ADVERTISEMENTS: The term ‘Revolution’ means a recognisable momentous change in any situation. It broke the Second Estate. 4. The French Revolution is one of the most influential events in world history. How well do you remember it? The revolution would go on to affect the history of France and the whole of Europe in an unprecedented way that no other event was ever able to. On 10 March 1793 the National Convention set up the Revolutionary Tribunal.Among those charged by the tribunal, about half were acquitted (though the number dropped to about a quarter after the enactment of the Law of 22 Prairial on 10 June 1794). These quizzes have been written by Alpha History authors. The French Revolution & Napoleon chapter of this Holt World History - Human Legacy Companion Course helps students learn the essential lessons associated with the French Revolution and Napoleon. Take this quiz and Test your knowledge! the imposition of the institutions of the French Revolution as an ‘exogenous treatment’ and investigate the economic implications of the radical French reforms. This revolution influenced the people in other European countries and political revolutions raged through Europe as people fought against the authority of kings. This is a transcript from the video series Living the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon. The French Revolution had several significant effects on the world. French revolution definition, the revolution that began in 1789, overthrew the absolute monarchy of the Bourbons and the system of aristocratic privileges, and ended with Napoleon's overthrow of the Directory and seizure of power in 1799. This course examines its origins, course and outcomes. A collection of French Revolution quizzes for testing or revising your knowledge of events in France between 1781 and 1795. In which John Green examines the French Revolution, and gets into how and why it differed from the American Revolution. The revolution would go on to affect the history of France and the whole of Europe in an unprecedented way that no other event was ever able to. The French Revolution is one of the most influential events in world history. The revolution led to a new calendar and other small changes. We distinguish three de nitions of ‘French treatment:’ (1) length of French occupation (in years), (2) a dummy for French control during the Revolutionary period prior to the 2. 1. Perfect prep for The French Revolution (1789–1799) quizzes and tests you might have in school. The revolution not only changed the political, social and economic life of the people but also affected the entire course of world history. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This course is designed for … In 1848, France had yet another revolution that spread across Europe. Related posts: Short Note on the Condition of France before the French Revolution Write a short note on The French Revolution What were the Causes of Discontent that Resulted in the French Revolution? A Javascript-enabled browser is required. What Role Did Women Play in the French Revolution? The major three causes which resulted to French revolution were: 1- social cause - The French society was divided into three estates.