time-lines and to stop them from happening before they reach the present, since people cannot travel forward in time to the future, they always travel back to either change history or steal riches. It started as a three-part story titled "Time Cop: A Man Out of Time," in a 1992 Dark Horse anthology comic, which inspired the 1993 TV series Time Trax and 1994 film Timecop starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. - avantoss/timecop-rspec Jean Claude Van Damme travels back in time to kick some ass in this clip from Timecop (1994). So Universal and Moshe Diamant wanted to team us again as soon as possible, so they put Sudden Death together. That night, the 1994 Walker is attacked just as before, the assailants being in McComb's employ, but is unknowingly aided by his older self who has been lying in wait. The DVD extras include production notes, a theatrical trailer and notes on the cast and crew. Jack Logan is a time traveler from 2007, who hunts down rogue travelers and brings them to justice before they can alter the past. Timecop is a 1994 American science fiction action film directed by Peter Hyams and co-written by Mike Richardson and Mark Verheiden. Jack Logan is a fictional law enforcement agent and time traveler featured in the science fiction television series Timecop, which is based on the 1994 film of the same name. The film was a box office success, and inspired a video game for SNES, a … [4] Richardson developed the story, while the comic was written by Mark Verheiden and drawn by Ron Randall. There was never any question that we would just do Timecop 2. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Time Is Dangerous: The Timecop's method of time travel requires extremely high speed when they pass through the time travel field. Dean Cooke goes back in time to July 4th 1939 to sink the S.S. Back in 1994, Walker finds Fielding in the hospital. Critics were mixed on Timecop, citing its various plot holes and inconsistencies. Timecop, for its part, isn’t interested in teaching a lesson or exercising tear ducts. Wells’ classic novel. . Timecop follows the adventures of Jack Logan, a time traveler with the TEC (Time Enforcement Commission) from 2007, who hunts down rogue travelers and brings them to justice before they can alter the past. ESCAPE FROM THE PLANET OF THE APES (1971, FoxVideo, G, $19.98) delivers a lightweight example of the pseudo-scientific method. While both Walker and Matuzak agree that McComb is a criminal, Atwood's refusal to cooperate stalls their investigation until they can gather solid evidence. The musical score of Timecop was composed by Mark Isham and conducted by Ken Kugler. Acting aside, Van Damme pulls off some novel stunts — his midair split will have you hitting the slow-motion button. J S G 57. In TIME AFTER TIME (1979, Warner, PG, $19.98), writer-director Nicholas Meyer gives a time machine to Wells himself (Malcolm McDowell) and sends him to 20th-century San Francisco. The twist ending reveals that this planet is, in fact, the Earth of the future, which leaves us wondering how apes evolved into talking, reasoning creatures. The Time Enforcement Commission, or TEC, was a law enforcement division specializing in monitoring and policing misuse of time travel technology. Pitting law officer Van Damme (assigned to make sure no one messes with the past) against slimy presidential hopeful Silver (who manipulates the technology to amass campaign funds) merely provides the excuse for much violent action. They witness a meeting between 1994 McComb and his business partner Jack Parker, where McComb wishes to withdraw over a disagreement about a new computer chip. As children practice telling time, they strengthen basic math concepts and the valuable life skill of time management. Refusing to testify, Atwood is sentenced to execution and is returned to 1929 where he completes his fatal fall. Find and follow posts tagged timecop on Tumblr. © Copyright 2021 Meredith Corporation. The show is based on the film "Timecop" (1994). Run time : 1 hour and 39 minutes. [16] It starred T.W. Too bad ABC didn't know when to air this show, and it was immediately lost into the void. Overview: In the annals of cheesy time travel movies, few are known better than Timecop, which cleared over 100 million in world wide box office gross. Time telling is a fundamental skill. While initially dismissive, Spota convinces them of both the viability and danger of the technology, showing them evidence that changes (ripples) have already begun manifesting, evidenced by arms trafficking shipments paid in gold bullion stolen from the Confederate Army. Ten years later, Walker is a veteran of the TEC, which sends him back to October 1929 to prevent his former partner, Lyle Atwood, from using knowledge of the future to financially benefit from the U.S. stock market crash. ”The best evidence we have that time travel is not possible, and never will be,” concludes physicist Stephen Hawking after demonstrating in ”The Future of the Universe” that the laws of science prevent visits to other eras, ”is that we have not been invaded by hordes of tourists from the future.”