You need to declutter your mind and with just a few simple actions you can begin to focus on the important things in your life. Here are 15 ways to help you declutter your mind, become more focused and less stressed. Updated on May 6, 2019 by Katie. Today, I’m sharing with you 15 ways that we EASILY decluttered our life! Physical clutter leads to mental clutter. 1. Check out this post for 20 tips on how to declutter your mind for less stress and more peace. They’re worried about the bills and being a good parent. 15 Can’t-Miss Ways to Declutter Your Mind. Declutter Your Home Checklist & Decluttering List. It can also be emotional and psychological as we busy our brains like we busy our life. 2. They told me their favorite ways to leave their clutter. Someties they even worry about what choices their kids are going to make (or are currently making). Just like your closet, your mind needs regular spring cleaning too in order to stay productive and happy. The next step to declutter your mind is to start practising mindfulness. Below you’ll find ten ways to declutter your mind so you can stop feeling so overwhelmed, get more done, and gain more clarity. Try these ten powerful tips to clean up your mind clutter and feel the difference! I wrote an article called 50 (more) ways to leave your clutter in 2011 and thought it was time for an update. That visual sensory information can disrupt your attention. Getting them on paper takes them out of your head because it allows you to let go of the responsibility you have to remember them, thus decluttering your mind … Fortunately, there are strategies and techniques you can use to clean out some space in your head. Here they are (in quotes) along with a few other recommendations. Find realistic advice for all those who feel overwhelmed in one way or another and needs to declutter their lives once and for all. Clutter isn’t just the physical stuff in our homes. PRACTICE MINDFULNESS. How to Live Clutter-Free Mindfulness is defined as “a technique in which one focuses one’s full attention only on the present, experiencing thoughts, feelings, and sensations but not judging them” and one of the most popular ways to practice mindfulness is meditation. 1. Control your mind and your focus for a better life. Declutter Your Physical Environment. You’ve heard this saying before, but have you thought about it in terms of your life? HOW TO DECLUTTER YOUR MIND: LESS STRESS AND MORE PEACE. Declutter your mind of worry. WELCOME TO THE BLOG THAT MIGHT FINALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR YOUR MIND, BODY, AND SOUL. It can be distracting and even disturbing to positive, mindful thinking. Getting them on paper takes them out of your head because it allows you to let go of the responsibility you have to remember them, thus decluttering your mind … Less is more when it comes to so many things; stuff in your house, apps on your phone, thoughts in your brain. One of the best ways to help you declutter your mind is to take all those thoughts and tasks floating around in your brain and write them down. It's important to detox and declutter your mind and soul to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle. Decluttering your surroundings helps declutter your thoughts. One of the best ways to help you declutter your mind is to take all those thoughts and tasks floating around in your brain and write them down. Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means we earn money if you purchase through our link. Declutter your physical environment. How To Declutter Your Mind: 1. So the next time you are feeling like you can’t focus and you need to declutter your mind, take 10 minutes to clean up your surroundings. Getting them on paper takes them out of your head because it allows you to let go of the responsibility you have to remember them, thus decluttering your mind … I turned to the lovely people on the Be More with Less Facebook page and asked for help. One of the best ways to help you declutter your mind is to take all those thoughts and tasks floating around in your brain and write them down. Less is More. For a step-by-step guide to declutter your house, you can grab the room-by-room decluttering checklist here or grab your copy of The Clutter Buster, which walks you through every step of decluttering, helping you track your progress and giving you pointers along the way. I know a lot of people, usually mothers, who are constantly worried about something. Stress and negative feelings cloud our minds.