Scorpio needs a partner that is not just going to let itself be devoured because this is the only way Scorpio can become enlightened. Scorpio is very passionate and seductive people. . Genderizing is stupid but from what I have seen, Libra women are very attracted to Scorpio men and Sagittarius men are into Scorpio women. But it can also lead to misunderstanding. Because relationships are of such major significance to those born under this sign, many Librans find themselves a boyfriend or girlfriend at an early age. I m a Libra female, and I ve noticed that the signs I attract most are usually Leo, Scorpio, or Capricorn. Long-term Outlook. But for now we shall focus on the Scorpio. 5 Things That Make Libras Utterly & Irresistibly Attractive | YourTango The contrast is seen where Libra are intelligent, charming, easygoing and diplomatic whereas Scorpio are loyal, passionate, resourceful, observant and dynamic. Libra falls in love first with the idea of being together. Scorpio, as a dominating lover, will be attracted to Libra's strong libido. Libra is the natural sign of marriage, so Libras love … Libra can’t make the internal emotional journey during sex, although Libra will always be accommodating physically. Their mystery can last a lifetime. Being attracted to and being comaptible with are two different things: Attracted most to Libras': Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. Libras are adept at almost everything they do, especially anything that requires emotional intelligence. You can’t understand why your Libra needs to be out or on the phone all the time. SEX WITH A LIBRA - THE BARE FACTS! A Scorpion is more dynamic than the Libran and are alphas in everything they do. Libra has all the parts that attract Aquarius to Virgo and Scorpio, but without many of the downsides. Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd) The people who are attracted to Libras crave an equal partner in life. You have to begin at a rather cool temperature and warm up slowly. No other partner will ignite this need in Scorpio as a Libra … Why are Scorpios . In a twosome, they point in different directions. Libra's nature is to transcend the primal through beauty, charm, and an instinct for mirroring what they think the other wants. what you like or dislike in a person. It’s rare for a Scorpio to open up completely and bare their soul. The question is can the prim and proper Libra find a level of mutual tolerance with the Scorpio who lives to challenge and (often destroy) all that that is seemingly proper. Libra is attracted to Scorpio’s intensity and lust for life. They love to be in control and hold power—and one way they do that is by holding back. Scorpio wants soul in love relationship while Libra is most interested in companionship and outward expressions of togetherness. On another note, I just want to point out how much I love the Libra/Scorpio … Scorpio is the most lucid and reality-based water sign. An exception to this rule occurs when Libra turns to the dark side and gives in to the need of Scorpio to take them to the Underworld.