. Besides, Silver’s witty ruthlessness and Mia Sara’s genuine appeal as Van Damme’s wife carry the rest of the picture. Max witnesses the house explode, killing Melissa inside. Basically, Logan goes back in history through his … The older McComb specifically warns his younger self that they must not touch because the same matter cannot occupy the same space, then kills Parker. The granddaddy of time-travel sagas, by contrast, pretty much eschews scientific explanations altogether. A direct-to-DVD sequel, Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision, was released in 2003, starring Jason Scott Lee and Thomas Ian Griffith, and directed by Steve Boyum. McComb knows he will now also die in the ensuing explosion, but is satisfied his younger self will survive and become president with Walker gone. The pilot explains the rules for Timecop Jack Logan (T.W. The two realize that the original time machine prototype was never dismantled and that McComb has access to it, giving him the means and position necessary to neutralize the TEC. [21] Additionally, a series of tie-in novels by author Dan Parkinson published in 1997–1999 featured the Jack Logan character from the television series. The science explaining how it worked was never provided, though we do know it was based on real science and not fantasy. [9] It finished its run with $45 million in the U.S. Overseas, it grossed about $57 million, for a total gross of $101 million. When confronted, Atwood admits to working for Senator McComb, who is abusing his position and access to time travel technology to raise funds for his upcoming presidential campaign. The Hot Tub in Hot Tub Time Machine. It’s still his biggest hit. With Ted King, Don Stark, Cristi Conaway, Kurt Fuller. You mention "television" to someone in 1850, all of a sudden World War I is broadcast live on CNN." Why don't we just put YOU in charge?!" The site's consensus is: "It's no Terminator, but for those willing to suspend disbelief and rational thought, Timecop provides limited sci-fi action rewards." The film stars Jean-Claude Van Damme as Max Walker, a police officer in 1994 and later a U.S. federal agent in 2004, when time travel has been made possible. First "Timecop," then "Cupid." The laws of time travel as propounded in the Jean-Claude Van Damme vehicle TIMECOP (1994, MCA/Universal, R, priced for rental) are a lot simpler than Hawking’s technical proof. Game over, man! Saved by Jonathan Shao. Seems obvious, right? The film was followed by a TV series of the same name, running for nine episodes in 1997 on ABC. Sep 7, 2013 - Find and follow posts tagged timecop on Tumblr. Walker returns home to find Melissa alive and waiting for him with their young son. This page has no content! Multiple households members can travel to the future, but cannot be left behind when returning back to the present. Mike Richardson wrote a three-part story titled "Time Cop: A Man Out of Time" that was included in the launch of the Dark Horse Comics anthology series in 1992. Release date : January 20, 1998. A game based on the movie was developed by Cryo Interactive and released on the SNES in 1995. Starring martial arts star, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Timecop has decent but low-budget FX, a fairly shallow notion of science and time quandaries, but does provide a face-paced cyberpunk action-thriller with decent amounts of butt-kicking and gun … Walker appeals to Matuzak, who has no knowledge of the changes in history and disbelieves any 'ripples' occurred. Returning home, the timeline is largely restored but readers see the local became a political leader who helped end Apartheid. Either way, time travel’s a great problem-solving — and problem-creating — device. Timecop was first released on LaserDisc on February 28, 1995,[6] and later released on DVD in 1998. Timecop has a pod that accelerates on rails through a tunnel and jumps right before hitting the wall. In 1994, the Justice Department sends George Spota to the Senate Appropriations Committee for approval on a secret project: the establishment of the Time Enforcement Commission (TEC) with the sole purpose of policing time travel. With Jean-Claude Van Damme, Mia Sara, Ron Silver, Bruce McGill. The first principle helped Timecop‘s producers keep the budget down: Most of the action takes place 10 years from now, so the sets don’t need to look very futuristic. [13] Timecop holds a 45% and 5.24/10 average rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 44 reviews, with 20 fresh reviews and 24 rotten. Directed by Jim Charleston. Later that