But a day out at the department store turns into the usual disaster. These four tales of a very naughty boy, his maddeningly good little brother Perfect Peter, and Moody Margaret, all show him wreaking havoc. He throws food, he snatches things, he pushes, shoves and pinches. Throughout the series, Henry is shown as being a "horrid" child, indicated by the people around him, such as his parents and teacher. Horrid Henry is the main character of the series. Books. The series has sold more than 21 million copies worldwide. Throughout the series, Henry . The following is a list of characters that appear in the British series of children's books, Horrid . Perfect Peter is Horrid Henry's younger brother, with a substantial age range in the books and adaptations. If Henry is seen to be from 9 to 11, Peter would be correspondingly 8 to 10 years old. - New Awesome Cartoon ARPO The Robot For All Kids Horrid Henry is a British animated television series. Horrid Henry - Henry VS The Bogey Babysitter | Adventures with Horrid Henry | Cartoons for Children - Duration: 30:07. He was created by Francesca Simon and in the TV series, he is voiced by. HORRID HENRY Written by Francesca Simon. 2. It was quickly followed by a succession of books in the series and my son's confidence in reading grew by leaps and bounds with this engaging series that gets young children reading and keeps them reading. In the Books, he appears in Horrid Henry Goes to Work, Horrid Henry's Arch Enemy and Horrid Henry's Horrid … He is a little boy who gets into trouble … and is very naughty! Horrid Henry tricks the tooth fairy 4. He has a younger brother called Perfect Peter.He is an extremely perfect boy who does uncountable good deeds. 20 things you never knew about Horrid Henry ... Wibble Wobble Nappy Noodle Poopsicle. If Henry is seen to be from 9 to 11, Peter would be correspondingly 8 to 10 years old. However, Peter can be just as horrid as Henry, and even blames Henry for things that he doesn't even do. He is shown to be around 10-11 years old. His father thought he was perfect until Henry tricked him into photocopying his bottom at the office, but he still is a mischievous boy, as is evident from when he made tea, but added salt instead of sugar. Horrid Henry 2 Horrid Henry and the secret club 3. To anyone who suffered at the hands of an older brother, be grateful you don't have a sibling like horrid henry. Why was it once illegal to eat ice cream on cherry pie in Kansas. Horrid Henry is a horrid boy who loves doing unimaginable horrible things. If Henry is seen to be from 9 to 11, Peter would be correspondingly 8 to 10 years old. He was created by Francesca Simon and in the TV Series, he is voiced by Lizzie Waterworth-Santo. WoRm Peter's birthday. Of course he's only a kid, but with a perfect little brother called Peter, a Mum and Dad who'd love him dearly if only he'd stop behaving, well, like a kid, and a moody girl next door who's on a mission to make Henry's life miserable, who can blame him?