Most women will be lucky to gain around 1/2-1 pound of muscle per month. 12 Week Workout Plan - Weeks 1-3 Buff Dudes. "It's impossible for women to build muscle to the same degree that men do because our bodies produce one tenth the testosterone of an average man," Ashley explains. Every detail of your diet and training for the next 12 weeks will be laid out for you. The following plan is not easy. The first workout routine mentioned below is a weekly split workout routine that targets every body part once a week. Actually started that this last night and in so shocked how sore I am. ... Buff Dudes / Fitness / 12 Week Workout Program - Weeks 1 through 3 Edited by: Hudson He provides an upper body and a lower body workout routine designed especially for women. I am 39 yrs old, 5 ft 4" , I weigh 120 lbs and have always worked out 3-5 times a week. The first workout routine mentioned below is a weekly split workout routine that targets every body part once a week. The course will teach you how your body builds muscle, how to utilize workout plans on our website to maximize muscle growth, how to eat to build muscle, how to supplement to build muscle and how to track your progress. You will not get huge off of this program because the meal plan is not too high in complex carbohydrates and there is only enough protein to be consumed for a slight gain in muscle, but mostly a maintenance amount to help you keep what you already have. Make a plan to work each section of your abdominals. A Beginner's 3-Month Plan for Getting Fit ... Let's take a look at the two workouts you will be doing in Month 3. It couldn’t be any easier with two 15-minute workout videos from trainer Jay Cardiello. Sign up below today to learn and ensure you get the most out of Muscle & Strength’s 12 Week Women’s Workout Program. I did my best to stick to the plan and cook as many meals at home as possible. Dropping weight and picking up muscle is better. This workout plan is designed to help you shred fat and get in shape in only 12 weeks. Are you new to working out? For instance, if you’re working on carving your legs, you can add some squats or even some calf raises at the start of your workout. The course will teach you how your body builds muscle, how to utilize workout plans on our website to maximize muscle growth, how to eat to build muscle, how to supplement to build muscle and how to track your progress. Loading... Unsubscribe from Buff Dudes? l am just getting started but so far this workout seems to be exactly what I need. Workout Rest: Rest no more then 2 minutes between sets. Once you have understood the above-mentioned facts about gaining lean muscle, it’s time to let you through 3 workout routine designed to get you to your goals. Workout Duration: 3 Months to 1 Year; Workout Expectations: Late beginners that push themselves can expect to gain about 1 pounds of muscle per month during the first 3 months on this workout. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or looking to start your fitness journey we’ve got a plan for you. While performing this workout plan you should perform 10-12 repetitions for each exercise with proper form. Welcome to February—the month where weight loss and fitness resolutions go to die. This easy-to-follow bikini body workout plan will have you in top shape in just three months. Pollyana FMS / Getty. More information. I thought I was in better shape! We Did An Eight-Week Bikini Body Workout And Here Are The Results. Workout 1. This might sound like hype, but it's not. Protocols: Minimize or eliminate most "shocking" techniques, like forced or assisted reps, excessive drop sets, negatives and partials. It couldn’t be any easier with two 15-minute workout videos from trainer Jay Cardiello. This easy-to-follow bikini body workout plan will have you in top shape in just three months. The Three-Month Fat-Loss Plan. It starts slowly, but builds rapidly. Once you have understood the above-mentioned facts about gaining lean muscle, it’s time to let you through 3 workout routine designed to get you to your goals. I am 1 week into the program , I did all the exercises to max rep and sets suggested, followed by the suggested cardio and the weekend light workout.