day, DC Metro Police officer Max Walker is offered a position with the TEC but debates whether to accept it. Feb 10, 2013 - Since I'm entirely too lazy to go to the office on Saturday, I'm getting into my time machine on Friday to write this. The film is based on Timecop, a story created by Richardson, written by Verheiden, and drawn by Ron Randall, which appeared in the anthology comic Dark Horse Comics, published by Dark Horse Comics. Read more. [18][19][20], The film, which was originally based on a comic, was adapted into a two-issue comic book series of the same name. Wells Simon wells terminator primer Timecop Runaways Joss Whedon Top Fb 202 1 Walker pushes the two McCombs together and they merge into a writhing, screaming mass before disappearing from existence forever. However, Walker reveals he lured the 1994 McComb to the house, who enters the room. Both Matuzak and Fielding are alive, with the TEC at full strength; according to history, Senator McComb disappeared in 1994, preventing the compromise of the TEC and Fielding's corruption. [10] Roger Ebert called Timecop a low-rent Terminator. Played by actor Ted King, he was introduced in the pilot episode, "A Rip in Time" and was credited in the subsequent eight remaining episodes of the show. It was a really clever story, and I thought it was a chance to make the best movie Van Damme ever made. Report abuse. Helpful. [citation needed], a two-issue comic book series of the same name, "15 Adaptations More Famous Than The Original Comics", "Directors Special: Peter Hyams Goes Film-By-Film", https://www.lddb.com/laserdisc/06204/42242/Timecop, "Weekend Box Office : An Arresting Opening for TimeCop", "MOVIES 'Timecop' on Top: It's "Timecop" time again", "FILM; Jean-Claude Van Damme, the, uh, Actor? Renegade ape doctors Zira and Cornelius (Kim Hunter and Roddy McDowall) go back in time to present-day L.A., and stay long enough to leave behind their offspring, who, equipped with advanced vocal cords, will become the great leader of ape-world legend. Walker could not have imagined that his efforts to bring in criminals … In 1994, the Justice Department sends George Spota to the Senate Appropriations Committee for approval on a secret project: the establishment of the Time Enforcement Commission (TEC) with the sole purpose of policing time travel. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. Wells, has made it to the big screen under that name only twice. With the assailants defeated, the 2004 McComb steps in and takes Melissa hostage, confronting the older Walker with the bomb that will blow up the house. Timecop was released on September 16, 1994, where it opened at the number 1 spot with $12,064,625 from 2,228 theaters, and a $5,415 average per theater. Walker arrives in an altered future where McComb is now wealthy and a presidential front runner, using his position as a Senator to shut down the TEC. Feb 10, 2013 - Since I'm entirely too lazy to go to the office on Saturday, I'm getting into my time machine on Friday to write this. By 2010, the rights to the film had reverted to Largo successor InterMedia, and distribution shifted to Warner Home Video. Returning to 2004, Walker finds the future changed once again. The commission was formed in 1994 and overseen by the corrupt U.S. senator Aaron McComb. Feh. [14], The film made Entertainment Weekly's "Underrated Films" list in November 2010, mostly because of Van Damme's acting.[15]. Loved the whole time … Dan Parkinson shows us how it's done with a truly villainous villain, a staunchly heroic hero and lots of time travelling action. [11] Richard Harrington of The Washington Post said, "For once, Van Damme's accent is easier to understand than the plot. Richardson also served as executive producer. 5.0 out of 5 stars Good movie. It started as a three-part story titled "Time Cop: A Man Out of Time," in a 1992 Dark Horse anthology comic, which inspired the 1993 TV series Time Trax and 1994 film Timecop starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. It is the first installment in the Timecop franchise. Having been prematurely consigned to the TV trash heap, timecop Jack Logan is back in a new adventure, and a lot of fun it is too. Wondering if our current POTUS had access to a time machine.. certainly wish I could have the current and younger selves occupy the same space. Timecop remains Van Damme's highest-grossing film as a lead actor (his second to break the $100 million barrier worldwide), becoming a cult classic with fans. The DVD extras include production notes, a subgenre of new wave music, started! 8 ] in 2010, the best movie Van Damme ’ s his impassive. Be written by Mark Verheiden and drawn by Ron Randall a police force that time! In on itself works almost every time you travel to timecop time machine film had to... 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