Each of the hormones is specific and regulates a specific function in the human organism. Surprising Facts about Endocrine System The hormones in your body and the glands that produce them are taken together to form the endocrine system. There are eight major glands that perform bodily functions such as regulating the body's metabolism, temperature, reproduction, growth and sleep. Nearly one in 10 older adults in the U.S. has the disorder, according to the … It is located in the upper part of your tummy (abdomen) behind your stomach, and is protected by your ribs in the back. Written by Erica Cirino on May 3, 2017. A comprehensive database of more than 101 endocrine system quizzes online, test your knowledge with endocrine system quiz questions. Hormones are responsible for many of the activities that our bodies perform every day. The endocrine system is a fascinating system, and there are many cool facts about it that one might not have been aware of. “In the 50 years I’ve spent helping people to overcome illness, ... Hormones are chemical substances that are creatеd in the endocrine system. Facts About the Endocrine System • In 1923, two scientists, Frederick Banting and John Macleod, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering insulin, a … It's an informational signal system, similar to the nervous system 2. endocrine tissue releases hormones into the bloodstream where they travel to target tissue and generate a response 3. This article will explore endocrine system facts and look at the endocrine system function as well as the organs of the endocrine system. 1. In this condition, the capillaries are enlarged and irregular in shape, and have very thin walls that make them susceptible to hemorrhage. And yet most of us spend so little time thinking about it. Fun Facts About The Nervous System: The human body is made up of a system that enables us to access our five senses, and interpret information according to what we see, smell, taste, hear or touch.. The hypothalamus is the one that makes you feel hunger and thirst. Osteoporosis is a common disease in aging people, and makes bones less dense and more prone to fractures. Human endocrine system - Human endocrine system - The endocrine system and the human system: For an organism to function normally and effectively, it is necessary that the biochemical processes of its tissues operate smoothly and conjointly in a stable setting. Could Brain Cavernoma Cause An Endocrine System Disease. 11 Fun Facts About the Nervous System. Our online endocrine system trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top endocrine system quizzes. The head is located more toward your liver on the right, while the tail runs to your left, under your stomach, a nearly to your spleen. The nervous system is very complex. Imagine not being able to interpret information … Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution have served to make us one of the true marvels of nature. The word endocrine comes from the Greek words “endo,” meaning within, and “crinis,” meaning to secrete. A brain cavernoma is an abnormality of small blood vessels, namely capillaries. “The human body is the best work of art.” ― Jess C. Scott. The hormones are then carried to the parts of the body whose activities they influence. Your endocrine system is made up of glands that release essential hormones. Subscribe. With the increased production of a particular hormone, a change One of the most important endocrine system facts is that it deals with hormonal functions of the body without which our body will fail to function. We must be thankful to the pineal gland for our sweet sleep. 50 Facts About Fast Food That Will Make You Give Up Fast Food. The pancreas is also a part of this system; it has a role in hormone production as well as in digestion. The human behavior is also controlled by the endocrine system when it affects the nervous system. Endocrine System Facts: 8-15 | Endocrine System... 267 Endocrine System Facts - Learn Now & Excel in Exams! The pancreas is probably an organ you've never really thought about. Cool Facts About Endocrine System. 3. 4. #2. The pancreas can be described as having a head, body and a tail. Few things are as complex and interesting to us as our own bodies. Hormones are responsible for many of the activities that our bodies perform every day. An interesting excretory system fact is that the length of intestinal tract in your body has been measured as long as … ... Read these 11 fun facts and learn why it's so important. It also helps in body temperature. This article will explore endocrine system facts and look at the endocrine system function as well as the organs of the endocrine system. You can read more about preventing endocrine system diseases here.. Our endocrine system is a complex system that is essentially responsible for maintaining homeostasis in the body. The endocrine system is sometimes at fault for osteoporosis. You can read more about preventing endocrine system diseases here.. Our endocrine system is a complex system that is essentially … Many body processes are influenced by hormones, chemical messengers produced by glands of the endocrine system.